
  • 网络isolated;isolation
  1. 当您在存储数据时,让数据库在物理上保持隔离状态,仍然是最明智的选择,例如支付信息。

    It is still best to keep databases physically isolated when storing sensitive data , such as payroll information .

  2. 接下来,大企业纷纷撤离——安联(Allianz)和西门子(Siemens)搬到了慕尼黑,德意志银行(DeutscheBank)搬到了法兰克福——剩下的中产阶级也为了逃离废墟和隔离状态而四散各方。

    In the aftermath , its great companies fled - Allianz and Siemens to Munich , Deutsche Bank to Frankfurt - while what remained of its middle class went anywhere to escape the rubble and isolation .

  3. 并且联邦X资助家庭计划节目必须在他们的节目和从事节育医务人员之间维持隔离状态。

    And federal Title X-funded family planning programs must maintain a " wall of separation " between their programs and abortion providers .

  4. DSP与FPGA之间加上总线开关,使系统在总线隔离状态下成为双核系统。

    A bus switch separates DSP from FPGA . When the bus switch is off , the system becomes a system with Dual-Core processors .

  5. 域隔离状态。如果代码中存在的隐性依赖关系就会会导致很难被跟踪查找的并发bug。

    Domains isolate state , which helps you avoid implicit dependencies in your code that can result in difficult-to-find concurrency bugs .

  6. 这种文化适应模式导致了韩国留学生在中国社会上几乎处于一种隔离状态。

    This model has led to a state of isolation for some Koreans students living in China .

  7. 而且,以下类及其关联处理程序在隔离状态中操作方面完成得很好。

    Furthermore , the following class and its associated handlers do a good job of isolating in-state behavior .

  8. 域隔离状态能帮您避免这种隐性依赖,这样您可以集中精力在算法和代码上,而不必过分关注并行问题。

    Domains make you more productive by allowing you to worry less about concurrency and focus more on your algorithms and code .

  9. 田间生殖隔离状态下,将野生大豆和栽培大豆种植在抗草甘膦转基因大豆周围,按固定距离收获。

    In reproductive isolation the experiment planted wild soybean and cultivate soybean around Roundup Ready Soybean and harvested soybean according to fixture distance .

  10. 广东省卫生和计划生育委员会表示,他仍处于隔离状态,并在惠州市医院接受治疗。

    He is still quarantined and receiving treatment at a hospital in Huizhou City , the provincial health and family planning commission said .

  11. 如果没有合适的管理模型,企业将继续在隔离状态下构建部门集成解决方案,并且无法看出集成的长期好处。

    Without this rigor , enterprises will continue to build departmental integration solutions in isolation and fail to achieve discernible long-term benefits from integration .

  12. 这个登记表要求举例说明所有的输入及输出联结的隔离状态,并且突出配电盘本身的上电上压状态。

    This register will illustrate the isolation statuses of all the incoming and outgoing connections , and highlight the energizing state of the board itself .

  13. 深闺制度尤指使妇女处于隔离状态的印度或穆斯林的性隔离系统

    The Hindu or Moslem system of sex segregation , practiced especially by keeping women in seclusion . go into [ come out of ] quarantine

  14. 战争结束之后第一个炎热的夏天,突然塔拉的隔离状态被打破了。一那个炎热的夏天宫廷诸公之粗心大意也许正跟它们不相上下。

    In that warm summer after peace came , Tara suddenly lost its isolation . & perhaps they thought as much at Court that sunny summer day .

  15. 卫生官员表示这名患者为男性,但并未透露患者的名字,据悉他近期从利比里亚回到了达拉斯,一直处于隔离状态。

    Health official said the patient is a man whose name isn 't being released , recently traveled from Liberia to Dallas and he 's been captured in isolation .

  16. 详细分析了双六端口网络分析仪使用非理想隔离器产生的误差,给出了系统工作于准理想隔离状态所需的隔离度。

    The measuring errors introduced by non-ideal isolators are discussed , and the degree of isolation needed for the system working in " the quasi-ideal condition " is given .

  17. 当天的记者招待会在拜科努尔的宇航员宾馆举行,三位宇航员在一个玻璃屏幕后回答了记者的提问。为了防止在太空飞行前被感染,目前他们正处于隔离状态。

    The three astronauts spoke to the press from behind a glass screen at the Hotel Cosmonaut in Baikonur as they are being held in quarantine for fear of being contaminated ahead of their space flight .

  18. 例如,1857年之后,在印度的英国人、尤其是驻印度的英国商界人士,实际上生活在种族隔离状态下,居住在军事保护地区,与印度人居住的“黑人聚居区”分开。

    After 1857 , the British in India , for example , especially the expatriate business community , lived an essentially apartheid existence , in militarily protected enclaves separated from the " blacktowns " where the Indians lived .

  19. 人们之间隔离的状态。

    A state of separation between persons or groups .

  20. 人们之间隔离的状态。隔壁房间的笑声很吵人。

    A state of separation between persons or groups . The laughter from the next room is very distracting .

  21. 在实践中,组织常分阶段构建、购买或是获取数据库,且数据保持被隔离的状态。

    In practice , organizations often build , buy , or acquire databases in pieces , and data remains in isolated islands .

  22. 加拿大多元文化政策已经实施多年,但是哈特人至今还和主流社会保持着隔离的状态。

    Canadian multicultural policy has been in effect for a long time , yet the Hutterite have still maintained voluntary separation from the mainstream society .

  23. 然而在你们被隔离的状态中,只有对自己内在实现和生命经历的单一的理解,而没有对你们整个物种的集体理解。

    However in your separated off state , there is only a singular understanding of one 's own inner reality and life experience without the collective understanding of one 's entire species ;

  24. 最初我们的时间表非常简单,并且我们从存在的结构中隔离了两个状态,Approved和NotApproved。

    Initially our timesheet was fairly simple and we isolated two states out of our existing structure , Approved and NotApproved .

  25. 电动隔离开关机械故障状态监测的设想电火花加工模糊驱动系统的研究

    Mechanical Fault Monitoring of Electrical Driving Disconnector Research on Fuzzy Driving System for Electrical Discharge Machining

  26. 通过在背风母线处沿纵向对称面嵌入隔离板,观测了大攻角旋成体在这种背风涡被隔离状态下的表面压力分布情况。

    By inserting the isolating plates into a body of revolution along its leeside generator in the longitudinal symmetric plane , this paper observes and measures , under the condition that the leeside vortices are isolated , pressure distributions over the body at large angles of attack .