
  • 网络children's home;CASA;Casa dei Bambini;Shishu Bhavan
  1. 意大利著名教育家蒙台梭利在儿童之家的实践基础上创立了她的教育法,史称蒙台梭利教育法。

    Italy famous educator Maria Montessori founded her education method that was called " the Montessori 's Education Method ", on the practice basis of Casa dei Bambini .

  2. 我们把一些玩具捆扎起来送给儿童之家去。

    We parceled up some toys to take to the children 's home .

  3. 圣诞节我们把一些娱乐用具包装起来送到儿童之家去。

    We parcelled up some games and toys to take to the children home at christmas .

  4. 2008年,柯比拉山谷儿童之家正式成立了。

    In 2008 the KopilaValley Chilren 's Home was set up .

  5. 保养(费);维修(费)同义词:maintenance承租人应负责维修租用的房产。该片讲述了奇特儿童之家的事。

    the cost or process of keeping sth in good condition Tenants are responsible for the upkeep of rented property .

  6. 拉扎鲁斯住在纽巴尼儿童之家,这是位于肯尼亚首都内罗毕郊外的患HIV和艾滋病的孤儿所住的地方。

    Lazarus lives in Nyumbani , a home on the outskirts of Nairobi for orphaned children living with HIV / AIDS .

  7. 我们不是去找那个儿童之家的吗?

    I thought we 'd go to the Children 's Home .

  8. 他们在那里把玩具与衣服分送给儿童之家。

    There they distributed toys and clothes to children 's homes .

  9. 我们把泰迪熊画带到医院及儿童之家。

    We took the teddies to hospitals and children 's homes .

  10. 这是去儿童之家的路吗?

    Is this even the way to the Children 's home ?

  11. 托马斯·巴拿度在1870年为没有父母的孩子开设了第一个儿童之家。

    Thomas Barnardo opened his first homes for children without parents in1870 .

  12. 记得吗?在儿童之家。

    Do you remember ? At the children 's home ?

  13. 那个儿童之家,出了什么事?

    The Children 's Home ... What happened to it ?

  14. 明德儿童之家〔香港国际社会服务社〕

    Ming Tak Small Group Home [ International Social Service & Hong Kong Branch ]

  15. 耀福儿童之家〔保良局〕全国儿童福利委员会

    Yiu Fook Small Group Home [ Po Leung Kuk ] National Child Welfare Board

  16. 播道会儿童之家〔香港基督教播道会联会〕

    Evangel Children 's Home [ The Association of Evangelical Free Churches of Hong Kong ]

  17. 他们抢掠儿童之家,所有的孩子都留在那等死。

    They raided homes . Whole homes full of children left for dead.Abe took lives ...

  18. 儿童之家不可能比我们更好地照顾他。

    A children 's home can 't take better care of him than we can .

  19. 奇特儿童之家。

    A Home for Peculiar Children .

  20. 你爸爸知道我在儿童之家住过的事情。

    Your father knows very well that I went to live in the children 's home .

  21. 充当医院和儿童之家联系的桥梁,制订每个孩子的医疗护理计划。

    Be the liaison between the hospital and TCH regarding the decision for each child 's medical care plan .

  22. 我曾在一个残疾儿童之家帮过忙。是今年夏天的事。

    I have done something in a disabled children 's home . I did it during this summer holiday .

  23. 现在虽然没有巴拿度的儿童之家了,慈善机构依然在照顾一些孩子和家庭。

    Now , although there are no Barnardo 's homes , the charity continues to help children and families .

  24. 就是我,他住在一个可爱的儿童之家,就在威尔士附近的小岛上。

    That was me and he lived in a lovely children 's home on an little island near Wales .

  25. 儿童之家的建立是受益于一位不知名的捐助者的慷慨捐献。

    The foundation of the children 's home was made possible by a generous donation from an anonymous benefactor .

  26. 凭一己之力挽救了3家将要倒闭的医院,并经营了北英格兰最好最安全的儿童之家

    Personally managed to save three hospitals from closure and ran the best and safest children 's homes in north England .

  27. 这对夫妇开着一家烘焙店,住在儿童之家改造的房子里,靠一辆小型巴士四处出游。

    The couple , who own a bakery , live in a former children 's home and use a minibus to get around .

  28. 这个店铺的概念,是起源于东莞的一家外贸公司很慷慨地向我们的儿童之家捐出了多年来的样品和库存。

    Upon receiving a generous donation of home d é cor from a local vendor in Dongguan , the initial idea and concept of the store developed .

  29. 同时,他还会不时派专车把住在儿童之家里的孩子接过来尽享迷你火车之乐。

    He also made sure that kids from children 's homes were picked up by private bus to come spend the day enjoying the trains from time to time .

  30. 儿童之家干事艾格尼斯女士在受赠仪式上感谢了德罗巴球迷俱乐部的支持,同时也号召更多的组织团体效仿这样的义举。

    Madam Agnes abolimpoh , case worker of the home in her acceptance speech , thanked the DDFC for the support and appealed to other corporate bodies to emulate the gesture .