
  • 网络The Art Fund
  1. 如果一家美术馆不想展示某件作品,必须将其归还艺术基金会。

    If a gallery no longer wants to display a work , it must return it to the Art Fund .

  2. 但是年轻的艺术家还是要努力寻找有资格申请的艺术基金。

    But the young artists still can try to find some the Art Fund which their eligible to apply for .

  3. 个人赞助只占去年所有艺术基金的三分之一。

    Private sponsorships only accounted for a third of all arts funding last year .

  4. 艺术基金会原名为国家艺术收藏品基金会(nationalartcollectionsfund),从事这样的工作已经很久了。

    Formerly called the national art collections fund , the art fund has a long track record .

  5. 随后,她负责领导国家艺术基金会(NationalEndowmentfortheArts)民间艺术项目。

    Later , she directed the folk arts program at the National Endowment for the Arts .

  6. 欧洲艺术基金会(EuropeanFineArtFoundation)委托撰写的一份报告显示,中国现在是世界第二大艺术品与古董市场。

    According to a report commissioned by the European Fine Art Foundation , China is now the world 's second-largest market for art and antiques .

  7. 在传统博物馆和新兴机构的合作下,展览、演出等活动层出不穷,比如贝纳基博物馆(BenakiMuseum)和戴斯特当代艺术基金会(DesteFoundationforContemporaryArt)的合作等。

    Collaborations between traditional museums and younger institutions , including the Benaki Museum 's effort with the Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art , are spicing up exhibitions and events .

  8. 去年十月,挪威文化部(MinistryofCulture)部长HadiaTajik发布了本国历史上最大的艺术基金。

    Last October , Hadia Tajik , Norway 's Minister of Culture , announced the country 's largest-ever budget for the arts .

  9. 据美国国家艺术基金(NationalEndowmentfortheArts)2008年公布的一份报告显示,截至2005年,男性摄影师的平均收入为35000美元。

    According to a report released in 2008 by the National Endowment for the Arts , the median income for male photographers , as of 2005 , was $ 35,000 .

  10. 国家艺术基金会(NationalEndowmentfortheArts)的总预算不过是康奈尔大学在理工科领域所得到的政府研究及支持资金的一半。

    The total budget for the national endowment for the arts is one half of what Cornell gets from the government in terms of research and support for science and engineering .

  11. 根据欧洲艺术基金会(EuropeanFineArtFoundation)的一份报告,中国和英国并列2014年全球第二大艺术品市场,各占22%的销售份额。

    According to a report by the European Fine Art Foundation , China was the world 's joint second largest art market in 2014 with a 22 per cent share of sales , alongside the UK .

  12. 而且,虽然被公众画廊收藏能提升艺术家作品的价值,但杰出艺术基金会(SovereignFoundation)的收藏尚不具有与其它奖项比肩的声誉。

    And , although entering a public collection can increase the value of an artist 's work , the Sovereign Foundation 's collection does not yet have the same kudos as other prizes .

  13. 据美国国家艺术基金会(theNationalEndowmentfortheArts),美术馆的参观人数在2002年至2012年十年间下降了5%,期间,去博物馆的人中只有75岁及以上年龄段的人数有所上升。

    Art museum attendance dipped 5 percent from 2002 to 2012 , according to the National Endowment for the Arts . Museumgoers 75 and older were the only age group to increase over that period .

  14. 上月,英国国家科技艺术基金会(Nesta)力挺这一观点。

    Last month the National Endowment for Science , Technology and the Arts picked up this point .

  15. K11艺术基金会声称自己开创了这个被称为“博物馆-零售”的概念:它的每个购物艺术中心都有自己的团队,策划艺术馆的展览,协调整个建筑里所有其他物品的展示方式。

    The K11 Art Foundation claims to have pioneered the concept , known as museum-retail : Each of its art malls have an in-house team that programs the gallery 's offerings and coordinates how other work appears throughout the building .

  16. K11艺术基金会是在香港注册的一个非营利组织,它在香港和上海开设了两个K11购物艺术中心,分别展示了中国新晋艺术家和世界艺术大师们的约20件作品。

    K11 Art Foundation , a nonprofit organization registered in Hong Kong , showcases around 20 works by emerging Chinese artists and blue-chip staples at each of its two K11 Art Malls in Hong Kong and Shanghai , along with holding regular exhibitions .

  17. 他是艺术基金会的会长。

    He was the principal of the arts foundation .

  18. 我爱画廊我父亲和我曾有一个艺术基金会

    I love galleries . My father and I had an art foundation .

  19. 是费兹杰拉德艺术基金会的号码

    It 's the Fitzgerald Art Foundation .

  20. 由空间母语文化艺术基金会赞助,于2008年展开建筑奖活动。

    Inaugurated in2008 , it is sponsored by Spatial Native Language Foundation of Arts and Culture .

  21. 卡地亚当代艺术基金

    Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art

  22. 而仅仅因为这些原因,在1965年,美国全国艺术基金会成立。

    And for just those reasons , in 1965 , the National Endowment for the Arts was created .

  23. 该报告由美国国家艺术基金及美国教育部提供资金,耗时两年才得完成。

    The report took two years to produce , with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S.

  24. 即便是现在,招聘与评估程序仍更看重“勤奋”、而非“创新”(英国国家科技艺术基金会,2009年)。

    Even now , recruitment and appraisal processes favour " conscientiousness " over " innovativeness " ( Nesta , 2009 ) .

  25. 主办单位:北京文化艺术基金会,华彬集团,中央美术学院美术馆。

    Sponsors : Beijing Culture and Art Foundation , Reignwood Group , Fine Arts Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts .

  26. 而且,我还代表了美国许多家文化和艺术基金会,因为我相信文化和艺术也影响政治。

    There has been no other country impacted by as much legislation coming out from the Senate and the House of Representatives .

  27. 谈到英国现行的国家艺术基金制度时,她说:委员会创造不出高超的艺术作品。

    " Committees do not create good art ," she says , referring to the current system of state-sponsored arts funding in Britain .

  28. 凯特如此盛装,是为了出席由自然历史博物馆举办的艺术基金2016年度博物馆奖颁奖晚宴。

    The Duchess was presenting the Art Fund Museum of the Year 2016 prize at a dinner hosted at the Natural History Museum .

  29. 据悉在由艺术基金会在情人节到来之际发起的调查活动中,这幅收藏于南安普顿市美术馆的画作得到了71%的选票,无疑当选成为最浪漫的艺术品。

    The painting , at Southampton City Art Gallery , received 71 per cent of votes in the Art Fund survey to mark Valentines Day .

  30. 对退出环节的研究有益于深入理解艺术基金运行规律,同时也提供了考察艺术投资市场新视角。

    The study will not only be helpful in understanding the art fund , but also provide a new perspective to the art investment market .