
  • 网络Typhoon Haiyan
  1. 在像台风海燕或飓风卡特里娜(Katrina)这样的事件导致保险索赔大幅增加时,保险公司是有切身体会的。

    They were at the sharp end when events like Typhoon Haiyan or Hurricane Katrina caused a huge increase in insurance claims .

  2. 预计台风海燕已造成菲律宾400万人流离失所,超过了飓风卡特里娜(Katrina)和印度洋海啸造成的无家可归的人数总和,给该国政府和救援机构带来史无前例的挑战。

    Typhoon Haiyan displaced an estimated 4 million people in the Philippines-exceeding the number of those who fled their homes during Hurricane Katrina and the Indian Ocean tsunami combined-posing an unprecedented challenge to the government and relief agencies .

  3. 这是台风海燕和飓风卡特里娜的比较。

    This gives you a comparison Typhoon Hayian and Hurricane Katrina .

  4. 这就是许多菲律宾人遭受台风海燕承受的痛苦。

    That 's what Typhoon Haiyan brought to many Filipinos .

  5. 专家表示台风海燕可能是有史以来最强的台风之一。

    Experts say typhoon Haiyan might be one of the strongest ever .

  6. 专家表示台风海燕可能是有史以来最为强劲。

    Experts say typhoon Hayian might be one of the strongest ever .

  7. 超级台风海燕已经过境菲律宾5天了。

    It has been 5 days since super typhoon Haiyan slammed into the Philippines .

  8. 盖布瑞·马赫特拜访了受台风海燕影响的某菲律宾重灾区。

    Gabriel Macht has visited an area of the Philippines devastated by typhoon Haiyan .

  9. 2001年10月产生的台风海燕引起了温台沿海较高潮位。

    The typhoon Haiyan produced in October , 2001 caused a relatively high tidal level of Wenzhou and Taizhou coastal area .

  10. 据政府最新数据显示,台风海燕造成菲律宾至少3976人丧生,约1600人失踪。

    Typhoon Haiyan killed at least 3,976 people , and about 1,600 are missing , according to the latest government tally .

  11. 菲律宾大范围地区都曾遭受台风海燕的袭击,许多房屋毁于一旦,6000多人在暴风雨中丧生。

    Typhoon Haiyan caused major damage over a wide area and destroyed homes . The storm killed more than 6,000 people .

  12. 在菲律宾,联合国官员表示当前的首要工作是让台风海燕的受害者获得援助。

    In the Philippines , the United Nations official describes getting aid to victims of Typhoon Haiyan as a major operation .

  13. 气候变化会谈展开正值菲律宾遭台风海燕肆虐后持续低迷。

    The talks on climate change are taking place as the Philippines continues to reel after being devastated by Typhoon Haiyan .

  14. 在菲律宾,救援人员和军队正在争分夺秒竞相帮助台风海燕的受害者们。

    In the Philippines , aid workers and military troops are racing to get help to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan .

  15. 我们与军方一同前往遭受台风海燕侵袭但当局尚未到达的一处偏僻群岛。

    We 're traveling with the military to a remote group of islands devastated by super Typhoon Hayian , yet to be reached by authorities .

  16. 接下来我们来到菲律宾,因为台风海燕的肆虐一些人已经超过一个星期没有一瓦遮头或电力。

    In the Philippines , some people haven 't had shelter or electricity for more than a week since Typhoon Haiyan slammed into the island nation .

  17. 去年,在塔克洛班,台风海燕卷起的巨浪横扫了半岛上一个名为圣何塞的居民区,水泥房屋遭到损毁,导致很多人丧生。

    In Tacloban last year a wall of water from Typhoon Haiyan ripped across a peninsular neighborhood known as San Jose , crumpling cement houses and causing many deaths .

  18. 台风海燕登陆菲律宾六天后,据联合国估计,90多万人流利失所,近1200万人受到灾害影响。

    Six days after typhoon Haiyan pounded the Philippines , the U.N. estimates more than 900000 people have been displaced by the storm and nearly 12 million have been affected .

  19. 据美联社报道,被称为史上最猛烈的热带气旋-超强台风海燕席卷了菲律宾东部,于周五早晨登陆小镇基万。

    Super Typhoon Haiyan which is being called one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever has slammed into the eastern Philippines , making landfall early Friday morning local time in the small city of Guiuan , according to the Associated Press .

  20. 不仅是台风海燕,还有像是美国卡特里娜飓风,法国热浪,澳大利亚森林大火及其他变暖增加后发生的其他极端事件,我们不该感到羞愧吗?”泽林质问道。

    not only at Typhoon Haiyan but also other events , like Katrina in the United States , the heat wave in France , the wildfires in Australia , and other extreme events occurring after observed increased warming , should we not be all ashamed being here ? " asked Sering .

  21. 目前台风“海燕”在菲律宾造成的死亡人数已上升至3637人。

    Death toll from Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines rose to 3637 .

  22. 台风“海燕”登陆时仍有上万名民众住在临时避难所里。

    Hundreds of thousands of people were still living in makeshift shelters when Haiyan arrived .

  23. 5级台风“海燕”的最大风力达到170英里每小时。

    The strong Category 5 typhoon has set maximum wind up to 170 miles an hour .

  24. 周五,台风“海燕”登陆该地区,以上数据来自当地官员的记录。

    The figure is based on reports from village officials in areas where Typhoon Haiyan slammed on Friday .

  25. 台风“海燕”侵袭的地区,正是菲律宾一周前刚刚遭受大地震的地区。

    Typhoon Haiyan stroke the same region in the Philippine that was rocked by a major earthquake just a week ago .

  26. 如果世界知道台风“海燕”造成的真实死亡人数,就知道这是严峻又重要的任务。

    This is a grim task but vital if world is ever to learn the true death toll from Typhoon Haiyan .

  27. 菲律宾政府救灾机构周日表示,受台风“海燕”影响的地区约有440万人无家可归。

    Philippine government disaster relief agency said Sunday about 4.4 million people have become homeless in areas hit by super typhoon Haiyan .

  28. 中国表示,愿向受超级台风“海燕”袭击的菲律宾灾区派遣援助医疗队。

    China says it is ready to send rescue and medical teams to the disaster-stricken areas in the Philippines hit by Super Typhoon Haiyan .

  29. 就在台风“海燕”袭击菲律宾之前,正在冲绳岛附近的温暖海域游泳戏水的日本北部居民肯定注意到,今年的海水更温暖一些。

    Northern revelers swimming the balmy seas off Okinawa just before typhoon Haiyun struck the Philippines must have noticed the waters were warmer this year .

  30. 距台风“海燕”登陆菲律宾中部地区已过去12天的时间,台风造成数千人死亡,并摧毁了路径上的所有东西。

    There has been 12 days since typhoon Haiyan has landed in the central Philippines , killing thousands and shredding almost everything in its path .