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  1. 因此加强这方面的研究将提高我国香稻风味化学的研究水平。

    Strengthen research of in this respect raise of our country aroma rice research competence , flavor of chemistry .

  2. 对合成和天然香辛料的特点进行了比较,认为我国香辛料工业应加大合成香辛料的研制和投入力度,制定相应标准规范,保证食品安全和人们的健康。

    Characteristic of synthetical spices and natural spices was compared , thought it is necessary to strengthen the research and in - vestment of synthetical spices in our country 's spices industry , to formulate relevant standard to ensure the safety of food and public health .

  3. 世界各主要香稻生产国对香稻的研究及开发极为重视。

    World each main scented rice producing country extremely pays attention to the research and development of the aroma rice .

  4. 姜是我国传统的香辛料,其风味芳香而辛辣。在散文创作中,师陀用辛辣讽刺的笔触揭示社会的荒凉与颓败,用忧郁沧桑的文字抒写浮生的忧伤与辛酸。

    Ginger is the traditional spice for its arom and pungency . In his prose , Shi Tuo exposed desolation and decadence of the society of the time by acrid and sardonic tone , and expressed people 's distress and pungency by pensive and maudlin words .

  5. 花椒(ZanthoxylumbungeanumMaxim),是我国特有的食用香辛料之一,在我国栽培历史悠久,分布地域辽阔,品种资源丰富。

    Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim is one kind of special spice in China . It has a long history of cultivation , large geographical distribution and rich variety resource .

  6. 桃树是重要的核果类果树,原产于我国,色、香、味俱佳且营养丰富,深受人们青睐。

    As one important fruit trees of the drupe fruit trees , peach , a native fruit tree of China is popular for its beauty , good taste and fruit rich in nutrition .