
  • 网络RHODESIA;Rhodesian
  1. 有关由南、北罗德西亚组成联邦的建议。

    The proposal to form a federation out of northern and southern rhodesia .

  2. 历史上发生过很多次失败的石油禁运,从古巴、罗德西亚、南非,到1990年后针对伊拉克的石油禁运莫不如此。

    History is littered with failed oil embargoes , ranging from Cuba , Rhodesia and South Africa to the embargo against Iraq after 1990 .

  3. 我们的罗德西亚背脊犬杰玛(Gemma)对其他的狗狗很好,与我们温顺的三色猫阿迪(Addie)有着很特殊的感情。

    Our Rhodesian Ridgeback , Gemma , adored other dogs , and enjoyed a special relationship with our cat Addie , a docile tortoiseshell .

  4. 1955年,在南罗德西亚有经验的教练屈指可数。位于美国罗德艾兰州的大西洋的一个深海湾。

    In 1955 in Southern Rhodesia , the number of experienced coaches could be counted on the fingers of one hand . a deep inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in Rhode Island .

  5. 但阿尔弗莱德总是对缺少选择冷嘲热讽:他说在南罗德西亚人们要进取得多(那当然是在罗伯特穆加贝不遗余力地毁了这个国家之前)。

    But Alfred was always scornful about the lack of choice : people were so much more enterprising , he said , in Southern Rhodesia ( that was , of course , before Robert Mugabe had done his best to wreck the country ) .