
yì rén
  • artist;actor;artisan;handicraftsman;artists,including actors,actresses,etc.
艺人 [yì rén]
  • (1) [artists,including actors,actresses,etc.]∶杂技、戏曲、民间歌舞、曲艺演员

  • (2) [artisan;handicraftsman]∶手艺人

艺人[yì rén]
  1. 另一个艺人听说这件事后,也要求给宋元君专场演出。

    Another actor heard of this and offered to perform for the King too .

  2. 一个月后,这个倒霉的艺人才被放出来。

    By the time this unfortunate actor was released , a whole month had passed .

  3. 一朝从艺,永为艺人。

    Once an actor , always an actor .

  4. 经纪人应以最大的努力来推动其演艺人的事业发展。

    The manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to promote the artist 's career .

  5. 广告业常用的利用艺人来兜售产品的做法

    a popular advertising industry practice of using performers to tout products

  6. 作为一名录音艺人,凯尔走了一条较为冷僻的道路。

    Cale has ploughed a more esoteric furrow as a recording artist

  7. 有人曾称他为20世纪最伟大的艺人。

    Some have called him the greatest entertainer of the twentieth century .

  8. 耗资75万美元、有雪儿等艺人出镜的新的名人电视促销节目近来播出了。

    New $ 750,000 infomercials , featuring artists like Cher , have recently hit the screens

  9. 葆拉是唯一的首张唱片4次荣登排行榜榜首的艺人。

    Paula is the only artist to achieve four number ones from a debut album .

  10. 电影公司能通过让艺人坐冷板凳来惩罚他们,并采用其他方式控制他们的生活。

    The studio could punish its players by keeping them out of work , and otherwise controlling their lives .

  11. 我以前从来没有那么喜欢过一个艺人.

    I have never liked any artiste so much before .

  12. 艺人们各有师承。

    The artists have inherited the traditions of their respective masters .

  13. 涉毒艺人被雪藏。

    The star involved in drug trafficking was rested .

  14. 卖艺人把身体作出各种扭歪的姿态。

    The acrobat went through various contortions .

  15. 但在两个周一参加了编织小组的活动后,我就被吸引了,不仅被编织吸引,而且还被钩织吸引了,我快要成为一个非常高产的手艺人了。

    But within two Mondays in the group , I was hooked , not only on knitting but also on crocheting , and I was on my way to becoming a highly productive crafter .

  16. 还会提供可靠的消防设备,在我们的艺人带您前往旧金山最惊险刺激的角落时让您免于受寒。

    Authentic fire gear is provided for your warmth as our entertainers take you to some of the most thrilling parts of San Francisco .

  17. 为了计算母亲们从这项劳动中能挣多少钱,报告提出了一些母亲们可以担任的角色,包括管家、兼职律师、私人教练和艺人。

    To calculate just how much mothers would earn from that labour , it suggested some of the roles that mums could take on , including housekeeper , part-time lawyer , personal trainer and entertainer .

  18. 家具木工必须是技艺高超的手艺人。

    A cabinet maker must be a master craftsman .

  19. 政坛艺人指的是从事过演艺工作的政治人物,或者大量使用娱乐媒体的政治人物,特别是在竞选活动中。

    Politainer is a politician who is or was an entertainer ; or a politician who makes extensive use of entertainment media , particularly during a campaign .

  20. Blue:我们很想再次来到中国并和中国的艺人进行合作,尤其是男子乐队。

    Blue : Yes , we do want to come to China again and cooperate with Chinese artists , especially boy bands .

  21. 一个自称FunkmasterFlex的小子(美国著名黑人hip-hop艺人)

    to this kid who called himself Funkmaster Flex .

  22. 此前的寻购者还包括雅虎(Yahoo)、艺人经纪机构威廉•莫里斯奋进娱乐公司(WilliamMorrisEndeavor)和私募公司银湖资本(SilverLake)。

    Earlier suitors had included Yahoo ( yhoo ) , talent agency William Morris endeavor , and private equity firm Silver Lake .

  23. 盖茨选择把他的微软(Microsoft)财富和他的时间都奉献给慈善事业,而不是用飞机运送艺人和异国美食,来举办奢侈的聚会。

    Mr Gates has chosen to devote his Microsoft fortune and his time to philanthropy rather than fly in entertainers and exotic foods for lavish parties .

  24. 那还不是大规模有组织的团体打电话到电台,并且焚烧CD,那只不过是一小掇右翼艺人。

    It wasn 't the larger general public that called in to radio stations and burned CDs , it was a small group of right wing activists .

  25. 通过使用SPARQL的FILTER关键字来表明我们只想获得与所指定的模式相匹配的艺人名和专辑名。

    By using SPARQL 's FILTER keyword to indicate that you only want an artist name and album name matching the indicated patterns .

  26. 与其他组合不同,Mercury公司的主要艺人U2组合仍是使用固定制作人。

    While Mercury 's major acts such as U2 were still have their pick-up directors , it 's a different story for new acts .

  27. 史奇雷克斯还是OWSLA公司的创始人,EDM界的几位大咖Zedd,PorterRobinson和JackBeats都是他的签约艺人。

    As the founder of OWSLA , he has signed some of the biggest names in EDM , such as Zedd , Porter Robinson and Jack Beats .

  28. 从托德·史奈德(ToddSnider)到恰克·布罗斯基(ChuckBrodsky)等诸多艺人都谱写、演唱过关于库珀的歌曲。

    Artists from Todd Snider to Chuck Brodsky have written and performed songs about him .

  29. 班尼特表示,Bravado与国际服饰连锁企业的联系为艺人带来了好处。

    Mr Bennett says Bravado 's international links with apparel chains have provided benefits for artists .

  30. 单飞的流行艺人李升基(LeeSeung-gi)是本次活动的主持人,他比大部分同伴更进一步,在特种部队服役。

    Lee Seung-gi , a solo pop artist who served as master of ceremonies at the festival , went further than most of his peers and is serving in a special forces unit .