
zhèng jì
  • Political achievements;achievements in one's official career
政绩 [zhèng jì]
  • [achievements in ones official career] 指施政的成绩

  • 政绩斐然

政绩[zhèng jì]
  1. 他基本没有提及政府政绩。

    He largely passed over the government 's record

  2. 超过70%的被调查者称对他总统任期的政绩表示满意。

    More than 70 per cent of those polled said that they approved of his record as president .

  3. 公众厌烦了那些有倾向性的报道和种种许诺。该是用政绩说话的时候了。

    The public is sick of spin and tired of promises . It 's time for politicians to act .

  4. 以科学发展观为指导再造政府政绩指标&将政绩指标由GDP改为GNP+SCC

    Take Scientific Development View as Guideline , Reinvent Governmental Performance Index

  5. 构建以绿色GDP为核心的科学政绩观

    Scientific Achievements View of Constructing Green GDP as the Core

  6. 树立和落实以绿色GDP为核心的政绩观

    Setting up and Carrying out the View of Achievements Centering on Green GDP

  7. 用绿色GDP考核干部政绩促进科学发展观的落实

    Checking on Cadres ' Achievements with Green GDP , Promoting the Implementation of View of Scientific Development

  8. 在WTO规则的约束条件下,中央和地方制度创新的差异具有新特点,地方制度创新既有来自预期利益的推动力,又有来自财政、既得利益及政绩考核的压力。

    In the new institutional constraints of WTO rules , some new characteristics have appeared in the differences of central and local institutional innovation .

  9. 中国中部盛产煤炭的山西省从政绩考核的清单上取消了GDP增速这一项,但增添了人均GDP的指标。

    Coal-rich Shanxi province , in central China , has removed GDP growth from the list of assessments but added per-capita GDP .

  10. 这些城市的官员正是通过基于GDP的政绩考核打造成功仕途的,这使得他们很难调整政策焦点。

    Officials in these cities have built successful careers from on GDP-based evaluation , making it difficult to adjust their policy focus .

  11. 上级政府对地方政府政绩考核的主要指标是地方的GDP和税收;

    The main indicators on the local government officials are local GDP and their taxation under the current political performance evaluation system ;

  12. 乔治·布什作为总统的人气处于最低点,他在探询各种问题的答案。这里的presidency指的是总统的任期。克林顿曾经想要成为罗斯福那样的总统。这里的presidency指的恐怕是总统的表现、政绩等。

    At the nadir of his presidency , George W. Bush is looking for answers .

  13. 地方政府官员的政绩在很大程度上是根据其促进经济增长的能力而决定的,所以绿色GDP可能成为官员们显示政绩的绊脚石。

    Local officials are judged largely on their ability to increase economic growth , so green GDP could become a stumbling block to success .

  14. 生态政绩考核是对这种惟GDP政绩考核的有效补充,重视生态环境的改善,重视社会的可持续发展。

    The ecological achievements assessment is an effective supplement to the " only GDP ", which emphasizes the environmental improvement and the sustained development of the society .

  15. 另一方面,现阶段我国的以GDP为核心的政府官员政绩考核制度,也使得地方官员将地区发展过度地集中在了GDP的增长率上。

    On the other hand , local governments focus on the GDP growth rate excessively , also because of present government officials ' performance assessment system which takes GDP as the core .

  16. 1994年,面对中期选举溃败的比尔克林顿(billclinton),拿不出任何与之相比的政绩可如今克林顿成了美国遥遥领先的民望最高的政客。

    Facing his own midterm debacle in 1994 , Bill Clinton , ( now by a long way , the most popular politician in America ) , had nothing remotely comparable to run on .

  17. 然而,以GDP指标作为考核地方政府政绩指标,则会产生诸多弊端,需要新指标代替它,这个新指标是:GNP+SCC指标。

    However , evaluating the performance of local government with GDP indicators can lead to many disadvantages . Therefore , GDP indicators need to be substituted by new indicators , i.e. GNP plus SCC indicators .

