
  • 网络League secretary
  1. 团委书记兼班长被邀请在会上讲话。

    The League secretary and monitor was asked to make a speech at the meeting .

  2. 该校共青团团委书记表扬了学生这一将知识运用到实际生活中的做法。

    The Communist Youth League secretary of the school praised students on applying their knowledge to real life .

  3. 团委书记的果断与慎重,反映其领导艺术水平,具体表现于这五对矛盾的处理当中:执行上级指示与落实具体问题;

    The decision and prudence of the secretary of the League committee reflect his art of leadership .

  4. 团委书记是各级各类团组织中青年的优秀代表,在青少年权利意识教育中发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Committee Secretary is the outstanding representative of league organizations at all levels and plays a vital role in the Youth right consciousness education .

  5. 做服务青年学生成才的良师益友&论分团委书记的作用和素质

    A Good Teacher and Helpful Friend of Students in Their Progress : the Role and Quality of a Youth League Sub-Committee Secretary Discussion about Makings of Departmental Party Branch Secretary

  6. 同济大学团委书记杨元飞在接受《东方早报》采访时表示,大学生志愿者们将有机会补上缺失的课程及作业。

    Yang Yuanfei , the head of the Tongji University Youth League , told Oriental Morning Post that volunteers will be given opportunities to make up the classes and assignments that they miss .