
tuán tǐ yì shi
  • group consciousness
  1. 通常包括团体意识、主体角色意识。

    It usually includes group consciousness , protagonist consciousness .

  2. 服务自我很快将转变为服务所有的灵魂,并且发现自己成为一个团体意识中的一员。

    Service to self soon changes to service to all souls , and will find yourselves becoming part of a group consciousness .

  3. 大学生团体意识缺失的原因与对策思考

    Research on the Reasons and Countermeasures for the Missing of College Students ' Sense of Groups

  4. 它集中反映了大学师生共同的价值取向、思维方式和行为规范,构成校园富有特色的团体意识和精神氛围。

    It focus on the common value , sense , and behavior of college teachers and students .

  5. 主要表现有:主体意识缺乏、法治意识淡薄、道德意识不强、团体意识缺失。

    The main representation is : Subject awareness is imperfect ; law awareness is unsubstantial ; morals awareness is weakening ;

  6. 周德文的访问团体意识到,在建成世界上最高的大厦之后,迪拜的经济会出现复苏。

    Zhou 's visiting group is sensing the recovery of Dubai after the completion of the world 's tallest building .

  7. 得州学校理事会成员皮纳指出:我们希望向他们慢慢灌输谦逊的品质和团体意识。

    We want to instill in them a sense of modesty and a sense of community , said school board trustee Gloria Pena .

  8. 我们亲眼目睹团体意识的上演,其中一处便是在国会地板上,以自己的康复历程来鼓舞我们的嘉比·吉福兹受到了其同事的深切怀念。

    One of the places we saw that sense of community on display was on the floor of Congress , where Gabby Giffords , who inspires us with her recovery , is deeply missed by her colleagues .

  9. 学生的学习成绩、自主学习意识、自我管理意识及团体意识有了明显的提高;学生的合作学习能力、实践能力及创新能力得到了一定的加强。

    Consequently , student make a great progress in their scores , consciousness of self-study and self-control as well as collective spirit which strengthen students ' cooperative studying ability and practical ability as well as their creativity .

  10. 主要表现在削弱基层政权的权威,小团体意识强烈、教派纷争明显给村庄治理带来了一些困难,有些地方甚至出现直接干预政权的倾向。

    Mainly in the weakened grass-roots political authority , and the small group consciousness is strong , and the sectarian obviously to the village governance has brought some difficulties , and some places even have directed intervention regime .

  11. 在其他方面也是这样,团体意识,共享非常有限的资源,这使人们更加接近于艾伦·图灵所想的“能量的最少浪费”,简朴,但又不失趣味。

    In other ways , too , the consciousness of being a community , sharing a very limited common wealth , had brought people closer to the ' least waste of energy ' of Alan Turing , spartan but not joyless .

  12. 大学生身体健康是学校稳定发展的重要保证,民办高校体育体育社团开展的体育活动可以调动学生锻炼身体的积极性,增强学生的团体意识以及改善学生的精神状态。

    Student health is an important guarantee for stable development of the school , private college sports organizations can be mobilized to carry out physical exercise initiative of students , enhance their sense of community and to improve the mental state of students .

  13. 在文化上,日本社会的等级制性质,对权威人物的高度信赖,日本人的团体意识及维持和谐的愿望,有利于陪审团制度的有效运行。

    Japanese cultural characteristics such as the hierarchical nature of Japanese society , the high level of trust for authoritative figures in Japanese society , Japanese group consciousness , and the desire to maintain harmony would be beneficial for a jury system to function effectively .

  14. 通过课堂分组教学使得人人都得到实践锻炼的机会,培养学习的团体合作意识,达到交流与提高的目的。

    Through classroom teaching makes everyone practice opportunities , to foster a learning group cooperation consciousness , communicate with the purpose of improving .

  15. 癌症协会、癌症网络和其他团体纷纷意识到了这种乱象,他们将于1月28日和29日在华盛顿举行私人会议,尝试制定一套统一的指南。

    Recognizing the confusion , the cancer society , the cancer network and other groups will attend a private meeting in Washington on Jan. 28 and 29 to try to produce a single set of guidelines .

  16. 包括三章:第一章,政治团体与政治意识文明。

    It consists of three chapters . The first is about the political group and political group and political ideological civilization .

  17. 他提出的容纳者模型、理智定向的工作团体和无意识的基本假设等思想对客体关系学派的发展产生了深远的影响。

    He brought forward the idea of container model , rationale-orientated work group and unconscious basic assumption , which greatly influenced the development of the objective relationship psychology .

  18. “复杂的社会关系导致对于个体与团体的高度的意识区别”谢恩卡说。

    " Complex social interaction puts a high priority on awareness of self and others ", says Chernika .