
gé shān
  • Geshan;foster;brothers of different mothers with the same father
隔山 [gé shān]
  • [brothers of different mothers with the same father] 指同父异母所生子女之间的关系

  • 隔山兄弟

隔山[gé shān]
  1. [目的]探讨复方隔山消颗粒对大鼠实验性慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)的治疗作用。

    [ Objective ] To discuss the therapeutic effect of compound auriculate swallowwort root granules ( CASG ) on chronic atrophic gastritis of rats .

  2. 《战斧骨》基本上是电影《落日狂沙》和《隔山有眼》的结合体,讲述的是一群好心的村民在库尔特•拉塞尔(KurtRussell)的带领下,出发寻找食人族下落,解救被食人族囚禁的村民。

    Bone Tomahawk is basically The Searchers meets The Hills Have Eyes , about a gang of well-intentioned townsfolk ( led by Kurt Russell ! ) who head out to rescue a citizen who has been captured by a tribe of cannibalistic natives .

  3. 种地对我来说,隔行如隔山。

    By taking up farming , I had changed my profession .

  4. 你与你的朋友远隔山万重。

    Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend !

  5. 你们没看过《隔山有眼》吗

    You ever see the movie " The Hills Have Eyes " ?

  6. 前言:目的:观察隔山消水提物处理牙釉质龋后的表面形态。

    Objective : To observe the morphology of enamel caries treated with Geranium Strictipes .

  7. 隔山隔水不隔心,党的关怀暖咱村;

    Geshan Riser not at heart , and the party 's concern warming Zacun ;

  8. 隔山有眼

    The Hills Have Eyes

  9. 但隔山消据报道有毒,需经过简单炮制后才可使用。

    However , it is reported it is poisonous , and needs to be processed and decreased toxicity before being used .

  10. 编剧韦斯·克雷文认为正是这个恐怖传说,才有了于2006年翻拍的《隔山有眼2》。

    Wes Craven confirmed that this legend was the main inspiration for the script of the remake of The Hills that was released in 2006 .

  11. 隔山消是土家医常用的一种药材,在我国民族地区已经广泛地应用于治疗多种疾病。

    Is one of the medicinal plants often used in traditional Tujia medical , which has been widely used to cure various diseases in nationalities areas .

  12. 方法利用扫描电镜观察隔山消水提物、氟化钠、去离子水处理人工釉质龋后脱矿釉质表面沉积物的再矿化效果。

    Methods By scanning electron microscope technique , the influences of Geranium Strictipes , sodium fluoride and deioned water on the artificial enamel mineralization were observed respectively .

  13. 千万别小看了这个职业,正所谓隔行如隔山,小到诸如赶羊如圈这样的事情你都不一定会做,不信,那就来试试?

    Do not read the small occupation , is the so-called insiders , such as the small circle drive sheep as you do things you would not do it . not , then to try ?

  14. 在日常语言中,语种之间相互不可通约,而在同一语种下也会出现不同的专业语言共同体,颇有隔行如隔山的意味。

    At daily language , different languages are incommensurate , and in the same language also can be came forth different professional language community . This feel likes that " difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart " .