
zhí wèi kònɡ quē
  • job vacancy
  1. 据AngelaMortimer招聘咨询公司介绍,填补一个职位空缺的平均成本为1万英镑。

    The average cost of filling a job vacancy is £ 10,000 , according to recruitment consultancy Angela Mortimer .

  2. 娶了情妇,你就制造了一个职位空缺。

    When you marry your mistress you create a job vacancy .

  3. 我们现在没有职位空缺,一旦有的话我们会给你打电话。

    We don 't have any openings now , but we 'll call you if something comes up .

  4. 我给上校打电话请他推荐我去填补苏黎世的那个职位空缺。

    I rang the Colonel and asked him to put my name forward for the vacancy in Zurich .

  5. 这将完全取决于你毕业时的职位空缺和竞争对手。

    It will all depend on position openings and your competitors when you graduate .

  6. 许多公司都需要招聘临时员工,填补休假员工的职位空缺;有些员工为在夏季多休几天,特意安排了休假时间。

    Many organizations bring in contract employees to fill in for people on vacation , or for people who have timed longer leaves of absence like sabbaticals to coincide with summer .

  7. 是的,高速发展的Facebook在每个部门都有职位空缺。

    Yes , fast-growing Facebook has some openings in every section .

  8. “任何一个周一,都会有1700份与石油业相关的职位空缺发布,”N说到。

    " On any given Monday , we 've got1,700 job openings directly related to the oil industry ," Ness said .

  9. 2000年IMF总裁职位空缺时,多个发展中国家都提名他出任该职。

    A group of developing countries proposed him for the job when it became open in 2000 .

  10. 九月底,美国的电脑跨国公司IBM在韩国的分公司推出了一个招聘广告,公布了新一轮的职位空缺。

    IN LATE September , the South Korean arm of IBM , an American computing multinational , put out an advertisement soliciting applicants for a round of job vacancies .

  11. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)估计,随着婴儿潮一代的退休,在2005年至2015年之间,美国公司将需要填补3400万个净职位空缺。

    McKinsey estimates that US companies will need to fill 34m net jobs between 2005 and 2015 as baby boomers retire .

  12. 例如,欧盟(eu)很多国家的贝弗里奇曲线高于美国,换句话说,在任何既定的职位空缺数量上,美国的失业率较低。

    The Beveridge curve in much of the EU is higher than that in the US , for instance - for any given level of vacancies , there will be less unemployment in the US .

  13. morganmckinley的数据显示,今年10月,伦敦金融城的职位空缺较去年同期减少48%。

    According to Morgan McKinley , city vacancies in October were 48 per cent lower than in the same month last year .

  14. 从内部晋升,这是3M公司的基本原则,即在公司出现职位空缺时,首先考虑本公司员工,提供给他们提升的机会。

    It is the policy of3M , whenever possible , to fill vacancies within the organization , thus providing opportunities of continued advancement for employees .

  15. 就拿MBS来说,当我们有教授职位空缺时,我校会在全世界寻找最好的候补人选,而不考虑应征者的国籍。

    When MBS , for example , has a vacancy for a professor , we search all over the world for the best candidates , regardless of nationality .

  16. 通过Zynga的求职申请跟踪系统,麦克里可以看到这些求职者将同样的求职信也投递到了其它数个职位空缺。

    With a check of Zynga 's applicant-tracking system , she can see that those people submitted the same letter for several other openings , too .

  17. 金融招聘专业机构morganmckinley的数据显示,伦敦金融城的职位空缺比一年前减少了近50%。

    The number of job vacancies in the city of London is almost 50 per cent lower than a year ago , according to Morgan McKinley , the financial recruitment specialists .

  18. 上周公布的一份对巴克莱(barclays)、吉百利(cadbury)及谷歌(google)等约250家领先雇主进行的调查报告显示,今年面向毕业生的职位空缺数预期会出现自2003年以来的首次下降。

    Vacancies for graduates are expected to fall this year for the first time since 2003 , according to a survey published last week of almost 250 leading employers , such as Barclays , Cadbury and Google .

  19. H-2A计划要求种植企业首先雇佣美国人来填补职位空缺。

    The H-2A program requires growers to try to fill vacancies with Americans first .

  20. 德国工程师协会(vdi)估计,国内工程师职位空缺达9.5万个而3年前仅为1.8万个。

    VDI , the German Association of engineers , estimates there are 95000 vacant posts for engineers in the country - up from 18000 just three years ago .

  21. 在昨日公布的调查中,AGR表示,绝大多数雇主预计今年他们所有的职位空缺都能填满,往年招不满人的情况已成遥远记忆。

    In today 's survey , the AGR says the vast majority of employers are expecting to fill all of their vacancies this year , with the recruitment shortfalls seen in previous years now a distant memory .

  22. Redmon输入了法律、知识产权和哥伦比亚特区华盛顿这些关键词,三周后,他收到了第一份职位空缺通知。

    Redmon chose the keywords legal , intellectual property , and Washington , D.C.Three weeks later , he got his first notification of an opening .

  23. 公司官员EarlRennison说,公司使用名为“语义搜索”的程序来处理大量数据,包括数百万份简历,来将技术工人与职位空缺联系起来。

    Company official Earl Rennison says computer programs called " semantic search " are able to process huge amounts of in formation . That in cludes millions of resumes , to help connect skilled people with open jobs .

  24. 总的来说,Netflix正在招人疯狂观看Netflix。它刚刚发布了一个适合有原创内容的编辑分析师的职位空缺,应聘者的职责包括“观看、研究、评估、分级、标注剧集并且为电影和电视剧内容撰写分析评论。”

    Basically , Netflix is hiring someone to binge watch Netflix . It just posted a job opening for an editorial analyst of original content , whose responsibilities will include to " watch , research , rate , tag , annotate and write analysis for movie and TV content . "

  25. 目前我们只有金属加工工人的职位空缺。

    We 've only got vacancies for metal workers at present .

  26. 填补职位空缺并无轻松或保证成功的方法。

    There is no easy or surefire way to fill vacancies .

  27. 或许你只是有一个职位空缺需要马上填补。

    Perhaps you just have an urgent recruitment gap to fill .

  28. 现在有一个销售经理的职位空缺。

    Now there is a position available as a sale manager .

  29. 我了解到贵公司有职位空缺。

    I notice there are some job vacancies in your company .

  30. 他给了我一个关于旅行社有一职位空缺的提示。

    He gave me a__about a job opening at the travel agency .