
wán shuǎ
  • play;have fun;amuse oneself
玩耍 [wán shuǎ]
  • [play] 做轻松愉快的活动;游戏

  • 孩子们在大树下玩耍

玩耍[wán shuǎ]
  1. 工作、玩耍皆有时。

    There 's a time to work and a time to play .

  2. 不能让幼儿在没人照看的情况下独自玩耍。

    Very young children should not be left to play without supervision .

  3. 孩子们在老师的看护下玩耍。

    The children played under the watchful eye of their teacher .

  4. 孩子们在父亲悉心看护下玩耍。

    The children played under the watchful eye of their father .

  5. 孩子们在学校附近的荒地玩耍。

    The kids were playing on waste ground near the school .

  6. 街对面公寓楼里的儿童正在户外玩耍。

    Children from the flats across the street were playing outside .

  7. 孩子需要在户外玩耍。

    Children need to play out in the open .

  8. 孩子们在村中心的草地上玩耍。

    Children were playing on the village green .

  9. 孩子们在学校前面的空地上玩耍。

    The children were playing in the yard at the front of the school .

  10. 孩子们在河边玩耍时,其中一个突然落水了。

    The kids were playing by the river and one of them fell in .

  11. 你今天只能在屋里玩耍。

    You 'll have to play inside today .

  12. 孩子们在楼上吵闹地玩耍。

    The children were playing noisily upstairs .

  13. 这个旅游胜地适合儿童玩耍。

    The resort is geared towards children .

  14. 步行区域意味着孩子们可以在那里相对安全地玩耍。

    Pedestrian zones mean that children can play in relative safety .

  15. 托马斯在一小块围起来的满是沙子的地上玩耍。

    Thomas was playing in a little fenced area full of sand .

  16. 孩子表达自己的本能方法就是玩耍。

    The child 's natural way of expressing himself is play

  17. 这是一个和睦的集体,学生们开心玩耍,用功读书。

    It is a harmonious community where pupils are happy and industrious .

  18. 那些孩子在街上玩耍打发时间。

    The children passed the time playing in the streets

  19. 回到家里,雪莉逗宝宝玩耍,喂他吃饭,给他洗澡。

    Back home , Shirley plays with , feeds and bathes the baby .

  20. 当别的孩子相互交流、一起玩耍的时候,泰德对他们不予理睬。

    While the other children interacted and played together , Ted ignored them .

  21. 我碰到一群正在玩耍的小孩。

    I came across a group of children playing .

  22. 水里有很多人在游泳或只是在戏水玩耍。

    A lot of people were in the water , swimming or simply splashing about

  23. 女孩们带着铲子和小桶在沙滩上快活地玩耍。

    The girls happily played in the sand and sea with buckets and spades .

  24. 大多数权威人士都同意,玩耍在孩子成长过程中起着非常重要的作用。

    Most authorities agree that play is an essential part of a child 's development

  25. 早饭后,他们玩耍,我收拾餐具。

    After breakfast they played while I cleared up

  26. 小男孩玩耍时失足滑倒,被栏杆刺穿身体致死。

    The boy died after being impaled on railings when he slipped while playing .

  27. 他们在小花园里玩耍。

    They played in the little garden

  28. 这些孩子喜欢在那个长满树木的山丘上玩耍。

    These children like to play games on that wooded hill .

  29. 她让孩子们在花园里玩耍。

    She lets her children play in the garden .

  30. 我们看到两个小孩正在一个小海湾里玩耍。

    We saw two children playing in a cove .