
  • 网络roberto
  1. 罗贝托先生,叫你哥明理点

    Mr. Roberto , tell your brother to be reasonable .

  2. 罗贝托,你怎么不在船上?

    Roberto ? Why aren 't you on the ship ?

  3. 在我和妈妈,罗贝托道非多之间整天太晚大叫

    So between Mamma , Roberto , and Alfredo , we yell and scream all day long .

  4. 不过,他说,他最终抽出时间阅读了罗贝托•波拉尼奥的所有小说。

    Still , he said , he has finally found time to read all of Mr. Bola ñ o 's novel .

  5. 湖人队教练杰克逊在球队出远门参加比赛时,都向队员发放精心挑选过的书籍,从尼采的著作到智利作家罗贝托波拉尼奥的《2666》。

    Jackson of the Lakers has doled out carefully selected books to his players before their longest road trip , which range from works by Friedrich Nietzsche to '2666'by Chilean writer Roberto Bolano .

  6. 不过,批评家警告说,明星男高音罗贝托。阿蓝尼亚在米兰史卡拉歌剧院的一场演出中,以引人注目的罢演退场回应观众席的嘘声,恐怕是生气得太过火了。

    But star tenor Roberto alagna 's dramatic walkout during a performance at milan 's La Scala opera house in response to boos in the crowd may be a tantrum too far , critics warn .