
  • 网络artificial atom
  1. 人们在研究中发现,这种电路与原子系统很相似,可以显示出原子系统中的一些量子光学现象,例如Rabi振荡,真空Rabi分裂,人造原子激光,共振荧光等。

    In studies , found that these circuits are very similar with atomic systems , a numbers of quantum optics phenomena which appeared in atomic system before now appeared in these circuits , for examples , Rabi oscillation , vacuum Rabi splitting , artificial atom laser , and resonance fluorescence .

  2. 圆柱方势阱的解在人造原子理论中的应用

    Applications of solutions of square cylindrical - potential well to theory of artificial atom

  3. 两个人造原子与单模光学腔共振耦合的量子计算方案

    Quantum Computing with Two Artificial Atoms Coupled to a Single-mode Resonant Cavity

  4. 圆柱形人造原子的能级结构及电子几率密度分布

    Electron state structure and electron probability density distribution in an artificial atom of circular cylinder

  5. 目前的理论结果可以应用在最近实验中的人造原子上。

    The present theoretical results could be applied to artificial atoms realized in recent experiments .

  6. 量子点,又称人造原子,它是纳米科学与技术研究的重要组成部分。

    Quantum dots , usually called artificially made atoms , are one of the most important subjects of nanometer science and technology .

  7. 使用圆柱方势阱计算了含有一个电子的类圆柱形人造原子的电子态结构.计算结果表明,在一定条件下,这个人造原子存在束缚态。

    The structure of electronic states of a cylinder-like artificial atom with one electron is calculated using a square cylindrical-potential well . The results show that the artificial atom has stationary bound states under certain conditions .

  8. 作为人造的原子结构,量子点具有显著的优势和便利。

    To be artificial structures quantum dots own obvious advantage and convenience .

  9. 人造复合原子系统中光学效应的研究

    Optical Effects in an Artificial Hybrid Nanocrystal Complex