
  1. 法学毕业论文的指导教师应具备良好的职业道德素质和业务素质。

    The tutors should have good professional ethics and professional qualities .

  2. 提高企业经营者职业道德素质,培育企业信用文化。

    To improve business operators ' qualities and establish enterprise culture .

  3. 论加强社区卫生服务从业人员职业道德素质的医学伦理教育

    On Strengthening Medical Ethics Education for Working Staff in Community Healthcare Service

  4. 论会计专业学生职业道德素质培养

    On the Training of Professional Ethics for the Students Majored in Accounting

  5. 教育者的职业道德素质总体上有所提高。

    The vocational diathesis of educators are be improved .

  6. 组织社会实践,锻炼服务社会的能力等建议,以养成教育提高中专生的职业道德素质。

    Organizing social practice and training the ability of serving the society , etc.

  7. 论高校保卫干部职业道德素质构建

    On Composition of the Professional Ethic Quality of Security Cadres in Colleges and Universities

  8. 重视学报编辑职业道德素质培养

    Foster the professional morality of Journal Editors

  9. 加强医德教育,提高中医大学生职业道德素质

    To Enhance Medical Ethics Education And Improve the Professional Ethics Diathesis of Chinese Traditional Medical Students

  10. 论教师的职业道德素质

    On Teachers ' Professional Moral Quality

  11. 社会培养机制是提高干部职业道德素质的外在机制,自我提升机制则是提高干部职业道德素质的内在机制。

    Social cultivation is the external mechanism while self improvement the endogenous mechanism of enhancing professional ethical quality .

  12. 三是职业道德素质。

    Work ethic quality .

  13. 站在时代高度,现代编辑应具备以下素质:1.具备较高的政治素质和良好职业道德素质;

    Modern editors should have the following diatheses : 1.They should have high political diathesis and very good occupational moralities ;

  14. 社科期刊的编辑人员,必须努力提高自身的政治素质、业务素质以及职业道德素质。

    Professional quality is the key quality while the professional ethics quality is the fundamental quality for social journal editors .

  15. 本文论述了新世纪图书馆服务的发展趋势,馆员应如何具有良好的职业道德素质和优秀的业务技能。

    This article discusses the tendency of development in library service and moral qualities and professional skills librarians should possess .

  16. 教育者自身的知识技能及职业道德素质较低。

    The quality of the educators knowledge and technical ability and the quality of the educator 's professional morals is lower ;

  17. 职业道德素质的培养是高等职业教育实现培养创新型实用人才目标的主要前提条件。

    Cultivation of professional ethic qualifications is the main prerequisite of the goal in educating innovatively pragmatic talents of higher professional education .

  18. 加强和改进高校师德建设包括提高教师的思想政治素质和职业道德素质两个方面。

    Strengthening and improving the moral construction of college teachers include improving their ideological and political quality as well as career moral quality .

  19. 内部原因则是企业人员素质偏低,观念落后,职业道德素质不高;

    Internal reason is that enterprise people quality is low , idea is backward , the quality of professional ethics is not high ;

  20. 据有关报道:大学生职业道德素质和诚信最令用人单位不满。

    According to the report : the quality of professional ethics and the integrity of college students most dissatisfied with the employing units .

  21. 作为高学历、高技能的人才,研究生职业道德素质的高低对我国社会主义市场经济的发展有着重要的影响。

    As well educated and high qualification talents , the level of postgraduates professional ethics strongly affects the development of Socialist Market Economy .

  22. 我国教育发展的新形势对教师素质提出了全方位的要求,教师职业道德素质成为教师教育的关键。

    The new conditions of China 's education development make all-round requirements for teacher quality . Teacher morality is the key to teacher education .

  23. 为了提高高校图书馆为教学科研服务的水平,图书馆员必须具备较高的业务素质和良好的职业道德素质。

    The librarian should possess highly professional qualification and morality in order to raise the standard of higher educational library for teaching and research work .

  24. 司法公正根植于法官的职业道德素质论司法鉴定人员职业道德规范的完善

    Professional Virtue and Qualifications of Judges as the Basis for Judiciary Impartiality ; On the Perfecting the Professional Ethics for Individuals Engaged in Judicial Identification

  25. 因此,提高法官的思想政治素质、职业道德素质和职业技能素质至关重要。

    Therefore , it is of extreme importance to improve these judges ' political , ideological , professional and ethical qualities , and their professional capabilities .

  26. 只有这样,才能逐步提高足球运动员的职业道德素质,从而实现中国足球事业的快速发展。

    Only in this way , can we improve the moral level of the professional football players and realize the rapid development of our football games .

  27. 但在辐射安全意识的建立、职业道德素质的培育、医疗照射危害的控制等方面呈无力之态。

    But it is not as satisfactory in terms of the development of radiation safety awareness and professional ethics , and the medical exposure hazard control .

  28. 卫生监督员要具有做社会公仆和为人民服务的道德观念,有良好的职业道德素质。

    The health supervisors should have moral concepts that are to be a servant of society and to serve for people and have good professional ethics quality .

  29. 良好的职业道德素质、合理的知识结构、较强的编辑技能和信息素质是高校学报编辑必备的基本素质。

    Good professional moral quality , rational knowledge structure and good editorial skills and information quality are the elementary qualities of academic journal editors in colleges and universities .

  30. 通过调查研究,得出长春市高校体育教师素质现状的结论:1.长春市普通高校体育教师思想品德素质和职业道德素质都能达到国家要求,教师们都能做到爱岗敬业。

    PE teachers in Changchun City , ideological and moral qualities and ethical quality can meet the state requirements , teachers can do love and dedication . 2 .