
rén mín jūn duì
  • people's army
  1. 人民军队为人民而战。

    The people 's army fights for the people .

  2. 人民军队所向披靡。

    The people 's army put all to rout wherever they went .

  3. 他们集中力量建设一支真正的人民军队。

    They directed their efforts towards building a genuine people 's army .

  4. 野战二十二军是一支毅勇的人民军队。

    The 22nd field army is a steady and brave people 's army .

  5. 改革开放30年人民军队正规化建设述评

    On Regularization of the People 's Army in the 30 Years of Reform and Opening-up

  6. 基于当代军校学员特点的人民军队优良传统教育

    Education of PLA Excellent Traditional Heritages in Light of the Characteristics of Modern Military Academy Students

  7. 新中国成立以来人民军队对外军事交往的回顾与启示

    Review of Foreign Military Relations of the PLA since the Founding of New China and Its Enlightenment

  8. 《人民军队优良传统与历史使命》课程建设的创新实践

    The Innovative Practice in the Establishment of the Course the Fine Traditions and Historic Missions of the PLA

  9. 唯有这矢志不渝的忠诚,才是我们人民军队不倒的旗、不断的根、不灭的魂!

    Only this commitment , loyalty is our people 's army undeniable flag , continuously , not destroy souls !

  10. 建立巩固的国防,建设强大的人民军队,是社会主义现代化建设的战略任务。

    Building a solid national defense system and a powerful people 's army is a strategic task in socialist modernization .

  11. 运用《人民军队光荣传统与历史使命》课程教学培育军校学员核心价值观的思考

    Fostering Military Cadet 's Core Value Through the Teaching of the Glorious Tradition and Historical Mission of the People 's Army

  12. 我们锻造了一支党绝对领导下的人民军队,建立起巩固的国防。

    We have forged a people 's army under the absolute leadership of the Party and built a strong national defense .

  13. 实现中华民族的全面振兴,必须不断地弘扬和培育民族精神,人民军队要继续做全社会的表率。

    The realization of Chinese nation 's all-round rejuvenation requires continuous enhancement and construction of national spirit and People 's Army 's good examples .

  14. 勤俭建军、艰苦奋斗是人民军队的优良传统。许多勉强考进军事院校的人成了最优秀的军官。

    Plain living and hard working is the people 's army 's fine tradition . Many men who only scrape in to the army college make the best officers .

  15. 部队基层思想政治工作是我军基层工作的重要组成部分,也是我军各项建设的核心和根本,更是党领导人民军队的显著特色。

    The ideological and political work in the grassroots troops is an important part of the work of our army . It is also the core and foundation of our army construction .

  16. 文中的故事虽然平平常常,但是从某种角来讲:邵瑞荣老军人的故事就是我们人民军队地缩影和真实写照!

    Although the mundane text of the story , but from a certain angle in terms of : Shao Ruirong old soldier 's story is a microcosm of our people and army to true portrayal !

  17. 我们的人民军队,在战斗中不断地发展壮大起来,到抗日战争结束的时候,已经成了百万大军,并且还有二百多万民兵。

    Our people 's army steadily expanded in the struggle , so that by the end of the war it was already a million strong , and there was also a militia of over two million .

  18. 党对军队的绝对领导是我军永远不变的军魂,要毫不动摇地坚持党领导人民军队的根本原则和制度。

    The Party 's absolute leadership over the army is the eternal soul of the army . There must be no wavering in upholding the fundamental principle and system that the Party leads the people 's army .

  19. 在新的历史时期,中国军队努力加强质量建设,走有中国特色的精兵之路,目标是建设一支有中国特色的革命化、现代化、正规化的人民军队。

    During the new historical period , the Chinese army is working hard to improve its quality and endeavoring to streamline the army the Chinese way , aiming to form a revolutionized , modernized and regularized people 's army with Chinese characteristics .

  20. 山东根据地的兵工生产是抗日战争和解放战争时期人民军队武器装备的重要来源,但以往的军事史研究受方法和时代的限制,对这一问题涉及较少。

    The war industry of Shandong base was an important source of weaponry for people 's army during the Anti-Japanese War and the liberation war . however , limited by methods and times , the past military history refered to this theme less .

  21. 我们一定要进一步密切军政、军民关系,增强军队内部团结,加强民兵建设,继承和发扬人民军队的光荣传统。

    We must further cement the army 's relations with the civil authorities and the people , enhance unity inside the army , improve our work in building the people 's militia and carry forward the glorious traditions of an army of the people .

  22. 加强思想政治建设,坚持党对军队绝对领导的根本原则和人民军队的根本宗旨。

    We will strengthen their ideological and political standards , and adhere to the fundamental principle of the Party having absolute leadership over the armed forces , and we should maintain the Chinese armed forces ' fundamental purpose of being an army of the people .

  23. 这些思想不但解决了当时农民负担过重问题,促进了根据地和人民军队的发展,而且对当今党和政府制定减轻农民负担政策仍有十分重要的借鉴作用。

    These proposals not only settled the problem of peasants ' burden , speeded up the development of base areas and people 's army but still played an important and referential role for current Party and government in the policy making to lessen the peasants ' burden .

  24. 没有一个人民的军队,便没有人民的一切。

    Without a people 's army the people have nothing .

  25. 人民的军队所向无前。

    The people 's army is invincible .

  26. 人民的军队很守纪律。

    The people 's army keeps very good discipline .

  27. 人民的军队很守纪律。我们有遵守纪律的义务。

    The people 's army keeps very good discipline . We are amenable to discipline .

  28. 而唯有俄罗斯人民和军队的英雄气概方能力挽狂澜,获取胜利。

    And only the heroism of Russian people and the army could turn the tide of events .

  29. 他让一个在前方作战,在后方教育人民的军队给带走了。

    He had been swept up by an army that fought at the front and taught in the rear .

  30. 在每周电台讲话中——此次讲话为了配合圣诞节提前发布——布什总统表达了全国人民对军队的热爱。

    In his weekly radio address - released early to coincide with the holiday - Mr. Bush reflected on their love of country .