
  • 网络Arjuna;A Pig
  1. 打个比方,图片效果阿猫、阿狗、阿朱(只是为了好记)可以去掉颜色,让照片模仿不同时期的胶片和镜头的特点。

    For example , effects named Melissa , Sophie or Tony ( to make them easier to remember ) will mute colors and change the focus to imitate the film and lenses commonly used in different eras .

  2. 巨无霸汉堡由悉尼一家餐厅的老板乔和伊曼·埃尔-阿朱兹夫妇制作而成,总重达90公斤,打破了之前美国密歇根州84公斤汉堡王的纪录。

    The monster burger cooked up by Sydney cafe owners , Joe and Iman El-Ajouz , weighed in at90 kg in total , eclipsing the previous record of84 kg , set in Michigan in the United States .