
zhènɡ tán
  • political circles
政坛 [zhèng tán]
  • [political field] 政界;政治领域

  • 步入政坛

  1. 腐败现象是人类社会几千年来的痼疾,反腐倡廉也一直是各国政坛的共同课题,在各个国家都受到广泛的关注。

    The corruption is chronic illness of human society for thousands of years . Fighting against corruption is a common theme for political circles of each country and concerned broadly by every country .

  2. 英国政坛的右派是以保守党为代表的。

    The Right in British politics is represented by the Conservative Party .

  3. 王室成员和政坛要人参加了这个晚会。

    The gala evening was attended by royalty and politicians .

  4. 她是本地政坛举足轻重的人物。

    She is one of the most influential figures in local politics .

  5. 他的才华是本世纪其他政坛人物所望尘莫及的。

    He had a talent unmatched by any other politician of this century .

  6. 他开始涉足地方政坛。

    He dabbles in local politics .

  7. 这件事肯定会在国际政坛上纠缠不清。

    This case was bound to get entangled in international politics .

  8. 她几乎是单枪匹马一个人重整了英国政坛。

    She has , almost single-handedly , realigned British politics .

  9. 她当时被认定是成不了气候的政坛小人物。

    She was written off then as a political nonentity .

  10. 他是智利政坛的风云人物。

    He 's a big shot in Chilean politics .

  11. 他黯然退出了世界政坛。

    He bowed out of world politics not with a bang but a whimper

  12. 他在现代英国政坛上一直是位杰出的人物。

    He remains a towering figure in modern British politics

  13. 他的健康状况迫使他留在原处,置身于政坛之外。

    He was forced by his condition to stay put and remain out of politics

  14. 政坛绝不是女性大显身手的唯一舞台。

    Politics is by no means the only arena in which women are excelling .

  15. 她在政坛上无疑是一个强势人物。

    She certainly was a dominating figure in politics

  16. 她邀请了高管、政坛人物和教育家加入董事会。

    She lined up executives , politicians and educators to serve on the board of directors

  17. 他们力图重整政坛、摧毁现有的政党机器,却以失败收场。

    Their attempts to clean up politics and smash the power of party machines failed .

  18. 那时他将会是52岁,还很年轻,如果他希望的话,仍可重返政坛。

    At that stage he will be 52 , young enough to return to politics if he wishes to do so .

  19. 他得证明他的民主运动在阿尔及利亚政坛确实是一股不可忽视的力量。

    He will have to demonstrate that his Movement for Democracy is really a force to be reckoned with in Algerian politics .

  20. 我想进入政坛,或者重操律师旧业。不过我不想进学校去专门学习。

    I want to try my hand at politics , or go back to the law . I don 't want to go to school for it , though

  21. 裙带关系和暗中交易是全世界政坛的组成部分,但“指定拨款”制度完全是美国式的。

    Influence-peddling and deal-making are part of politics the world over but the earmarks system is peculiarly american .

  22. 政坛艺人指的是从事过演艺工作的政治人物,或者大量使用娱乐媒体的政治人物,特别是在竞选活动中。

    Politainer is a politician who is or was an entertainer ; or a politician who makes extensive use of entertainment media , particularly during a campaign .

  23. 因召妓丑闻被迫下台的纽约州前州长艾略特·斯皮策意欲重返政坛。这条消息可以从他在周五“TonightShow”节目中的忏悔得知。

    Disgraced former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer , aiming for a political comeback , sounded a note of contrition on the " Tonight Show . " Friday .

  24. 上世纪50年代,他成为巴塞罗那市议会(BarcelonaCityCouncil)的一员,由此进入政坛,随后又加入了佛朗哥的橡皮图章议会&西班牙上议院。

    In the 1950s he entered politics via Barcelona city council , later joining Franco 's rubber-stamp Cortes , Spain 's upper house of parliament .

  25. 讽刺类杂志《冷眼》(privateeye)就此刊登的封面充当了一次警告:一旦与政坛权力人物结婚,男人就必须像女人一样注重职业着装。

    The resultant cover of satirical magazine private eye served as a warning that , when married to power , men need to dress for office as much as women .

  26. Catalyst机构总裁兼首席执行官艾琳•朗表示,尽管如此,考虑到今年美国政坛的变化,商界女性的前景将会改观。

    Nevertheless , given the changes in U.S. politics , the future for women in business looks more promising , said Ilene Lang , president and chief executive officer of Catalyst .

  27. 约4万名科学家现在加入了一个名为科学辩论(ScienceDebate)的游说组织,该组织创建于4年前,目的是让政坛听到更多的科学声音。

    Some 40,000 scientists have now joined a lobby group called Science Debate , which was founded four years ago with the aim of getting more scientific voices into the political arena .

  28. 其中主要的便是他的妹夫精明的政坛老手张成泽(changsungtaek)。

    Chief among these is his brother-in-law , the canny political veteran , Chang Sung-taek .

  29. 希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)最近成为了首位被其所在政党提名为总统候选人的女性,打破了政坛剩余的玻璃天花板之一。

    Hillary Clinton smashed one of the remaining glass ceilings in politics this week , when she became the first woman to secure her party 's nomination for US president .

  30. 美国国际集团AIG给管理层发放奖金一事,引爆了美国政坛的激烈争论,这家问题保险公司已经间接从纳税人身上获得了1700亿美元。

    A political row erupted over the payment of bonuses to executives of American International Group , a troubled insurer which has received $ 170 billion in taxpayers'money .