
  • 网络Beijing TV;btv
  1. 现在该剧正在北京卫视和东方卫视首播。

    The show is currently aired by Beijing TV and Oriental TV during prime time .

  2. 不过,他最出名的还是主持北京卫视的《曹操来了》(他让人们在镜头前做傻事),以及在观众喜爱的电视连续剧《北京爱情故事》中扮演的一个浪漫对象。

    However , he is best known for hosting Here Comes Cao Cao on Beijing TV , where he asks people to do stupid things on camera , and for his role as a romantic interest in the popular TV series Beijing Love Story .

  3. 11月7日晚间,《北上广不相信眼泪》在北京卫视的黄金时段两集连播。

    Launched on Nov 7 , two episodes of the Swan Dive for Love are aired during prime time every night on Beijing Satellite TV .

  4. 北京电视台卫视频道2008年奥运会报道研究

    Study on the Olympic Reporting of the Satellite Channel of Beijing Television Station during 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  5. 北京卡酷动画卫视频道总监帅民说,国产动漫确实存在量高质次的问题,其原因是多方面的。

    Beijing TV channel card cool animation director handsome people said , the amount of domestic animation quality time the existence of the problem , its causes are manifold .