
máo jīn
  • towel;washcloth;flannel;facecloth;washrag;loop towel
毛巾 [máo jīn]
  • (1) [towel]∶用来擦拭或擦干的一种能吸水的织物,常为长方形

  • (2) [washcloth]∶洗脸和洗身用的织物

毛巾[máo jīn]
  1. 他麻利地用毛巾蘸了蘸伤口。

    He gave the cut a quick dab with a towel .

  2. 她弄湿毛巾,把它裹在他的腿上。

    She damped a towel and wrapped it round his leg .

  3. 给总务处打电话,让他们给我们送些干净的毛巾来。

    Call housekeeping and ask them to bring us some clean towels .

  4. 我扔给她一块毛巾,她敏捷地接住了。

    I threw her a towel which she deftly caught .

  5. 她用了主人特意为她准备的毛巾。

    She used the towel thoughtfully provided by her host .

  6. 所有毛巾上都标有物主姓名的首字母。

    All the towels were personalized with their initials .

  7. 他把那些毛巾挂在晒衣绳上。

    He hung the towels out on the line .

  8. 用软毛巾把脸搌干。

    Pat your face dry with a soft towel .

  9. 她裹在一条白色大毛巾里。

    She was enveloped in a huge white towel .

  10. 他用湿毛巾轻打我。

    He flicked me with a wet towel .

  11. 他用湿毛巾轻打我。

    He flicked a wet towel at me .

  12. 用这条毛巾擦干手。

    Use this towel to dry your hands .

  13. 这些毛巾需要洗了。

    These towels are ready for a wash .

  14. 把你的毛巾挂在钩上。

    Hang your towel on the hook .

  15. 请把那条毛巾扔给我好吗?

    Can you throw me that towel ?

  16. 请随便拿一条干净毛巾用。

    Help yourself to a clean towel .

  17. 让毛巾在外面晾着吧。

    Leave the towels out to air .

  18. 她用湿毛巾擦了擦他那滚烫的脸。

    She sponged his hot face .

  19. 詹姆斯从卧室出来,用毛巾擦着他湿漉漉的头发。

    James came out of his bedroom , toweling his wet hair

  20. 她在沙滩上铺了一条毛巾,躺在上面。

    She spread a towel on the sand and lay on it

  21. 他用毛巾抹去余下的皂沫。

    He wiped off the remains of the lather with a towel .

  22. 她身裹毛巾打开了前门。

    She opened her front door draped in a towel .

  23. 他走出淋浴间,开始用毛巾把身子擦干。

    He stepped out of the shower and began towelling himself down .

  24. 毛巾上绣着他们姓名首字母的连写组合。

    The towels were embroidered with their intertwined initials .

  25. 她花了点时间弄湿毛巾,洗了把脸。

    She took the time to dampen a washcloth and do her face .

  26. 她把一条毛巾挂在脖子上。

    She had a towel draped around her neck .

  27. 他让他躺到床上,用一条粗糙的毛巾给他擦干了全身。

    He set him on the bed and rubbed him down with a coarse towel

  28. 她把一条毛巾放在刚没过涨潮线的一堆石头上。

    She placed a towel on a cluster of rocks just clear of the tidemark

  29. 莱内用毛巾把手擦干。

    Lainey wiped her hands on the towel .

  30. 西尔维娅去卫生间拿了一条毛巾。

    Sylvia fetched a towel from the bathroom