
  1. 美国白蛾为外来入侵种,现已扩散蔓延到辽宁、河北、天津、山东、陕西、上海等省市。

    Hyphantria cunea Drury is a exotic species and has invaded and spread to Liaoning , Hebei , Tianjin , Shandong , Shanxi and Shanghai .

  2. 2004、2005年定为国家重点推介品种。2005年北京、河北和天津良种补贴品种。

    It was recommended by Ministry of Agriculture as one of the key cultivars in 2004 and 2005 , and subsidized in Beijing , Hebei and Tianjin respectively in 2005 .

  3. 北方沿海省市(本文指辽宁、河北、天津、山东三省一市)工业化、城市化发展迅速,经济发展与耕地保护矛盾突出。

    In northern coastal provinces ( including Liao Ning , He Bei , Tian Jin and Shan Dong ), with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization , cultivated land protection is in sharper contradiction with economic development in recent years .

  4. 其中,北京居庸关降雪量达到21.8毫米,怀柔18.5毫米。河北、天津等地局部地区出现大于10毫米的降雪。

    Later in the week , temperatures in the north was forecasted to plummet to minus 20 to 32 degrees Celsius , while areas along the Yellow and Huaihe rivers are expected to drop to minus 10 to 18 degrees Celsius .

  5. 海冰还影响中国东北辽宁省、华北河北省和天津市的海洋运输、渔业、水产养殖和近海开采。

    The ice has also affected marine transport , fishing , aquatic breeding and offshore mining in northeast China 's Liaoning Province , north China 's Hebei Province and Tianjin Municipality .

  6. 北方地区是指辽宁、河北、北京、天津、山东西北部。

    North China refers to Liaoning , Hebei , Beijing , Tianjing , and west-north Shandong .

  7. 从互动性看,南京政府虽然把国都迁到南京,但迫于舆论的压力,也进行了妥协,同意把河北省省会从天津移到北平。

    For the interactive perspective , pressured by the public opinion , Nanking Government carried out compromise , agreeing to move the Capital Hebei Province from Tianjin to Beijing after relocating the capital to Nanjing .

  8. 它被宣传为“京津冀”协同发展规划的重要组成部分,该计划将把北京、河北和港口城市天津组合成一片经济区,与中国更繁荣的经济中心上海和广州相媲美。

    It 's trumpeted as a key part of the " Jing-Jin-Ji " economic development plan , which will unite Beijing , Hebei , and the port city of Tianjin into an economic region to rival the country 's more prosperous economic hubs , Shanghai and Guangzhou .

  9. 方法:选取河北、山西、天津等十家三级甲等医院为合作中心,回顾性随机抽查十家医院2003年、2005年及2008年于心内科住院诊断为冠心病的患者共2351例。

    Methods : , Selected from Hebei province , Shanxi province and Tianjin city etc , 10 3 A-level hospitals used as cooperative center . It conduct retrospective random spot check to select 2351 patients diagnosed the coronary heart disease from this 10 hospitals in 2003 , 2005 and 2008 .