
  1. 高危干预组儿童身高、体重评价等级与高危对照组无统计学差异(P>0.05)。

    Height and weight Index was no different in the early intervention group and in the control group ( P ﹥ 0.05 ) .

  2. 结果20世纪50年代以前,中国儿童身高高于日本儿童;

    Results Chinese child is higher than the Japanese child before 1950s ;

  3. 测量儿童身高、体重及尿碘水平。

    The stature , weight and urinary iodine content of children were measured .

  4. 结果:高氟对少年儿童身高的影响较显著。

    Results : The influence of high-fluorine is obvious on the growth of children .

  5. 我只有4英尺高,跟一个8岁儿童身高一样。

    I am just under 4 feet tall , the size of an eight-year-old boy .

  6. 儿童身高、体重的增长与年龄呈正相关。

    The relation of the growth of height , weight and age were positively correlated .

  7. 6岁以下儿童身高计算公式的研究

    An investigation on calculation formulas for the height of children under 6 years of age

  8. 儿童身高生长追踪研究

    Longitudinal study on child height growth

  9. 干预组与对照组儿童身高增长幅度基本一致。

    Increment of height of students was almost same in the intervention group and control group .

  10. 儿童身高和躯干比例的变化主要是成熟节律提前造成的。

    The change of height and trunk ratio are mainly resulted from the change of growth tempo .

  11. 矮身材儿童身高助长运动处方的探索他是一位身材矮小的司令官。

    Research on Effect of Sports Prescription for Lengthening Short Children ; He was a diminutive commander .

  12. 西宁地区13岁少年儿童身高、体重发育特征的研究

    Studies on the characteristics of height , weight during growth of juvenile of 13 in Xining Area

  13. 以后日本儿童身高高于中国儿童,20世纪70年代两国儿童身高差值最大;

    Later , the Japanese child is higher than the Chinese child with the biggest difference in 1970s .

  14. 肥胖儿童身高和体重明显超出正常体重儿童。

    The serum leptin , CP , TG in obese children were higher than that in normal children .

  15. 上海市儿童身高别体重百分位标准的研制

    A study on development of percentile references of weight for height for children aged 0-11.5 years of urban Shanghai

  16. 血清锌、钙、锰含量对矮小儿童身高、骨龄的影响

    Effects of Contents of Serum Zinc , Calcium , Manganese on Short Stature Children 's Height and Bone Age

  17. 口服精氨酸在促进矮小儿童身高增长的同时,亦能使骨质代谢处于正平衡状态。

    Oral arginine improved height growth in children with short stature and made bone metabolism in a positive balance .

  18. 徐州市0~7岁儿童身高、体重与体质指数研究

    A Study on growth references of height , weight and body mass index for Children aged 0-7 years in Urban Xuzhou

  19. 方法将青岛市不同年代7~12岁儿童身高、体重与主要经济指标作相关分析。

    Methods A correlative analysis was made among the stature and body weight of the children aged 7-12 in different decades .

  20. 进入青春期生长发育高峰后,肥胖儿童身高的发育水平有低于正常儿童发育水平的趋势;

    After peak height velocity of adolescence , growth of height for obesity children was lower than that for normal ones .

  21. 目的了解我国6岁以下儿童身高的计算公式及计算误差。

    Objective To study the calculation formulas and the calculation error of the height for Chinese children under 6 years of age .

  22. 不同年代各经济指标经对数转换后,与儿童身高、体重呈明显的直线正相关(P<0.01)。

    There were significant positive correlations among children 's stature and body and main economic indicators in different decades ( P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 结论:血清锌、钙、锰与儿童身高增长,骨龄成熟密切相关。

    Conclusion : serum zinc , calcium , manganese have a close relationship with increase of height and maturation of bone age in children .

  24. 提高儿童身高发育是中国继续提高儿童健康和体质的要素,应实施有针对性的儿童膳食营养干预措施。

    To improve height growth is essential to further enhance health and fitness of children under 5 focused nutrition and dietary intervention should be implemented .

  25. 儿童身高刚好在大气铅浓度最高的范围内,这也正是儿童血铅超标比例大的主要原因。

    The children 's height is just in atmosphere with high lead field . This is also the chief cause of children 's lead poisoning .

  26. 结果表明:7~14岁儿童身高甲状腺体积指数正常值的97%上限值依次为5.00,5.00,5.00,6.00,7.00,7.00,8.00,8.00。

    The results showed that normal up limits of body height-thyroid volume index were 5,5,5,6,7,7 , 8,8 for 7 to 14 years old children respectively .

  27. 乡村儿童身高增加和身高及坐高发育高峰年龄提前的幅度大于同性别城市儿童;

    The height increment and advancing of Maximum Growth Age for height and sitting height of rural children are more obvious than that of urban children ;

  28. 结果儿童身高、体重均值(除5岁组外)均比九市区身高、体重均值偏低(P<0.05、P<0.01)。

    Results : Average height and weight of these kids is lower than that of the kids from other nine cities except 5 year-old kids group . ( p < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  29. 目的了解0~36月龄婴幼儿形态发育的规律和速度,探讨WHO的0~36月龄儿童身高体重参考值及评价标准在我国的适用性。

    Objective To ascertain growth pattern and velocity of children 0 ~ 36 months of age and study applicability of WHO reference values and appraisal standards for height and weight of children 0 ~ 36 months of age .

  30. 周围儿童身高、体重指标低于对照组,儿童学期病假率2.2%,显著高于对照组(P<0.01);

    Infected children 's height and weight are lower than that of the contrasted group ; children s sick leave rate was 2.2 % which was clearly higher than that of the contrasted group ( p , 0.01 );