
  • 网络Arendt;Hannah Arendt
  1. 阿伦特通过对被混淆的人的活动方式:劳动、工作与行动的区分,揭示了与这些不同的活动方式相应的人的境况的意义深远的差异。

    Through distinguishing three sorts of human activities styles & labor 、 work and action , Hannah Arendt reveals the important difference among the human conditions which are corresponded to the three sorts of human activities styles .

  2. 据我所知,汉纳阿伦特小姐是第一个给予工作和劳作之间本质区别的人。

    So far as I know , Miss Hannah Arendt was the first person to define the essential difference between work and labor .

  3. 埃默里大学的历史学家黛博拉·E·利普斯塔特(DeborahE.Lipstadt)说,如果说之前的研究者们严重削弱了阿伦特的论据,那么斯坦尼思“粉碎”了它。利普斯塔特2011年出版了一本关于艾希曼审判的书。

    If previous researchers have seriously dented Arendt 's case , Ms. Stangneth " shatters " it , said Deborah E. Lipstadt , a historian at Emory University and the author of a 2011 book about the Eichmann trial .

  4. 艾希曼战后在阿根廷藏身时写了大量回忆录和其他文件。斯坦尼思在通读这些资料时发现了他写的一大段笔记,这段笔记驳斥了伊曼努尔·康德(ImmanuelKant)的道德哲学,与阿伦特所谓的“没有思考能力”的艾希曼形象截然相反。

    Then , while reading through the voluminous memoirs and other testimony Eichmann produced while in hiding in Argentina after the war , Ms. Stangneth came across a long note he wrote , dismissing the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant , that flew in the face of Arendt 's notion of Eichmann 's " inability to think . "

  5. 阿伦特的自由概念&从比较的视角出发

    Arendt 's Concept of Freedom & From Perspective of Comparison

  6. 超越现代性的阿伦特思想研究

    The Research on Ideology of Arendt Surpassing the Modernity

  7. 听着艾希曼在耶路撒冷的陈述,阿伦特看到了一个不能思考的人。

    Listening to Eichmann in Jerusalem , Arendt saw an inability to think .

  8. 阿伦特认为现代性危机的根源就在于公共领域的衰微。

    Arendt think modern crisis is rooted in the decline of the public domain .

  9. 阿伦特以对社会领域的批判展开其对现代性的批判。

    Arendt expanded her criticism of modernity through the criticism of the social realm .

  10. 第一个阶段,判断被阿伦特作为政治行动者的一种独特的能力看待。

    In the first stage , Arendt considered judging as a special faculty of actors .

  11. 在阿伦特看来,思考通过两种途径产生道德效用。

    For Arendt , there appears to be two interconnected ways in which thinking has moral side-effects .

  12. 阿伦特探讨了心灵活动在显现世界中的位置。

    In this book , Arendt discussed the mental activities ' louses in the world of appearance .

  13. 从公共性存在的性质出发,阿伦特拒绝道德在政治领域的权力。

    According to the nature of public space , Arendt refused the rights of morals in politics .

  14. 基于对意见的这种生存论解释,阿伦特批判了当代政治思想中科学主义的态度。

    According to this existential interpretation of opinion , Arendt criticized the scientism in contemporary political thoughts .

  15. 阿伦特论马克思的文本解读&以西方政治思想传统为视角

    The Text Interpretation of Hannah Arendt on Marx & In the prospective of the Western political ideological tradition

  16. 第一部分旨在介绍阿伦特公共领域观念产生的现实背景和理论背景。

    The first part will introduce the background of the conception of public realm in reality and in theory .

  17. 而判断难题解决之后,阿伦特仍然面对着对于伦理困境的思考。

    After the resolve of her problem , Arendt had to face the solution of the plight of ethics .

  18. 如果发现平庸让阿伦特感到错愕,这倒是如今的我们所期待的,或者说它正无处不在地包围着我们。

    If finding banality was surprising for Arendt , it is now what we expect and what everywhere surrounds us .

  19. 晚年的阿伦特更强调思考的重要性,尤其是判断;因为没有经过思考而进行的行动是愚蠢而盲目的。

    Later Arendt emphasizes more on the importance of thought , especially judgment , since action without thinking is foolish and blindfold .

  20. 在《人类的条件》这部著作中,阿伦特论述了人类实践的特征并建构了她的公共领域的理论。

    In the book ' Human Condition ', she deals with the characteristics of human practice and constructs her theory of public space .

  21. 阿伦特对思的政治意义的分析得益于西方哲学史上的两位大师:康德和苏格拉底。

    Arendt 's idea of the political significance of thinking was indebted to the two great masters of Western philosophy : Kant and Socrates .

  22. 阿伦特依据是否具有世界性这一标准,区分了公共领域重建问题上三个关键性概念:劳动、工作和行动。

    According to the standard of worldliness , Arendt distinguished three key concepts in her theory of rebuilding public realm : labor , work and action .

  23. 无论是古希腊的苏格拉底,还是现代社会中的杜威和阿伦特,他们遗留下的公民教育思想资源旨在强调人类对公共事务的热心参与正是公民的最高价值所在。

    The thoughts of the citizenship education of Socrates , John Dewey and Arendt emphasize the participation in the public business enthusiastically are the utmost value of the citizen .

  24. 而且,鉴于二十世纪政治灾难中道德的不良表现,阿伦特提出了基于政治本身建立一种新道德的尝试。

    Besides , thanks to the unpleasing exhibition of morality in the political tragedy of twentieth century , Arendt suggested to establish a new morality based on politics itself .

  25. 在阿伦特看来,世界就是人在其中具体地生活的整个关联网络,激发行动的精神和行动的伦理性基础就是对这个世界的爱。

    In her opinion , the world is the web of relationships in which man lives concretely . The principles enacted actions and the ethical foundation of acting are the love for this world .

  26. 尽管如此,阿伦特的公民观仍然具有现代意义,对我国公共领域的建设,增强公民的政治参与意识,培育公民精神等仍然具有启示意义。

    It is still has the enlightenment to the construction of public realm in China , the enhancement of the awareness of political participation of citizens , the cultivation of civic spirit and so on .

  27. 接着,论文讨论了阿伦特关于恶的思想变化的转折,即从根本的恶到平庸的恶的转变及两者关系。

    Then , the paper discusses the transformation of Arendt ' sthoughts on evil , which changes from " the radical evil " to " the banality of evil " aswell as the relationship between them .

  28. 斯坦尼思认为阿伦特是被艾希曼在法庭上的表演愚弄了,但她不认为阿伦特不重要,而认为她是个不可或缺的智慧伙伴。阿伦特于1975年去世。

    While Ms. Stangneth maintains that Arendt , who died in 1975 , was fooled by Eichmann 's performance on the stand , she sees her less as a foil than as an indispensable intellectual companion .

  29. 有些史学家说,如果阿伦特像其他很多人那样被蒙骗了,那么他的表演仍让她洞察到很多当时在现场执行屠杀的人们的心态,这很有价值。

    If Arendt , like many others , was taken in , some historians say , his performance still led her to valuable insights about the mentality of many of those who carried out the killing on the ground .

  30. 在第一部分中,笔者主要根据阿伦特的论述,构建了阿伦特的西方政治哲学传统之源流,并对此作出批判,认为整个西方政治哲学传统是非本真的政治哲学。

    In the first part , according to Arendt , the author constructs the headstream of western political philosophy and the critique to it , claims that the tradition of western political philosophy is not an authentic political philosophy .