
yì shù piàn
  • art film;literary film
  1. 韩小汐在接受《广州日报》采访时表示:我十分惊讶王小帅能将一个神秘悬疑的故事拍成一部艺术片。

    I was quite surprised that Wang could make such a mysterious and suspenseful story into an art film , Han told Guangzhou Daily .

  2. 一部电影被列为纯艺术片,另一部被列为娱乐片。

    One movie is classified as pure art , the other as entertainment .

  3. 他拍摄的影片成了艺术片的经典之作。

    The movies he made became art-house classics .

  4. 尽管《卧虎藏龙》带有艺术片的气息,但它更像一部轰动大片,所以Imax公司对续集产生了兴趣。

    Despite its art house imprimatur , " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon " played more like a blockbuster , which helps explain Imax 's interest in the sequel .

  5. 刁亦男:会的,因为中国艺术片导演的能力很强。

    Yes , because Chinese directors of art-house films are very capable .

  6. 刘郎江南系列电视文化艺术片研究

    A Study on Cultural Art Television Series by Liu Lang

  7. 从舞台到银幕&十七年戏曲艺术片对三大矛盾的处理

    From Stage to Screen & Dealing Three Principle Contradictions

  8. 莎拉:不是。我说一部艺术片。

    Sarah : no.i said an art-house movie .

  9. 但我不喜欢艺术片。

    I don 't really like art-house films .

  10. 这些电影是艺术片还是娱乐片?

    Are these films art or entertainment ?

  11. 莎拉:今晚你想来和我看一部艺术片?

    Sarah : do you want to come see an art-house movie with me tonight ?

  12. 我最恨这些艺术片了。

    I hate those arty movies .

  13. 她总是拖着我去看这些我从来看不明白的艺术片。

    She 's always dragging me along to these arty films that I can never understand .

  14. 论纪录性艺术片

    On Documentary Art Films

  15. 昨晚我看了一部艺术片,不过它不太好-里面根本没有车辆追逐的镜头!

    I saw an art-house movie last night but it wasn 't very good-there were no car chases in it at all !

  16. 好吧,现在你是做在这个特殊的艺术片来看,我将告诉你如何?

    Okay , now that you are done looking at this piece of exceptional artistry , I will show you how it ?

  17. 无论从电影类型学的角度还是民族电影独立性的角度,戏曲艺术片对于中国电影都具有非常重大的意义。

    The dramatic movie is of great importance to China movie seen from the angles of both genre and the national movie .

  18. 她主演的《潘必正和陈妙常》获全国电视戏曲艺术片奖。

    She acted the leading role in Pan Bi-zheng and Chen Miao-chang , the play won National Art Telefilm Prize of Traditional Opera .

  19. 它的确可以改变市场结构&如果管理部门带头支持艺术片,观众就会受到影响。

    It really can help to change the market structure & if the leadership takes the lead to support art-house film , audiences will be influenced .

  20. 它的确可以改变市场结构——如果管理部门带头支持艺术片,观众就会受到影响。

    It really can help to change the market structure -- if the leadership takes the lead to support art-house film , audiences will be influenced .

  21. 我觉得如果能达到人民币5000万元就不错了。因为很多艺术片在中国院线的票房收入只有人民币一二百万元。

    I thought it would be awesome if it could reach 50 million yuan , because many art-house films only earn about one or two million yuan in China 's cinemas .

  22. 电影发行商华策影视周一宣布:由侯孝贤执导,并于五月在戛纳获得最佳导演奖的动作艺术片“刺客聂隐娘”,将于8月27日在大陆影院上�

    Martial arts arthouse epic " The Assassin , " for which Taiwanese auteur Hou Hsiao-Hsien won Best Director at Cannes in May , will open in mainland theaters on Aug. 27 , the film 's distributor Huace Film & TV announced on Monday .

  23. 我其实认为这部影片比较像是艺术片,但因为后来非常热门,所以就某种程度来说反而降低了这部片真正的艺术价值。

    I actually believed that it was more of an artistic film in that sense , but because it became so popular at the time , I somehow think that the popularity may have , in a sense , undermined the true artistic value that the movie might actually have .

  24. 兼营:名家有限印刷品、美术书籍,艺术明信片,文房四宝,各类高档工艺礼品。

    Sideline : Limited prints from celebrities , art books , art postcards , four treasures of study and various types of high-class gifts of craftwork .

  25. 作为传播的带有艺术性质的片种,其广告内容必须能够到达广告受众,并为他们所注意、感知;作为说服的艺术,广告必须能够进入广告受众的心里,能够获得他们的信任和理解。

    As a communication arts , advertising must be able to reach your audience , and they note that perception ; as the art of persuasion , advertising must be able to enter the hearts of your audience to gain their trust and understanding .

  26. 艺术类人物专题片语言兼有专业性和艺术性两大特点。

    The language of artistic figure Tv puogramm have both speciality and artistry .

  27. (作者是本地商人及艺术爱好者)本片奉献给所有的武术爱好者,也适合非武术爱好者。

    ( The writer is a local businessman and an arts enthusiast ) This video is dedicated to martial artists and non-martial artist alike .

  28. 近些年人类审美意识的提高带动了陶艺热的升温,陶艺这门现代艺术在中国这片陶瓷的热土上越加焕发出无限的潜能和活力的光芒。

    In recent years the human aesthetic awareness drives the heating of ceramic art pottery , the modem art in China this ceramic land more coruscate gives unlimited potential and vitality .

  29. 本文从文化与艺术关系角度研究刘郎江南系列电视文化艺术片。

    This paper attempts to discuss cultural art television series directed by Liu Lang from the perspective of the relation between culture and art .

  30. 在本次展览中,我们在丝巾艺术展品“二重奏”的周围安排播放了一部艺术体操录像片。

    In the exhibition , there is also a rhythmic gymnastics video projected next to the scarf En duo .