  18. 围绕着GDP等政绩显示因子,苏锡常三地政府在招商引资、优惠政策、地方性公共物品、人才引进等多个方面展开剧烈竞争。

    In order to attract investments , governments of Suzhou , Wuxi and Changzhou compete with each other furiously all the time , especially in favorable policies 、 local public goods 、 talent introduction and so on .

  19. 绿色节能,政府先行&政府行业UPS电源解决方案要了解政府的政绩只需要观察民情。

    Green and Energy-saving , the Government Takes the Lead & The UPS Scheme by the Government To be acquainted with the merit of ministry , we need only observe the condition of the people .

  20. 本文描述了中央政府和地方政府政策博弈的凸现与加剧,认为这种政策博弈的制度性根源是市场取向的分权制以及以GDP为核心的政绩指标考核体系,制度性根源对政策博弈具有传导机制。

    This article describes the policy games between central government and local governments . We hold that the institutional reason of the policy games is market orientated decentralization and political rank-order system with GDP as key indicator . index ;

  21. 这表明,在财政分权与以GDP为核心的政绩考核机制下,地方政府面临着硬性的财政约束,需要努力地吸引外商投资,不惜以牺牲生态环境为代价换取短期的经济增长。

    This suggests that , under the mechanism of fiscal decentralization and political promotion , local government faces strict financial constraints , and must strives to attract foreign investment for short-term economic growth , neglecting the cost of ecological environment .

  22. 6月20日盖洛普(Gallup)开展的一次调查显示,43%的回应者认可朴槿惠的政绩,而48%的回应者则表示失望。

    A Gallup poll on June 20 found that 43 per cent of respondents approved of the president 's performance , while 48 per cent disapproved .

  23. 我国单位GDP能耗和主要污染物排放两项指标已纳入到政绩的考核中,但均没有将经济、资源和环境统筹考虑。

    Although the two indicators of " Unit GDP Energy Consumption " and " Discharge of Major Pollutants ," have been incorporated into the performance of the examination , there is a lack of overall consideration of economy , resources and the environment .

  24. “在地方领导看来,节能降耗已成为一项政治任务,比gdp增长等政绩要重要很多,”一位干部向《经济观察报》表示。

    " In the eyes of the local leaders , improving energy efficiency has become a matter of government duty , one that is far more important than GDP growth or other political achievements , " an official in Wenzhou told the economic observer .

  25. 与此同时,我国对地方官员的考核机制提升了地方GDP在官员政绩和晋升中的重要性,也使地方官员产生了通过以卖地促进经济发展的方式来快速提升政绩的动力。

    At the same time , our assessment mechanism for local officials to enhance the performance of local officials and GDP in the importance of promotion , but also produced by local officials " to land to promote economic development " to improve political achievements quickly .

  26. 而传统GDP对于领导干部的政绩考察方式产生了只重经济片面发展而忽视生态成本的政绩观,在这种政绩观的影响下,农村生态环境被忽视,管理乏力。

    GDP for the traditional inspection methods performance of leading cadres had only one-sided emphasis on economic development and ignore the ecological cost of performance concept , in this view of performance under the influence of ecological environment in rural areas were neglected and poor management .

  27. 特别是有些地区在地方利益和官员追求政绩的共同驱使下,GDP及GDP指标增长率等经济指标成为衡量地方政府绩效的主要甚至是唯一的刚性指标。

    Especially when driven by the local interests , together with the pursuit of the local government officials ' own political achievements , the economic indexes such as GDP and GDP growth become the major or even the only target to evaluate the performance of local governments .

  28. GDP是反映经济运行状况的重要指标,近年来它也逐渐成为干部考核的重要指标,在一些地方GDP成为衡量干部政绩、决定干部升迁去留的决定性因素。

    As a significant indicator reflecting economic progress , GDP has become also one of key indicators gradually used in cadre evaluation . In some local areas , GDP even becomes the key factor to evaluate a cadre 's political achievement and determine his promotion or devaluation of position .

  29. 普京对内政策的政绩与挑战

    Putin 's Performance in Internal Politics and the Challenges He Faces

  30. 过去几年的政绩使其颇受欢迎。

    In the past year that has made him surprisingly popular .