
  • 网络political emancipation;political liberation
  1. 我们终于取得了政治解放。

    We have , at last , achieved our political emancipation .

  2. 政治解放:女性解放的前提与界限

    Political Emancipation : the Premise and Boundary of Women Emancipation

  3. 因此,必须超越政治解放,实现人类解放。

    Consequently , we must transcend political liberation and human liberation .

  4. 市民社会的辩证法:从政治解放到人类解放&马克思市民社会理论的政治意义

    Dialectics about the Civil Society : from the Political Emancipation to Human Emancipation

  5. 没有人谈论沙特阿拉伯的政治解放。

    No-one talks about political emancipation in Saudi Arabia .

  6. 人的解放,不仅指政治解放和思想解放,也包括劳动解放;

    Individual emancipation not only encompasses political emancipation and ideological emancipation , but also labor emancipation ;

  7. 现代解放仅只是政治解放&论马克思政治哲学的一个核心思想

    Modern Emancipation Is but Political Emancipation

  8. 从政治解放到人类解放是马克思政治思想的主题。

    To propel political emancipation to ward human emancipation made the theme of Marx 's political thought .

  9. 从政治解放到性别解放&论中国妇女解放理论构建

    From Political Emancipation to Gender Emancipation & On the Buildup of the Theory of Chinese Women 's Emancipation

  10. 对于女性解放来说,政治解放是必须的,西方女权运动的实践充分证明了这一点。

    Political emancipation is necessary for women emancipation which has been proved by the practice of western feminist movement .

  11. 政治解放是市民社会的革命,是市场经济社会的政治条件。

    Political emancipation is the revolution of civil society and is the political condition of a society of market economy .

  12. 在历史哲学中完成对政治解放的批判不等于科学社会主义政治学说的理论完成。

    Criticism of political emancipation in philosophy of history does not mean the final establishment of the political theory of scientific socialism .

  13. 中国总理高度赞扬了非洲统一组织在帮助非洲国家赢得民族独立和获得政治解放当中所作出的杰出贡献。

    Chinese premier highly praised the significant contribution of Africa Union in helping African countries to win their national independence and political liberation .

  14. 依照马克思主义理论,人类如果不能实现经济解放,是无法真正实现政治解放的。

    According to Marxist theory , if mankind is unable to accomplish the economic liberation , she will not truly accomplish political liberation .

  15. 在宗教批判中,马克思既肯定了费尔巴哈对宗教的批判,又超越了费尔巴哈,提出政治解放和人类解放。

    Among the religion criticism , Marx accepts the religion criticism of Feuerbach , and overtakes Feuerbach , Puts forward political liberty and human liberty .

  16. 马克思在批判黑格尔的基础上,形成了从政治解放走向人类解放的历史唯物主义的宏观历史结论。

    Marx has formed the macroscopical historical conclusion of the historical materialism of " liberating moving towards mankind 's liberating from politics " on the basis of criticizing black dose .

  17. 人的解放表现为各种形式的政治解放,但是任何一种人的解放都是一种人与自然关系的解放过程。

    The liberation of human displays as various forms of political liberation . However , any kind of human liberation is also a course of the liberation between human and nature .

  18. 国家与社会分离的政治解放有利于扩展个体的自由,但市民社会内部的利益分化与社会压迫说明政治解放有其固有的限度。

    The separation of state and society is good to expand individual freedom ; however , the internal interest differentiation of civil society and social oppressing showed that political liberation is limited .

  19. 在《论犹太人问题》一文中,马克思把人的解放过程区分为政治解放和人类解放两个前后相继的阶段,并比较系统地阐述了政治解放的内涵。

    In his work On The Jewish Issue , Marx divided the course of emancipation into two historical phases & political emancipation and human emancipation , and expatiated the connotation of political emancipation systemically .

  20. 马克思的女性解放以政治解放为前提,以人类解放为指导,结束抽象的男性原则,恢复感性的女性原则。

    According to Marx , political emancipation is a prerequisite for female emancipation and mankind emancipation is a guide to female emancipation . Female emancipation will finish abstract male principle and recover from perceptual female principle .

  21. 我国金融法治化的历史进程纪念中华人民共和国建国六十周年六十年来人的成长历程探讨从政治解放到以人为本

    Analysis About The Historic Course Of China 's Financial Legislation Exploring the Growth Process of " Person " Since the Founding of New China for 60 years & From " Political Liberation " to " People-Oriented "

  22. 从实践上讲,要正确理解和把握马克思主义关于市民社会理论与自由实践的关系,并应用此指导人实现从政治解放到人类解放的超越。

    Practically , it is of great significance to correctly understand the relations between Marxist civil social theory and liberty , and to materialize , by applying this knowledge , the progress from political emancipation to human one .

  23. 市民社会理论所体现的政治解放和展现人的自由、平等的理精神,向追求法治建设的人们,展示了西方法治发展的社会基础。

    Contemporary civil society theory embodied meaning and its political liberation and to show people the freedom , equality grounds the spirit of the people to pursue the rule of law , demonstrating the social basis for the development of Western law .

  24. 摘要马克思恩格斯著作中,包含着丰富的人本思想、主要有政治解放对人的发展的影响、异化劳动与人的发展的关系、人的发展形态及其特征、人的全面发展理论等。

    The works of Marx and Engles contain some rich people-oriented thought involving the influence of political revolution on people 's development , the relationship between dissimilar labor and people 's development , people 's development and its features , and the theory of peoples over all development .

  25. 赫尔曼·基泽克希望社会的变革带来个性解放,他试图区分并尝试界定政治的解放和教育的解放的内涵及其相互关系,在他看来,政治教育的开展以解放为前提,又以解放为发展方向。

    Hermann Giesecke hoped that the social changes brought about the liberation of personality , he tried to distinguish and try again to connect the political liberation and the liberation of education .

  26. 延安精神有着丰富的内涵,主要包括:坚定正确的政治方向;解放思想,实事求是的思想路线;全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨;自力更生,艰苦奋斗的创业精神。

    It has abundant content , mainly contains : holding to the correct political orientation , emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts , serving the people heart and soul , self-reliance , plain living and hard struggle .

  27. 斯宾诺莎用内在信仰将失败的犹太人从现实政治重负中解放出来,与此类似,村上也是凭借对心灵自由的维护,将众多失败的都市人从现实的生活重压下解放出来。

    Spinoza has liberated the Jews from the heavy burden of political reality using the inner beliefs , and similarly , Murakami also frees the large number of failed urban people from the weighty reality of life by virtue of the maintenance of spiritual freedom .

  28. 本文首先从理论上概述政治革命与女性解放之间的矛盾,以四十年代的丁玲为例揭示了革命者女性意识的觉醒;

    Firstly , we summarize the contradictions between the political revolution and female 's liberation .

  29. 妇女问题的解决也是衡量人类文明的指示器,政治和经济的解放不等于女性的解放、女性问题的研究离不开女性主义的研究。

    The solution of women problem also is the measurement of human civilization of indicators .

  30. 女权主义与中国特定的文化相遇和碰撞,产生了某种程度的变异,由原来激进的、女性自主的行动演变为温和的、有男权参与的、凭借社会政治手段实现的解放妇女的运动。

    Meeting and clashing with the specific Chinese culture , feminism turned from the original radical feminist-self acts to a women emancipation movement by social means and also participated by the male sex .