
  • 网络artificial muscle;EPAM
  1. 一般情况下,电机的输出功率随其质量的减小而减小,这个特性提高了微型人造肌肉的制作难度。

    In general , the output power of the motor with its quality decreases , this feature improves the miniature artificial muscle making difficulty .

  2. 人造肌肉及其在未来微特电机中的应用

    Artificial Muscles and its application on the Small Special Electrical Machine in the Future

  3. 科学家们认为镀金的洋葱(皮)能成为机器人的人造肌肉。

    Scientists say that artificial muscles for robots can be made by covering onions in gold .

  4. 近日,德州大学的工程师们用圆柱形纳米粒子制造出了可压缩变形的人造肌肉。

    Recently , Dezhou University engineers with cylindrical nanoparticles made of compressible deformation of artificial muscles .

  5. 特别是其在驱动器,传感器及人造肌肉研究上的应用也得到广泛认可。

    In special , their applicant in sensors , actuators and artificial muscles has been widely confirmed .

  6. 所得到的双重敏感性的四氧化三铁纳米颗粒在热疗、人造肌肉、智能给药系统、生物医学、成像方面等都有潜在的应用价值。

    Dual responsive magnetic nanoparticles have potential applications in hyperthermia , artificial muscles , smart drug delivery systems and biomedical imaging .

  7. 这种普通蔬菜的表皮能像真的肌肉组织那样伸展和收缩,而之前的那些人造肌肉都没能模仿出这一特性。

    The humble vegetable 's skin can stretch and flex like real tissue which previous artificial muscles have been unable to emulate .

  8. 其他类型的人造肌肉,尤其是那些把燃料的化学能转换为机械能的会更适合假肢,他又补充说。

    Other types of artificial muscles , particularly those that transform the chemical energy of fuels into mechanical energy are better suited for prosthetics , he adds .

  9. 来自加利福尼亚大学河滨分校化学系的科学家们研发出一种具有自我修复功能的新型材料。该材料或许可以应用于手机屏幕、人造肌肉以及其他更多领域。

    Scientists from the Department of Chemistry at the University of California , Riverside have developed a self-healing material that has potential applications for phone screens , artificial muscles , and more .