
  • 网络professional wrestling;Pro Wrestling
  1. 比尔相信,职业摔跤角比赛的结果是预先安排的。

    Bill is of the opinion that the results of professional wrestling matches are fixed .

  2. 这款新的闹钟应用(免费的,在iTunes和GooglePlay上)同样也会向你发送由职业摔跤手削减演员录制的动力视频。

    The new alarm app ( free ; iTunes and Google Play ) also sends you motivational videos recorded by the pro-wrestler-slash-actor .

  3. WWE历史上最著名的职业摔跤手之一。

    WWE history , one of the most famous professional wrestler .

  4. 迈阿密律所Barranco&Kircher公司合伙人巴兰科(A.J.Barranco)是佛罗里达州一位经验丰富的婚姻律师,曾在职业摔跤手霍根(HulkHogan)最近的离婚案中代理女方。

    A.J. Barranco , a partner at Barranco & Kircher in Miami , is an experienced Florida matrimonial lawyer and represented Hulk Hogan 's wife in their recent divorce .

  5. 这位45岁的女演员将(如果你能认出她!)在《为家而战》中出演职业摔跤前辈茱莉亚·贝维斯,这是一部关于英国世界摔角娱乐(WWE)之星萨拉娅·贝维斯的传记电影。

    The 45-year-old actress will next be seen ( if you can recognize her ! ) as pro-wrestling matriarch Julia Bevis in the biopic Fighting With My Family , about British WWE star Saraya Bevis .

  6. 于是我说,“职业摔跤运动员。”

    So I said , " Professional wrestler . "

  7. 他从事职业摔跤已经5年了。

    He has wrestled professionauy for five years .

  8. 这是职业摔跤吗

    What is this , pro wrestling ?

  9. 她是一名职业摔跤运动员。

    She is a professional wrestler .

  10. 一名职业摔跤手,或者叫相扑手,需要遵守很多不同的规则。

    A professional sumo wrestler , or rikishi , has many different rules and regulations to follow .

  11. 于是我说,“职业摔跤运动员。”他们说,“别傻了。”

    So I said , " Professional wrestler . " And they said , " Don 't be stupid . "

  12. 这位名叫达伦·杨的摔跤手现在在赛场之外也有着大胆的举动,他坦言自己是同性恋,这使得他成为了第一位有此问题的职业摔跤手。

    His name is Darren Young who 's now made a bold move outside that ring , saying that he 's gay and in so doing , becoming the first active pro-wrestler to come out .

  13. 他的母亲要他做牧师,但他一意孤行,成了一名职业的摔跤运动员。

    His mother wanted him to go into the church , but he went his own way and became a professional wrestler .