
  1. 用北台1.26m红外望远镜对此源的红外监测结果表明它有较大的近红外光变。

    By using the 1.26m infrared telescope , a large variation at near infrared bands was also found .

  2. 1982年至1984年,我们用北台施米特卡焦摄谱仪,对EWLac星进行了光谱观测。

    We have observed EW Lac with the grating spectrograph attached to the 60 / 90 cm Schmidt telescope at Beijing Observatory from 1982 to 1984 . The Balmer shell absorption lines of the star showed especially interesting variation .

  3. 北台盆地为宽缓的向斜,盆地沉积充填序列为火山沉积序列。

    Beitai basin is a trapped syncline with its sedimentary sequence composed of volcanic sedimentary facies .

  4. 创建于清道光廿三年(1843)的学海书院,为北台现存的唯一一座书院。

    The Hsueh-Hai academy , which was founded in1843 , is the only still existent traditional academy in Taipei .

  5. 经构造岩性事件法的详细填图,将五台山花岗绿岩带划分为庄旺银厂、太平沟岩头、高凡和北台朱家坊四个构造岩片。

    The granite-greenstone belt in Wutaishan can be divided into four tectonic slices according to the geological mapping by means of structure ˉ lithology ˉ geological events .

  6. 为了解决河南豫北地区地震的定位问题,对豫北台网内的10个典型地震,使用了7个地震台站的资料,用波速比求出横波速度;

    The data of 7 seismic stations for 10 typical events occurred inside the seismic network of Northern Henan province are used for more accurate earthquake locating .

  7. 本文针对北台烧结厂的实际情况,设计开发了集成订单实现系统的流程,为烧结厂的电子化管理探索出了一条新路。

    In this paper , we design and develop the flow of the integration orders implementing system aiming to practical condition of Bei Tai sinter enterprise , and explore a new route for electronic management in sinter enterprise .

  8. 在分析渭北台塬滑坡带分布特征和形态特征的基础上,研究此滑坡带的成因,预测其发展趋势,探讨行之有效的措施,以期把滑坡带来的灾害减小到最小。

    Based on the analysis of its distribution and topographical characteristics , its cause and effect were studied , and its development tendency was predicted , the effective measures were discussed for the purpose of minimizing its hazards .

  9. 还系统地比较了80年紫台、北台对微波爆分类工作,找到了分歧原因,提出今后分类工作的建议。

    The microwave burst classification of Purple Mountains Observatory made in 1980 is systematically compared with that of Beijing Observatory , the reason of the discrepancy between them is found out and a proposal for the future classification work is offered .

  10. 从芳烃组成上,塔里木原油可划分为塔北台地相原油、塔中局限性海湾(泻湖)相原油和湖相油、煤成油四种成因类型。

    He Tarim oils in origin can be divided into four oil families according to the composition of aromatic hydrocarbon : marine platform oil of northern Tarim Basin , restricted bay ( lagoon ) oil of central Tarim Basin , lacustrine oil and coal derived oil .