
yì shù jiā
  • artist
艺术家 [yì shù jiā]
  • (1) [artist]∶从事一种艺术并以它为职业的人,其构思、创作和演出是由想像力和鉴赏力来指导的

  • (2) [poet]∶富于想像,善于舒情的艺术人才

  • 在音乐史上第一位演奏钢琴的艺术家

  • (3) [constructor]∶创作艺术作品的人

  1. 这是一位艺术家对未来新运动场作的印象画。

    This is an artist 's impression of the new stadium .

  2. 这件展品是艺术家的家人惠借而展出的。

    This exhibit was kindly loaned by the artist 's family .

  3. 梦境可以成为艺术家灵感的丰富源泉。

    Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist .

  4. 她这位艺术家的作品令我赞赏不已。

    She 's an artist whose work I really admire .

  5. 成立这个协会是为了维护女性艺术家的利益。

    The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists .

  6. 腓特烈大帝是许多艺术家的赞助人。

    Frederick the Great was the patron of many artists .

  7. 这位艺术家的真诚从一言一行中表现出来。

    Every word and gesture is expressive of the artist 's sincerity .

  8. 他对恢复玛格里特艺术家的名誉起了重要的作用。

    He played a major role in rehabilitating Magritte as an artist .

  9. 这次展览为当地艺术家提供了展示自己作品的机会。

    The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their work .

  10. 这位艺术家在同一幅画中把不同的画法结合在一起。

    The artist combines different techniques in the same painting .

  11. 这位艺术家最近从保加利亚途经维也纳到了巴黎。

    The artist recently arrived in Paris from Bulgaria by way of Vienna .

  12. 在讨论现代有影响的艺术家时,一下子有三个名字出现在脑海中。

    When discussing influential modern artists , three names immediately come to mind .

  13. 作为一名艺术家,他在经济上总是没有保障。

    As an artist he was always financially insecure .

  14. 这是两位艺术家演出的一场高雅节目。

    It was a stylish performance by both artists .

  15. 这家酒吧是艺术家最爱光顾的地方。

    The pub is a favourite haunt of artists .

  16. 这位艺术家娴熟地运用了明暗对比。

    The artist 's use of contrast is masterly .

  17. 她作为艺术家不断有所提高。

    She continues to grow as an artist .

  18. 他的母亲是画家,他本人也是很出色的艺术家。

    His mother was a painter , and he 's no mean artist himself .

  19. 他很想当艺术家,但未能如愿。

    He 's really an artist manqu é .

  20. 艺术家惟妙惟肖地画出了她的微笑。

    The artist has caught her smile perfectly .

  21. 她赞助许多英国当代艺术家。

    She patronizes many contemporary British artists .

  22. 我的双亲是具有知名度的艺术家。

    My parents were artists of repute .

  23. 他是一位有才华的艺术家,同时也是颇有名气的作家。

    A talented artist , he was , moreover , a writer of some note .

  24. 如果没有更多的作家和艺术家出现,这个国家的文化生活将衰退。

    The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge .

  25. 他靠当艺术家来勉强混口饭吃。

    He almost manages to scrape a living as an artist .

  26. 杜安·艾迪是约翰·皮尔迄今最喜欢的艺术家。

    Duane Eddy is John Peel 's all-time favourite artist .

  27. 很多艺术家通过作品表达自己对世界的看法。

    Many artists express their world view in their work .

  28. 约翰住在一个新潮而又混乱无序的艺术家的工作室里。

    John lived in a stylishly shambolic artist 's studio .

  29. 她从1926年起开始学画,同时还从事着商业艺术家的工作。

    She studied painting from 1926 and also worked as a commercial artist

  30. 海沃德艺术展是由艺术家伯纳德·吕蒂组织的。

    The Hayward exhibition has been curated by the artist Bernard Luthi .