
  1. 我以我的人民的名义,接受你的贡品。

    In the name of my people , I accept the tribute .

  2. 对于许多腐败官员来说,“以人民的名义”仅仅是一句空话。

    For many corrupt officials , " serving the people " is a phrase to be used when needed .

  3. 我以印度人民的名义控告他破坏了印度的法律、权利和自由;

    I impeach him in the name of the people of India , whose laws , rights and liberties he has subverted ;

  4. 据报道,电视剧《人民的名义》的拍摄预算达到了1亿2千万人民币(折合1846万美元)。

    In the Name of the People is reportedly being filmed with a budget of 120 million yuan ( 18.46 million dollars ) .

  5. 我谨以我个人和全国人民的名义,在此向我的前任表示感谢,感谢他为使我国康复所做的一切。

    For myself and for our Nation , I want to thank my predecessor for all he has done to heal our land .

  6. 1935年,协会帮助买下私人土地,使仙纳度国家公园『8』得以建立,1961年协会以美国人民的名义收购了田纳西罗素洞。

    The Society also helped purchase private lands for the creation of Shenandoah National Park in1935 and bought Tennessee 's Russell Cave in1961 , deeding it to the people of the United States .

  7. 《人民的名义》是一部旨在宣扬政府反腐运动胜利的最新电视连续剧,已经吸引了全国数百万观众的关注。

    In The Name of The People is the latest piece of propaganda aimed at portraying the government 's victory in its anti-corruption campaign . The series has gripped millions of viewers across the country .

  8. 《人民的名义》深受瞩目的原因,不仅在于其坦率地揭露出了中国政治丑陋一面,同时也在于它蕴含着国家最高检察机关惩治腐败的强大决心。

    What makes In The Name of the People remarkable is not just how frankly it depicts the ugly side of Chinese politics , but that it also has the blessing of the country 's powerful top prosecutors ' office .

  9. 只能以人民群众自己的名义。

    It had to be in the name of the masses themselves .

  10. 海地地震后,许多垃圾邮件都冠着“帮助海地人民”的假捐款名义索骗资金。

    In the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake , there was a ton of spam with fake donation requests to help the people of Haiti .

  11. 后者例如赵德汉、丁义诊、赵丽春等人,他们总是嘴上谈论着人民,但实际上却痴迷于假借人民的名义去追求自己的利益。

    For example , such negative characters as Zhao Dehan , Ding Yizhen , Zhao Lichun and others , always talk about the people , but what they are obsessed with is pursuing their own interests in the name of the people .

  12. 最后,窃国者在外国同伙——包括银行家、商业伙伴、政治盟友或占领者——的协助下,得以免于遭到人民的问责——他们正是以人民的名义治理国家的。

    Ultimately the foreign collaborators of kleptocrats , be they bankers , business partners , political allies or occupiers , are what insulates them from being called to account by those in whose name they rule .