
  • 网络national consciousness;National awareness;nationhood;State Awareness
  1. 历史撰述塑造国家意识、构建国家认同。

    History shapes the national consciousness and builds the national identity .

  2. 论近代日本国家意识的形成

    On the Formation of the Japanese National Consciousness in Modern Age

  3. 公民身份涉及国家意识。

    Citizenship is about the sense of nationhood .

  4. “如果说有一个国家意识到气候变化并采取应对行动的话,那就是孟加拉国,”世行南亚地区局高级环境经济学家MariaSarraf说。

    " If one country is aware and taking action , it 's Bangladesh ," says Maria Sarraf , a senior environmental economist for the World Bank 's South Asia region .

  5. 如何强化全球化条件下的国家意识教育

    Enhancing the Awareness of the State under the Impact of Globalization

  6. 第三个挑战是有关于加强我们的国家意识。

    The third challenge concerns strengthening our sense of national identity .

  7. 提出了加强运动员的国家意识、民族意识和人文关怀的建议。

    Proposed strengthensathlete 's national consciousness and the humanities concern suggestion .

  8. 对国家意识发展的历史考察和理论思考

    The Development of National Consciousness From Historical and Theoretical Perspective

  9. 消费者问题是商品经济特有的现象,自十九世纪末美国掀起消费者运动以来,越来越多的国家意识到消费者保护的重要性,纷纷制定基本法或单行法加强对消费者权益的保护。

    Consumer problems are special phenomenon of commodity economy .

  10. 现代国家意识伴随着一个国家由传统步入现代化的进程而产生。从林则徐、魏源主张学习西方,启蒙一代风气;

    The consciousness of modern state is accompanied with the process of modernization .

  11. 在世界杯赛里,人们的国家意识和自豪感特别强烈。

    During the games , there was admittedly a thirst to feel nationalistic pride .

  12. 国家意识与民间文化的传承&《民间信仰与社会空间》导言

    State Consciousness and the Inheritance of Folk Culture

  13. 同时,加强国家意识、公民意识教育。

    In addition , we will cultivate national consciousness and the sense of citizenship .

  14. 现代国家意识在中国士绅阶层的萌芽与形成

    The origin and Formation of the Consciousness of Modern State in Chinese Gentle Estate

  15. 民间宗教信仰中的国家意识和乡土观念&以潮汕双忠公崇拜为例

    National Consciousness and Provincialism in Folk Religious Beliefs

  16. 新加坡华人保留本身的文化遗产,但这是在新加坡国家意识的大前提下进行的。

    They preserve their heritage but subsume its display under the broader complexion of Singapore nationalism .

  17. 同时,社会在发展土货问题上国家意识日渐增强。

    At the same time , the national consciousness on development of native goods enhanced rapidly .

  18. 汉代人的国家意识,对中国后世有深远的影响。

    The people 's national awareness in Han Dynasty exerted a great influence to later ages .

  19. 从主体上看,构建社会主义和谐社会是政党意识、国家意识和人民意识。

    To go by subject , constructing harmonious socialist society means party consciousness , nation consciousness and people consciousness .

  20. 他是中国近代著名的民族爱国主义者,具有强烈的民族意识和国家意识,民族性是贯穿马相伯各种思想的一根红线;

    He had strong national and state consciousness and nationality is a clue ties up all his other thoughts .

  21. 调查表明,新疆大学生具有良好的国家意识,对国家具有较好的归属感和自豪感。

    The survey shows that XJ college students own better sense of belonging to the community and sense of pride .

  22. 但由于国家意识淡薄,这些实体向来极不稳定,充满矛盾和紧张。

    But these were always very uneasy entities , riddled with contradictions and tensions , since national sentiment was weak .

  23. 我国同胞,在高度国家意识的基础上,以理性来分辨是非,是令人感到欣慰和鼓舞的。

    It is encouraging to see how rational and discerning our fellow Singaporeans have become in facing all those accusations .

  24. 同时,这些着眼于对新大陆赞颂的生态描写与清教神学思想相结合,积极参与美国国家意识的构建,成为日后美国国家意识的滥觞。

    At the same time , these positive ecological descriptions pave the way for the establishment of the American national consciousness .

  25. 他的国家意识和对新闻事业的责任感给现在的新闻界及新闻记者留下了宝贵的财富。

    His national awareness and sense of responsibility of journalism has become a valuable asset to the press and news reporters .

  26. 至近代早期,国家意识产生、资本生产方式确立、宗教趋于分裂、科学得以发展。

    In the early modern age , the national consciousness sprouted , the capitalism established , religion divided , science developed .

  27. 除非或直到盈余国家意识到不能这样下去,否则就不能持久摆脱当前危机。

    Unless and until surplus countries recognise that this cannot continue , no durable escape from the crisis will be achieved .

  28. 大汉·皇汉·强汉:汉代人的国家意识及其历史影响

    Great Han · Imperial Han · Strong Han : the People 's National Awareness and Its Historic Influence in Han Dynasty

  29. 战后初期在美国占领军的指导下,日本开始了新型国家意识的构建过程。

    In the early postwar era , under the guidance of GHQ , Japan began to reestablish the new-type national consciousness .

  30. 中国知识分子强烈的民族意识和国家意识,远远超出了对于社会的根本问题、人的根本问题的关怀。

    Chinese intellectuals have strong national and state consciousness , far surpassing their concern over the fundamental social and humanitarian questions .