
  1. 对于超强台风凡亚比登陆过程,融合降水能较好再现登陆前、中、后不同时间的降水精细结构,对于定量监测降水过程具有优势。

    The merged product have a definite advantage in the quantitatively rainfall monitoring , can show the rainfall structure of super typhoon " FANAPI " of different landing process .

  2. 据新华社报道,今年强度最大的第11号台风“凡亚比”于20日7时登陆福建漳州古雷镇,为该省沿海地区带来强风暴雨。

    Typhoon Fanapi , the11th and strongest typhoon to hit China this year , struck Fujian Province at7 am Monday , Xinhua reported .

  3. 台风“凡亚比”的登陆使羊城风雨交加,但这阻断不了校友之间的情谊,广州校友会中秋迎新晚会在汉风国际酒店隆重举行。

    However , this posed no obstacles to the friendship among alumnus as a grand mid-autumn orientation party was held at Hanfeng International Hotel .

  4. 据新华社报道,今年第11号台风“凡亚比”强度将继续加强,有可能发展为今年以来登陆我国最强的台风。

    Fanapi , the11th typhoon to hit China this year , continues strengthening and is expected to become the strongest one this year , Xinhua reported .