
rén qún
  • crowd;demographic;throng;mob;herd;multitude;droves
人群 [rén qún]
  • (1) [crowd;throng]∶成群的人

  • 人群渐渐离去

  • (2) [multitude]∶指平民、公众

人群[rén qún]
  1. 这件事一宣布就在人群里引起了一阵兴奋。

    The announcement sent a ripple of excitement through the crowd .

  2. 后卫一脚把球踢出50米远,落入人群中。

    The fullback 's kick carried 50 metres into the crowd .

  3. 人群站在街道两旁观看赛跑。

    Crowds of people lined the streets to watch the race .

  4. 他不得不在来回乱转的人群中穿梭而行。

    He had to weave his way through the milling crowds .

  5. 警察朝人群头顶上方射出一排子弹。

    Police fired a volley over the heads of the crowd .

  6. 我在人群里挤来挤去,挤到了出口处。

    I struggled through the mass of people to the exit .

  7. 等待的人群有一种期盼的心情。

    There was an air of expectancy among the waiting crowd .

  8. 人群开始聚集在大使馆的前面。

    A crowd began to collect in front of the embassy .

  9. 人群渐渐从事故现场散去。

    The crowd drifted away from the scene of the accident .

  10. 警察得设立路障来阻截人群。

    Police had to erect barriers to keep crowds back .

  11. 警察只得设立路障来阻截人群。

    Police had to erect barriers to keep crowds back .

  12. 警察受到在等待的人群的嘲弄。

    The police were jeered at by the waiting crowd .

  13. 他在人群里一眼瞥见了她。

    He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd .

  14. 他一眼瞥见她在人群里。

    He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd .

  15. 窃贼很快混入人群逃跑了。

    The thieves soon blended in with the crowd and got away .

  16. 你如果现在走就可以避开人群。

    If you go now you should miss the crowds .

  17. 公主没有人认出,随意混杂在人群之中。

    The princess was not recognized and mingled freely with the crowds .

  18. 好像有一股神奇的力量在人群中间开出了一条通道。

    A passage was cleared through the crowd like magic .

  19. 他侧身从人群中挤了过去,跟在她后面。

    He shouldered his way through the crowd and went after her .

  20. 人群开始扔瓶子,并高声地进行种族污辱。

    The crowd started throwing bottles and shouting racial slurs .

  21. 人群沿路线排成行,挥舞着旗子欢呼。

    Crowds lined the route , waving flags and cheering .

  22. 人群一看有麻烦,便渐渐散了。

    At the first sign of trouble , the crowd melted away .

  23. 人群议论纷纷,赞成和反对的都有。

    There were murmurs of both assent and dissent from the crowd .

  24. 警察使用催泪瓦斯驱散人群。

    Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds .

  25. 那队员上场时,人群又是发出呸呸声又是吹口哨。

    The crowd booed and whistled as the player came onto the field .

  26. 卫队列队走过时,人群鼓掌欢迎。

    The crowds applauded as the guards paraded past .

  27. 医生挤过人群。

    The doctor pushed his way through the crowd .

  28. 他被卷进了摩肩接踵的人群。

    He became caught up in a seething mass of arms and legs .

  29. 恐怖分子胡乱地向人群开枪。

    The terrorists fired into the crowd at random .

  30. 她在人群里找来找去,但没看见他。

    She looked for him but couldn 't see him in the crowd .