
  • 网络Toys R US;Toys "R" Us;Toys“R”Us;Toys “R” Us;TRU
  1. 玩具反斗城经营的第一个也是唯一大吉弹出,也称为假日快递在曼哈顿,为2007年假日季节。

    Toys R Us operated its first and only pop-up shop , also called Holiday Express , in Manhattan for the2007 holiday season .

  2. 说:“沃昌店是第一玩具反斗城在现有的状态存储将转换为的副作用,方格式,”她说。

    " The Watchung store is the first existing Toys R Us store in the state to be converted to the side-by-side format ," she said .

  3. 玩具反斗城公司(ToysRUs)几天前宣布,为了迎接圣诞,公司将招聘包括销售员、玩具展示员和仓库工人在内的45000名新员工。

    Toys R US will add about 45,000 salespeople , toy demonstrators , and warehouse workers for the holiday season , the company announced a few days ago .

  4. 美国的玩具反斗城(ToysRUs)上周五表示,作为预防措施,该公司已将所有乙烯基儿童围兜从商店下架。此前,一位供应商的中国产围兜被检测出铅含量超标。

    On Friday , Toys R Us said it was removing all babies'vinyl bibs from its stores as a precaution after bibs made in China for one supplier showed excessive lead levels .

  5. 玩具反斗城(toysrus)、迪士尼(disney)产品制造商kidsiiinc和其它6家公司召回了包括书签、水壶及玩具手电筒在内的中国制造产品。

    Toys R US , Walt Disney products maker kids II Inc and six other companies recalled Chinese-made items , from bookmarks to water bottles and toy flashlights .

  6. 这次召回掀起了一波类似行动的浪潮,包括玩具反斗城(toysrus)召回中国制造的套装蜡笔和颜料,新西兰声称中国生产的睡衣甲醛含量超标。

    The recall has prompted a wave of similar moves , from the recall of crayon and paint sets made in China by Toys R us to allegations in New Zealand that Chinese-made pyjamas contain dangerous levels of formaldehyde .

  7. 一定要使用像foursquare等gps应用软件定位对购物者有优待的商铺,比如jcpenny(杰西潘尼,美国服装店)和toysrus(玩具反斗城)。

    Then make sure you are checking in on GPS apps , like foursquare . Jcpenny and Toys R US are among those with special perks for holiday shoppers .

  8. 换言之,iPad业务的营收轻松超过Gap(第185位,营收145亿美元)与玩具反斗城(Toys“R”Us,第194位,营收139亿美元)的总和。

    Put another way , the iPad business handily makes more money than gap ( GPS ) ( No. 185 , $ 14.5 billion ) and toys " R " us ( No. 194 , $ 13.9 billion ) combined .

  9. jcpenney、target、gap和玩具反斗城(toysrus)等其他零售商,则发布了智能手机应用程序(app),结合诸如帮助用户查找实体店位置、查询商品是否有货等服务,促进销售。

    Others , including JC Penney , target , gap and Toys R US have launched smartphone applications , or apps , that promote deals alongside services such as helping customers locate physical stores or check the availability of items .

  10. 这项最新的发展策略可以把玩具反斗城牢牢排在第二位,至少在节日期间,ReyneRice表示,玩具趋势的玩具业协会驻纽约的分析师。

    This latest expansion tactic could put Toys R Us solidly in second place , at least for the holiday season , said Reyne Rice , toy trends analyst for the Toy Industry Association in New York .

  11. 私募股权公司已经拿下了一些商业街上最耳熟能详的私人公司,包括博姿、j.crew、玩具反斗城和汉堡王。

    Private-equity companies have taken some of the most familiar names on the high street private , including boots , J.Crew , toys " R " us , and Burger King .

  12. 通过在Snagajob网站招聘假日临时工的玩具反斗城公司表示,在所有的季节性工作中,有百分之十的职位会一直延续到元旦之后。

    Toys R US , which recruits many of its employees through snagajob , says that about 10 % of its seasonal hires stay on past January 1 .

  13. 投资集团接手经营玩具反斗城

    Investment group takes over business of Toys R Us

  14. 美玩具反斗城将关闭87家连锁店

    Toys R Us to close 87 stores

  15. 只要看看玩具反斗城。

    Just look at Toys R Us .

  16. 最后玩具反斗城的经理出来了。

    Finally the manager came out .

  17. 我听说,他撞上了在好莱坞的马克沃尔伯格在玩具反斗城的一天。

    I hear he bumped into Mark Wahlberg in Toys R Us in Hollywood the other day .

  18. 这使得玩具反斗城更方便,使我们有能力发展业务。

    This makes Toys R Us more convenient and gives us the ability to grow our business .

  19. 玩具反斗城的一名女性代言人说:这才是这个节日存在的意义。

    A spokeswoman for Toys R Us said : It 's what the holiday are all about .

  20. 和沃尔玛、家乐福及玩具反斗城相比,这个瑞典家具品牌已打入了更多国家的市场。

    The furniture and furnishings brand is in more countries than Wal-Mart , Carrefour , and Toys R Us .

  21. 玩具反斗城失去了其作为全国最大的玩具零售商沃尔玛公司10年前的职级,并没有苏醒的冠军。

    Toys R Us lost its rank as the nation 's largest toy retailer to Wal-Mart Stores Inc.a decade ago and never regained the title .

  22. 折扣店、厂家直销店和像玩具反斗城这样的品类杀手吞食了它们的利润。随着中年顾客开始消失,住在商业街的青少年开始倍受关注,使得形势更加糟糕。

    As middle-aged shoppers began to disappear , the teenagers who had inhabited malls from the beginning became more noticeable , which only made things worse .

  23. “经济形势是一个机会,大胆进取,”杰拉尔德斯托奇,董事长和玩具反斗城公司执行总裁,在接受采访时说。

    " The economic situation represents an opportunity to be bold and aggressive ," Gerald Storch , chairman and chief executive of Toys R Us Inc. , said in an interview .

  24. 在假日的商店,为玩具反斗城首次展示,正值零售商萎缩节日礼物的预算和家庭适应新发现的一个节俭的例行一块斗争。

    The rollout of holiday shops , a first for Toys R Us , comes as retailers fight for a piece of shrinking holiday gift budgets and families settle into a newfound routine of frugality .

  25. 惠誉表示,在8月报告中预计,在玩具反斗城的销售“继续施加压力,”但看到位置,从一个销售增加效益,一旦经济好转的零售商。

    Fitch Ratings said in an August report that it expects sales at Toys R Us to " continue to be pressured ," but sees the retailer positioned to benefit from a boost in sales once the economy improves .

  26. 玩具“反”斗城重视产品的安全和质量,产品种类更是应有尽有。

    Safety and quality are of top priority for Toys " R " Us .

  27. 玩具“反”斗城商店将携带一个小玩具,其中包括经典的棋类游戏和热门物品品种。

    The Toys " R " Us mall stores will carry a smaller assortment of toys , including classic board games and popular items .

  28. 斯托奇表示,市场对这款玩具的最初需求非常强劲,以至于玩具反斗城并没有把它们列入其圣诞季玩具目录中,以免让顾客失望。

    Mr Storch said initial demand for the toys was so strong that Toys R US did not list them in its Christmas toy catalogue to avoid disappointing customers .

  29. 英国最大的独立玩具零售店东主如何凭一己实力挑战玩具反斗城?

    How did the owner of the biggest independent retail toy chain in Britain pushed himself to challenge Toys R us ?