
zhí yè qiú yuán
  • professional soccer player
  1. 我作为半职业球员为沃尔索尔队踢过球。

    I played semi-professional soccer for Walsall .

  2. 论CBA国内职业球员合同的法律性质及问题

    Study on the Legal Nature on CBA Internal Professional Player Contract

  3. 詹姆斯评价诺维茨基:“诺维茨基、KG还有邓肯和科比,他们为“职业球员”定下了标准。”

    LeBron on Dirk : " He set the standard , along with KG and Timmy D. and Kobe , on what it means to be a professional . "

  4. 在我看来,我的NBA生涯就是一名完美职业球员的写照,在职业赛场打拼了14年。

    As far as I 'm concerned , my NBA career was defined by being a consummate professional and competing professionally for 14 seasons .

  5. 好像姚明,尽管他是一名NBA职业球员,但国家的召唤对他来说是最重要的。

    Like Yao , even though he is an NBA pro , but whenever his country needs him to go back , is certainly the most important .

  6. 但按照RichardD.Ginsburg博士的说法,作为麻州综合医院的一个临床心理学家和运动学心理顾问,他认为职业球员的愤怒是被高压逼出来的。

    But according to Dr. Richard D. Ginsburg , a clinical psychologist and sports psychology consultant for Massachusetts General Hospital , the tantrums of professional players are often made of stronger stuff .

  7. 维尔贝克和英格兰新一代让GordonTaylor乐开了花,他从职业球员协会在曼彻斯特的办公室看了三一学校的训练课。

    Welbeck and England 's new breed bring a smile to the face of Gordon Taylor , who had popped out from the Professional Footballers'Association 's Manchester office to watch events at Trinity .

  8. 小鬼全家都是荷兰芬洛的文洛足球队(简称VVV)的支持者,当年他的爷爷曾经是这支球队的职业球员。

    The boy and his family are supporters of the Venlose Voetbal Vereniging , or VVV , football team in the city of Venlo where Baerke 's grandfather once played as a professional .

  9. 劳动合同法视野下职业球员工作合同的解除

    Dismissal of work contract of professional players under Labor Contract Law

  10. 他有职业球员的样子,可是还很差。

    He has a major leaguer look but sucks out there .

  11. 1997年,他成了职业球员,加入三商虎球队。

    He turned pro in 1997 and joined the Mercuries Tigers .

  12. 大家都说我成不了职业球员。

    Everyone told me I couldn 't be a professional .

  13. 职业球员是训练,不是健身。

    Pro atheletes train , they don 't work out .

  14. 但对于职业球员还是有不少传闻,不是吗?

    But there are still misconceptions out there about footballers , right ?

  15. 两年半以前,我还完全没有想过成为一名职业球员。

    Two-and-a-half years ago I never dreamed I 'd be a footballer .

  16. 对于多数职业球员来说,他解释道,铲球是一项技术。

    For most professionals , he explains , tackling is a technique .

  17. 业余球员参加沃尔克公开赛,职业球员参加雷德尔杯。

    The Walker Cup for amateurs and the Ryder Cup for professionals .

  18. 我以后不再是一名职业球员了。

    The pain pushed me to think about the end of my career .

  19. 美国最优秀职业球员的薪水比美国总统的薪水还要高。

    America 's best athletes have higher salaries than the country 's president .

  20. 另外,我听说他要成为职业球员了。

    Besides , I heard he was going pro .

  21. 他是一名伟大的冠军球员,是职业球员的典范。

    He 's a great champion and great professional .

  22. 她决定要那个职业球员。

    She decided she wanted a pro ball player .

  23. 开始打的是大学篮球,后来成为了一名职业球员。

    I was recruited to play intercollegiate basketball and became a professional player .

  24. 然而另外四名年轻职业球员将面临转会。

    But four young professionals have been released .

  25. 两国职业球员的慈善事业差距较大。

    Professional players have a big gap of the charity between the two countries .

  26. 论我国职业球员利益保护的法律机制

    Legal mechanism protecting Chinese professional player 's interests

  27. 这是个极大的优势,职业球员们也非常清楚这点。

    This is a huge advantage , and professionals are well aware of it .

  28. 我大儿子同时还是橄榄球运动员职业球员

    Well , my oldest boy is football player still , pro football player ,

  29. 他很严肃,是职业球员的楷模。

    He 's serious , a great professional .

  30. 桑迭戈可以成为一个职业球员么?

    Can Santi make it as a professional ?