
  • 网络North Las Vegas
  1. 该公司打算与特斯拉汽车(TeslaMotors)竞争,但尚未推出任何产品,位于北拉斯维加斯的工厂将给所在州带来4500个就业岗位。

    The company , which intends to compete with Tesla Motors but has not yet unveiled a product , said the plant in North Las Vegas would bring 4500 jobs to the state .

  2. 去年12月FaradayFuture表示将斥资10亿美元,在北拉斯维加斯建造一座300万平方英尺的制造厂,并计划于2017年推出首款汽车,令外界在最近几周对这家位于加州的、才成立一年半的公司增加了猜测。

    Speculation about the 18-month-old California-based company intensified in recent weeks after it said in December that it would build a 3m square foot , $ 1bn manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas , ahead of the planned launch of its first vehicle in 2017 .

  3. 在完成北拉斯维加斯工厂的土地平整和地基准备工作后,Aecom表示:FaradayFuture暂时调整了建设计划,打算在2017年初重新开工。

    After completing grading and foundation prep work at the site in North Las Vegas , Aecom said : Faraday Future is temporarily adjusting their construction schedule with plans to resume in early 2017 .

  4. 在北拉斯维加斯相对贫穷的郊区,这个比例达到了五分之一。

    In North Las Vegas , a poorer suburb , the figure was one in five .

  5. 一套有两间卧室,两浴室,位于北拉斯维加斯包括天井的公寓也只买区区3万元。

    A two-bedroom , two-bath condo with a covered patio in North Las Vegas can be had for just $ 30,000 .

  6. 该公司已选定北拉斯维加斯为其扩张新厂厂址。

    The company has chosen North Las Vegas as its location for the expansion , city officials said in a statement .

  7. 在北拉斯维加斯有些街道上的每两家就有一家挂着“出租”标志,费用低至每月150美元。

    In North Las Vegas every second house on some streets carries a " For Rent " sign , offering rates of as little as $ 150 a month .

  8. 艾伦斯温森,在北拉斯维加斯的一个建设工,说他此前一直在努力偿还他的按揭,现在则决定尽可能的厉行节约来抵御未来的灾难。

    Alan Swinson , a builder living in North Las Vegas , says he has struggled to keep up with his mortgage in the past and is now determined to scrimp and save all he can to ward off future calamities .