
  • Toy Story;Toys;Disney
  1. 玩具总动员3是一部上映于2010年的3D电脑动画电影,这也是玩具总动员系列电影的第三部。

    Toy Story 3 is a 2010 American 3D computer-animated comedy-adventure film , and the third installment in the Toy Story series .

  2. 《玩具总动员》的有趣之处在于,伍迪(Woody)和他的伙伴们只在周围有人时假装不是活的。

    The joke of " Toy Story " is that Woody and his buddies only pretend to be inanimate when people are around .

  3. 教室名称也让人们想起迪士尼的影片,比如“安迪的卧室”是以《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)的场景起的。

    Classroom names recall Disney movies , such as'Andy 's Bedroom , 'named for the setting of the'Toy Story'films .

  4. 但是,如果没有这个场景,我们可能看不见后来大片《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)和《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)里特有的居民。

    However , without this scene , we may never have had the denizens of future hits Toy Story and Frozen .

  5. 除去《神偷奶爸》和《怪物史瑞克》,另外三部票房成绩不菲的动画电影是冰川时代(IceAge),《马达加斯加》(Madagascar)和皮克斯动画工厂出品的系列动画《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)。

    The other three highest-grossing animated franchises below Despicable Me and Shrek is Ice Age , Madagascar and Pixar series Toy Story .

  6. 如果史蒂夫·乔布斯不辍学的话,就不会有Mac电脑、iPod,甚至巴斯光年(巴斯光年战警是皮克斯最早红遍全球的角色之一,出现于《玩具总动员》系列电影&译者注)了。

    The Mac , the iPod , heck , even Buzz Lightyear probably wouldn 't have existed had Steve Jobs stayed in school .

  7. 这十年里,传统迪斯尼动画起死回生,皮克斯也带来了《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)系列的前两部,革新了动画片这种形式。

    It was also the decade in which traditional Disney animation came back from the dead and in which Pixar , with the first two Toy Story movies , reinvented the form magnificently .

  8. Pixar制作了世界上第一个用电脑制作的动画电影——“玩具总动员”

    Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film , Toy Story ,

  9. 那天下午晚些时候我们回到玩具总动员酒店时,发现孩子们聚集在大堂的一个电视机周围,观看老版的《米老鼠》(MickeyMouse)动画片,电视调成了静音。

    When we returned late that afternoon to the Toy Story Hotel , we found children gathered around a lobby television watching old Mickey Mouse cartoons with no volume .

  10. Pixar电影工作室将继续创作像《玩具总动员》和《海底总动员》这样的电影。

    The Pixar movie studio would go on to create movies like Toy Story and Finding Nemo .

  11. 毕竟,我们最近一些卖座影片都是Pixar为我们制作的动画电影,比如《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)、《怪物公司》(MonstersInc)、《海底总动员》(FindingNemo)等等。

    After all , some of our best recent films have been the animation films made for us by Pixar-Toy Story , Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo .

  12. 1995年11月22日,遍布美国的观众争相排队等候观看这部刚刚问世但却永远改变电影产业的电影。它的名字就是大名鼎鼎的《玩具总动员》。词语解释:1.sobv.抽泣,哭泣

    November , 22 , 1995 , audiences across America are lining up for a ground-breaking movie that will change the film industry forever .

  13. 另一家商店的销售员拿出一个用《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)人物“安迪”(Andy)的形象制造的玩具,开口要价420人民币(约66美元)。

    A saleswoman at another store offered a toy doll of Andy , a character from the movie " Toy Story , " for an asking price of 420 renminbi , or about $ 66 .

  14. 他想起了《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)中的一幕,巴斯光年(BuzzLightyear)从窗户跌落,而其他玩具认为是结实、可爱的伍迪(Woody)出于嫉妒,故意将巴斯推出窗外。

    He recalled the scene in Toy Story when Buzz Lightyear falls from a window and the other toys think that Woody - solid , likeable Woody - got jealous and deliberately pushed Buzz out .

  15. Pixar制作了世界上第一个用电脑制作的动画电影——“”玩具总动员”,Pixar现在也是世界上最成功的电脑制作工作室。

    Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film , Toy Story , and is now the most successful animation studio in the world .

  16. Pixar出品了世界第一个电脑动画电影:“玩具总动员”,现在它已经是世界最成功的动画制作工作室了。

    Pixar went on to create the world 's first computer-animated feature film ," Toy Story ," and is now the most successful animation studio in the world .

  17. Pixar创作出了世界上第一部电脑动画电影《玩具总动员》,现在它已经是世界上最成功的动画工作室了。

    Pixar went on to create the world 's first computer-animated feature film " Toy Story , " and is now the most successful animation studio in the world .

  18. 皮克斯花了很多年,才推出了第一部全长电影《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)。在那段时间,他了解了皮克斯总裁艾德·卡特姆(EdCatmull)管理公司创意人才的方式。

    It took years before Pixar came out with its first full-length movie , " Toy Story . " During that time , he saw how Ed Catmull , Pixar 's president , managed the company 's creative talent .

  19. MSN英国的主编麦特保尔说:“15年前MSN刚推出的时候,第一部完全由电脑制作的电影《玩具总动员》刚刚上映,巴林银行刚刚倒闭,当时任首相的还是约翰梅杰。

    Matt Ball , editor-in-chief at MSN UK , said : ' When MSN launched Toy Story came out and was the first completely computer generated film , John Major was Prime Minister and Barings bank collapsed .

  20. 《玩具总动员4》联合导演约翰·拉萨特在D23博览会上透露影片将以牛仔胡迪警长与牧羊女宝贝的爱情故事为主轴。

    Co-director John Lasseter revealed at D23 that " Toy Story 4 " would be a love story between Woody and Bo Peep .

  21. 我们忘了《玩具总动员》的怀旧性质。故事发生在战后的美国郊区,那一系列电影展现出对过去的渴望,不只是通过老式玩具的嘟囔,他们努力争夺不断成长的男主人、小男孩安迪(Andy)的关注。

    We forgot about the nostalgia of " Toy Story . " Set in a postwar American suburb , the movies reveal an ache for the past and not just through the grumblings of old-fashioned playthings that compete for the attention of Andy , their growing boy-owner .

  22. 我们曾对这部电影只有一个模糊的印象,不过现在,《头脑特工队》已经和《玩具总动员3》以及《机器人瓦力》一起成为皮克斯在IMDb上排名最高的电影了。

    Remember when we only had a vague idea of what this movie was about ? Now , as of this writing , Inside Out is in a three-way tie with Toy Story 3 and WALL · E as Pixar 's highest-rated movie on IMDb .

  23. 汤姆汉克斯为《玩具总动员》中的胡迪角色配音。

    Tom Hanks did the voice of woody in toy story .

  24. 我喜欢《玩具总动员》系列,我就是喜欢。

    I love the Toy Story series , I just do .

  25. 迪士尼将《玩具总动员3》移交皮克斯制作

    " Toy Story 3 " to be retooled at Pixar

  26. 在玩具总动员的第一集终出现了相似的情形。

    Such a revelation occurs in the first Toy Story .

  27. 当他们看到玩具总动员的时候简直疯掉了

    They just went nuts when they saw " toy story , "

  28. 这是玩具总动员的巴斯光年了肉。

    It was Toy Story 's Buzz Lightyear made flesh .

  29. 《玩具总动员》一集接着一集,势头迅猛。

    Toy Story is followed by one hit after another .

  30. 说起电影,你看过玩具总动员吗?

    Speaking of movies , have you seen Toy story ?