
  • Taiwan Power;TECLAST
  1. 本文在水舱试验摇摆台电液位置系统中引入一种神经网络自适应PID控制器,并对其控制效果进行仿真研究,通过与常规PID控制的效果进行对比,来证明其优越性。

    This paper introduced a neural network adaptive PID controller in the roll electro-hydraulic position system , and simulated its control effect . By contrast with routine PID controller advantages of it were proved .

  2. 迄今为止,英特尔设计的芯片已搭载到30款平板电脑上,这些平板电脑的品牌有中国的台电(Teclast)、爱国者(Aigo)和蓝魔(Ramos)、巴西的Positivo以及土耳其的Casper等,所有这些产品均出产于深圳的工厂。

    So far , Intel 's designs are in 30 different tablets , under brand names such as Teclast , Aigo , and Ramos in China , Positivo in Brazil , and Casper in Turkey , all of which emerge from Shenzhen factories .

  3. 我还在电脑机箱旁边放了一台电风扇。

    I also put an electric fan beside the computer case .

  4. 液压盘式制动器试验台电惯量模拟研究

    Research about the Electric Inertia Simulation of the Hydraulic Disk Brake

  5. 负载台电液时变加载系统研究

    Research on Time varying Electro hydraulic Loading System of load Simulator

  6. 六自由度运动台电液伺服装置设计及其试验研究

    Design and Experimental Study of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Device on 6-DOF Motion Platform

  7. 单轴地震振动台电液数字伺服系统研究

    Research on Unidirectional Earthquake Shaking Table Digital Electro-hydraulic Control System

  8. 这台电吹风估计已经不符合规范了。

    This hair dryer is probably not up to code .

  9. 接着我又去了买了一台电风扇。

    Then we went to buy an electric fan .

  10. 在我们屋子里有一台电风扇。

    There is an electric fan in our room .

  11. 我去年买了一台电唱机。

    I bought an electric gramophone last year .

  12. 切纸机主工作台电弧喷涂防腐工艺研究

    Study on the Arc Spraying Anti-corrosion Techniques for the Main Table of Cutting Machinery

  13. 我们应该买这台电风扇不是那台电风扇?

    B.I think you should buy this fan .

  14. 每台电泵在运行过程中,输入端电压的选择;

    The importing voltage of the every pump .

  15. 国华台电1号机组汽轮发电机磁力中心线确定

    Confirmation of the Magnetic Center Line of No.1 Turbo-Generator Unit in Guohua Taishan Power Plant

  16. 紧固件振动试验台电液伺服系统自校正模糊控制器研究

    Research on the Self - Adjusting Fuzzy Control of the Vibration Test Table for Fasteners

  17. 三台电渗析法处理反应堆&回路泄漏放射性废水的研究

    Studies on treatment of the first-cycle leakage radioactive waste water from the reactor through a three-stage electrodialysis

  18. 乔治叔叔买了一台电打字机后,就把手打打字机给了我。

    I 'd been given a typewriter by my Uncle George , when he got an electric .

  19. 如何有效率地调整各发电机组的使用率,成为台电重要课题。

    Since then , effective adjustment of generator equipment 's use rate came into focus of Taipower .

  20. 此外,研究并发现建设知识管理基础是提高台电公司组织绩效最重要的因素。

    Apparent to all , the knowledge management infrastructure was a critical element in the enhancement of organizational performance .

  21. 本文采用两台电主轴,分别模拟航空发动机的起动机和发动机驱动试验轴承进行试验。

    Two Electric Spindles are used , One simulates the starter motor , the other simulates engine to drive bearing .

  22. 山东石大科技有限公司的一台电脱盐换热器在大修后约运行了3个月就发生了明显泄漏。

    One heat exchanger in the electric desalter in Science and Technology Company of University of Petroleum , Shandong leaked 3 months after the overhaul .

  23. 用三维有限元方法计算一台电励磁爪极发电机和一台新型混合励磁爪极发电机漏磁系数。

    The magnetic leakage factors of two types of claw-pole alternators were computed using a three-dimensional ( 3-D ) finite element ( FE ) method .

  24. 因此本研究认为加强知识管理基础建设是台电公司的当务之急。

    Thus , one conclusion was drawn in this paper that the urgent matter facing Tai power was how to strengthen his knowledge management infrastructure .

  25. 结果表明,聚四氟乙烯螺旋升降台电绝缘性能优异,结构简洁,微波穿透力强,使用时不产生火花,不发热。

    The results indicate that the insulation properties , structure and the microwave imbibing of PTFE spiral knee is excellent , simple and hardly nothing separately .

  26. 钢铁研究总院于1979年建成投产国内第一台电火花烧结机。

    Central Iron and Steel Research Institute ( CISRI ) built the first electric spark sintering machine in China in 1979 and put it into production .

  27. 另外,本文还设计了一台电励磁的交直流发电机,电磁设计结果表明,永磁电机在体积、重量、效率方面都很有优势。

    The result shows that the permanent magnet generator presents here has a series of advantage in size , weight , and efficiency over the wound-field generator .

  28. 由于燃油烟气污染绝缘装置,电收尘器不能正常运行。为此,新上1台电收尘器。

    Because the pollution of insulation equipment by oil-fired furnace flue gas led to abnormal operation of electrostatic precipitator , a new electrostatic precipitator , replaced the original one .

  29. 国华台电在针对如何提高脱硫后湿烟气排烟温度方面,一直在研究探讨更加科学、合理、有效的解决办法。

    Guohua Taishan Power plant always study on more scientific , more reasonable , more effective solution for how to improve emission gas temperature of the wet flue gas desulphurization .

  30. 这种钓鱼炮台电炮筒、旋转调整座、转轴、挡位调整台以及插杆等部件组成,插杆可变挡插入地下也可安放在平地上用重物压紧;

    The fishing fort is composed of an electric gun barrel , a rotary adjusting seat , a rotary shaft , a gear level adjusting platform , an inserting rod , etc.