
máo dì
  • fallow land
  1. 芹菜叶检出了芹菜素、山柰酚、毛地黄黄酮(Luteolin),总黄酮含量高于芹菜芯、芹菜柄;

    Quercetin , kaempferol , luteolin , was found in celery leaves which also have both higher total and individual flavonoids content than celery hearts and stalks .

  2. 经过细胞破碎仪处理两次(80MPa)后,样品(20mg干重/mL)中的细胞可被毛地黄皂甙(3mg/mL)有效破碎,细胞质膜即可通过蔗糖密度梯度离心得以分离。

    After passed twice through French pressure cell ( at 80 MPa ), cells in sample ( 20 mg of dry weight / mL ) were disrupted effectively by digitonin ( 3 mg / mL ), and then the cytoplasmic membrane was isolated by density gradient centrifugation .

  3. 第二天,联盟军开始离开强斯洛丝维尔和那片荒毛地。

    The next day , Union soldiers began moving out of Chancellorsville and the wilderness .

  4. 毛地黄能引起心脏疾病。

    Foxglove can cause heart failure .

  5. 父亲:儿子,你不认为自己渐渐长大,不应该总是一毛一毛地要钱吗?

    Father : Son , don 't you think you 're getting too big to be forever begging for dimes ?

  6. 但是,医生现已将其视为与抗生素、毛地黄及其它特效药品同等重要的强效化合物。

    But today doctors recognize this drug as a potent compound as important as antibiotics , digitalis and other miracle drugs .