
  • alluvial-proluvial plain
  1. 提出了干旱内陆河流域冲洪积平原下游区域盐分出路的新思路。

    New thought of flood attack plain downstream district desalting in arid inland river area is given .

  2. 晚更新世以来主要河流阶地形成,其间在0.037Ma前后冲洪积平原形成。

    ; primary river terraces formed since the Late Pleistocene , and diluvium-alluvial plains formed at about 0.037 Ma B.P. .

  3. 太行山前平原动水条件下地下调蓄功能实验研究&以滹沱河冲洪积平原为例

    A study on artificial underground reserve function in the aquifer with river channels in Taihang piedmont plain of China : a case study in the alluvial plain of Hutuo River

  4. 谈冲、洪积平原粘性土的前期固结压力

    Study of Pre-consolidation Pressure of Cohesive Soil on Alluvial Diluvial Plain

  5. 运城市的黄土湿陷性及其深度都要高于临汾地区,特别是在河流高阶地和山前冲洪积倾斜平原区。

    The collapsibility and depth of loess in Yuncheng city is higher than its in Linfen district , especially in the high stream terrace and alluvial-proluvial plain before the mountain forming period .

  6. 其中河流下游冲洪积三角洲平原、西河河流流经地区以及黑河干流西面的水库区绿洲表现得比较稳定,外围绿洲表现为不够稳定。

    The stable oasis is in alluvial delta plain of Heihe River downstream , West River flow region and the reservoir region of the west of Heihe River .