
ɡé lí zuò yònɡ
  • Isolation effect;buffer function
  1. 定向耦合器的隔离作用使发射功率和失配系数都能同时得到准确检测控制。

    The buffer function of the directional coupler offer the accurate control for the transmitting power and mismatch ratio .

  2. 自然群体中,Ga基因具有生殖隔离作用。

    The Ga allele serves as an isolating mechanism in a wild population .

  3. 在退火过程中非磁性的Ag原子扩散到磁性层中,对磁性颗粒起到了很好的隔离作用。

    Post annealing may diffuse Ag to the magnetic grain boundaries to segregate the grains .

  4. 用可视准则处理裂纹面对影响域内Gauss点的隔离作用。

    The isolation effect of cracks on domain of influence for Gauss points is dealt by the application of visibility criterion .

  5. 目的:探讨海藻酸钠多聚赖氨酸海藻酸钠(APA)微囊在宿主体内的免疫隔离作用。

    Objective : To study the immunoisolation effects of alginate - polylysine - alginate ( APA ) - microcapsules in vito .

  6. 探索出一套特殊的有关加热电阻的硼热扩散技术,有效防止了器件在工作过程中由于悬臂梁垂直方向上PN结在高温下失去电隔离作用而发生漏电现象。

    One set of boron diffusion technologies to form the heater have been developed , which is effective in preventing the invalidation of the perpendicular PN junction of the cantilever during tip heating , thereby avoiding electric current leakage .

  7. 同样Cr含量的锈层对S04~(2-)的隔离作用优于Cl~-,说明在海洋大气中耐候钢表面较难形成保护性锈层。

    The native rust layer with the same content Cr have stronger inhibition ability for SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) than Cl ~ - , which explained why it is difficult for the weathering steel to produce protective rust layer in marine atmosphere .

  8. 该结构仅采用一个Tesla型脉冲功率驱动源对多段传输线并联充电,放电时由于空心电感的隔离作用,实现多个电磁脉冲的顺序输出。

    Only one pulse power driving source based on tesla transformer is adopted in the setup , the multi-transmission lines are charged in parallel and discharged in series owing to electric isolation of air core inductance , which thus results in multi-pulses output .

  9. 深基坑工程树根桩隔离作用实例分析

    Case analysis of isolating function of root pile in deep foundation pit

  10. 自制微孔膜扩散匣能有效起到免疫隔离作用。

    The diffusion chambers can effectively isolate immune rejection .

  11. 方钢隔振结构对结构噪声隔离作用的理论分析与试验

    Analysis and Experimental Research on the Role of Quadrate Steel Beam in Isolating Vibration Wave

  12. 海藻酸钡微囊与琼脂糖/聚苯乙烯磺酸微囊免疫隔离作用和生物相容性的对比研究

    Comparison of the Immune Isolation Function and Biocompatibility of the Alginate-BaCl_2 Microencapsule and Agarose-PSSa Microencapsule

  13. 通过紫外分光光度法来考察不同条件所制备的微胶囊的通透性以及免疫隔离作用。

    Ultraviolet spectrophotometry was adopted to test the permeability and immunoisolation effect of ACA microcapsules fabricated in different conditions .

  14. 三工位开关是一种同时具有接地和隔离作用的装置,在计算机控制的输配电系统中有着较为广泛的应用。

    Three position switch is a compact device with earthing and isolating functions , which is widely used in power distribution systems .

  15. 目的观察自制细胞扩散匣的免疫隔离作用及匣内异基因瘤细胞的在体生长情况。

    Objective To determine the effect of diffusion chamber for immune isolation and the proliferation of allogenic hybridoma within diffusion chamber in mice .

  16. 它由起支撑和绝缘隔离作用的硅橡胶螺旋支架和嵌入支架内的铂金触点组成。

    The new helix electrode consists of silicone helix frame and platinum contacts embedded within the frame . The silicone frame acts as support and insulation .

  17. 咖啡上的牛奶泡沫层有隔离作用,持续保留温度,能让咖啡的热度更持久一些。

    The foam on top of the cappuccino acts as an insulator and helps retain the heat of the liquid , allowing it to stay hotter longer .

  18. 而且,避孕套在使用过程中,还会出现滑脱、破裂等情况,使其隔离作用完全丧失。

    And , condom is in use process , return the case such as meeting occurrence surge , burst , make its keep apart action to be lost completely .

  19. 外壳单元的静电防护设计以屏蔽和隔离作用为主,而电子单元的静电防护设计以吸收、消除、屏蔽作用为主。

    The shell unit electrostatic protection design measures to shield and isolation the main role , and the electronic unit of electrostatic protection design to absorb , eliminate , shielding effect mainly .

  20. PVA/HAP复合使用时,可在分散油相表面形成双层保护膜,对分散油相起胶体保护和机械隔离作用。

    After adopting PVA / HAP composite suspending agents , the two-layer protective films formed at the surface of the dispersed oil phase can provide colloidal protection and mechanical isolation to the oil phase .

  21. 挠性胶管在可以起隔离作用的条件下能够取得比铜管和铝管更低的透射系数和更大的位移补偿。

    The use of the flexible rubber pipe can get better isolation effects at the same conditions than the other two , and the flexible rubber pipe can offer necessary displacement compensation but the rigid pipe can not .

  22. 用可视准则来处理裂纹面对高斯点影响域的隔离作用,推导了裂纹两表面的相互作用对整体平衡方程组的贡献方程。

    The isolation effect of cracks on domain of influence for a Gauss point is dealt by visibility criterion . Contributive equation of reciprocity between the two faces of the cracks to the system of equilibrium equations is derived .

  23. 同时,为了降低系统噪声,论文对光耦器件进行了研究,设计出具有良好数模隔离作用的线性光耦电路。

    At the same time , for reducing the noise of system , this paper studies optical coupling devices . It designs the linear optical coupling isolation circuit with good role of insulating the analogic circuit and the digital circuit .

  24. 与贺兰山的属相似性系数低于60%,因为贺兰山位于干旱的荒漠与半荒漠区,可能有地理隔离作用。

    While the coefficient with Helan Mountains is under 60 % , because the Helan Mountains are located in arid desert and semi-desert region and it is supposed that there is intense vicariance in nature in the development of the Yellow River in Ningxia and Gansu .

  25. 1995年Zhao等发现并鉴定出与此scs位点相互结合并发挥隔离子作用的结合蛋白BEAF。

    Zhao found and purified the scs binding protein BEAF , which bind and interact with scs in 1995 .

  26. 这种特殊的竞合效果,是具有竞争关系的企业之间通过隔离机制作用实现的,因此本文将其命名为基于隔离机制的竞合效益。

    This special coopetition effect is reaped through the isolation mechanism between rivalry enterprises .

  27. 当二极管正向偏置的时候,滤波器的结构被破坏,起到隔离的作用。

    When under forward bias , the structure of the filter is destroyed , signal is isolated .

  28. 同时,电流互感器还可以起到在监控回路中,将测量仪器与大电压隔离的作用。

    A current transformer also isolates the measuring instruments from what may be very high voltage in the monitored circuit .

  29. 认为惩罚犯罪者是为社会普遍认可的方式,而且惩罚还具有吓阻、隔离的作用。

    They thought punishing the criminals is the social universal approval way , and punishment also has deterrence , isolation function .

  30. 把解析解和有限元计算结果与施工监测数据进行了比较,总结了影响隔离结构作用效果的关键因素。

    The comparison between the modeling results and in-situ monitoring data is conducted , and the key factors affecting the performance of the pilot-drift and separation-pile structure are summarized .