
  • 网络Rob;robert
  1. 罗勃是我唯一在一起过的人。

    Rob 's the only person I 've ever been with .

  2. 罗勃:谢谢你,亲爱的。贾斯汀,请坐。

    Rob : Thanks , honey . Have a seat , Justin .

  3. 罗勃特•B•泽里克,美国贸易代表人们都希望美国保持市场开放,以确保这个地区的经济增长。我对此当然也持支持意见。

    ROBERT B. ZOELLICK , U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE The people want the United States to keep its markets open for the growth in this region . And I certainly am one of those people who want to do that .

  4. 无需惊讶的是,制药行业找到了心脏跳动模型创建者来帮忙,他就是美国牛津大学的丹尼斯•罗勃(DenisNoble)。

    Not surprisingly , the pharmaceutical industry has sought out Denis Noble of Oxford University , the creator of the beating-heart model , to help .

  5. SGBlocks投资者Vector集团的总裁兼首席执行官霍华德•罗勃指出,人们听说集装箱住宅后的第一反应往往是:“哇,谁愿意住进一个看起来集装箱的房子?”

    Howard Lorber , president and CEO of SG Blocks investor Vector Group , says that the initial reaction often is ," Wow , who wants to be in a house that looks like a container ?"

  6. 普京自己就曾是有16年克罗勃生涯的前联邦安全局的首领。以FSB知名。

    Putin himself is a16-year KGB veteran and former chief of the Federal Security Service , known as the FSB .

  7. 酱汁加入了各种草药调味,其中包括马郁兰和罗勃。

    The sauce is flavoured with herbs , including marjoram and basil .

  8. 罗勃的音乐品味不能称为主流。

    Rob 's taste in music could not be described as mainstream .

  9. 我今天晚上要带她到罗勃和玛丽家吃晚餐。

    I 'm taking her to dinner at Rob and marie 's tonight .

  10. 雇佣罗勃-佩林卡作为湖人的新总经理是一个不错的起手。

    Rob Pelinka , the Lakers ' new GM , is a good start .

  11. 本文改编自「周一早晨观点」,这是一系列由罗勃.符思特所写的默想文章。

    Taken and adapted from Take Two on Monday Morning , written by Robert D.Foster .

  12. 罗勃对苹果比对香蕉还喜欢。

    Rob likes apples more than bananas .

  13. 我要走了,我让罗勃告诉你好消息。

    I 've gotta run . I 'll let Robert tell you the good news .

  14. 罗勃是罗伯特的昵称。

    Rob is a nickname for Robert .

  15. 罗勃特耍了我,他说话不算数。

    Robert played a dirty trick on me by refusing to do what he had promised .

  16. 起先,罗勃特富尔顿有关于他的汽船的计划,被嘲笑当做不真实的愚蠢的行为。

    At first , Robert Fulton 's plans for his steamboat were derided as chimerical nonsense .

  17. 美国南军将领罗勃特.李签署投降文件之后,上马慢慢返回南军军营。

    After signing the surrender papers , Confederate general Robert Lee got on his horse and rode slowly back to his army .

  18. 贾斯汀:好吧,那么我想让你们认识我的室友,汤姆。汤姆,这是罗勃和玛丽。

    Ok . well , I 'd like you to meet my roommate , tom . tom , this is rob and marie .

  19. 罗勃:不,你来得正是时候。贾斯汀,这是我的太太,玛丽。玛丽,这是贾斯汀马修斯。

    Rob : no , you 're find . justin , this is my wife , marie . marie , this is Justin matthews .

  20. 罗勃:我公司的行销部门可能会有一个职缺。明天我可以把你的履历表带去公司吗?

    Rob : We might have an opening in the marketing department at my company . May I take your resume to work tomorrow ?

  21. 美国南军统帅罗勃特.李经常指挥行军迅速的将领攻击敌军侧翼,藉此取胜。

    Much of Robert Lee 's success as the commander in chief of the Confederate army was due to his use of flank attacks by fast-marching generals .

  22. 美国南军将领罗勃特.李和北军将领攸里西斯.格林见面时,格林问他对投降协议的意见,想不想提议修改。

    At his meeting with Union general Ulysses Grant , Confederate general Robert Lee was asked if he wished to propose any changes to the surrender agreement .

  23. 苏和罗勃吵了一架,罗勃临走时说了一句:我希望再也见不到你

    Sue and Rob had quarreled . As Rob walked out the door , his parting shot was , " I hope I 'll never see you again !"

  24. 并行叙述,感觉有点乱乱的.最后,整个故事发展到或者说沦落到…像是某种罗勃格里耶之谜

    parallel narratives . It 's kind of a mess . And then , eventually , the whole thing sort of evolves or devolves into this sort of Robbe-Grillet mystery . You know ?

  25. 同学坦承贪玩函嘿,罗勃:我这里仍然有很多乐子(我确定比你多),不过我必须承认我对我的成绩有点担心。

    November 19 , 2005 Hey Rob , I 'm still having a lot of fun here ( more than you , I 'm sure ) , but I have to admit that I 'm getting a little worried about my grades .

  26. 科林斯》《波尔蒂契的哑女》《恶魔罗勃》(因为修女幽灵的特效而著名)当然还有古诺的《浮士德》,这部歌剧院就是勒胡小说的背景。

    Le Siege de Corinth , La Muette de Portici , Robert Le Diable ( noted for its Phanton of the Nuns effect ) and , of course , Gounod 's Faust , the opera which is the backdrop to the Leroux novel .