
hé běi bānɡ zi
  • Hebei Bangzi;Hebei clapper opera
河北梆子 [hé běi bāng zi]
  • (1) [a local opera of Hebei province] 一种河北地方戏曲剧种,属梆子腔。

  • (2) 另见梆子腔

  1. 唱词多为七字,传统伴奏乐器为四股弦琴胡,其它文武场乐器与河北梆子乐器相同。

    Other instruments used in the civil and military division are the same as those used in Hebei Clapper Opera .

  2. 河北梆子的音乐特点、艺术价值及其创新与发展

    Musical features , artistic values , creativity and development of Hebei opera

  3. 唱腔是河北梆子的重要标志,它源于山西、陕西的梆子腔,属梆子腔系的一个支脉。

    The important symbol of Hebei Bangzi is its aria rooting from the Bangzi tune-pattern in Shanxi and shaanxi , which is a branch of Bangzi genre .

  4. 河北梆子唱腔集京、津、冀的民风音韵为一体,刚毅质,颇具燕赵之气。

    The aria of Hebei Bangzi combines the folkways and rhythms in beijing , Tianjin and hebei , stouthearted and unvarnished , full of the verve in these areas .

  5. 河北梆子进入第二个阶段「卫梆子」之后,形成了固定的唱腔体系,三个地区在一个体系下根据自身的条件继续发展。

    With the entrance into its second stage , i.e. " wei bangzi ", Hebei Bangzi consolidated its aria genre and the above three areas continued their developments under one genre with their own characters .