
  • 网络homeland;Homeland security
  1. 《绝命毒师》和《国土安全》都很精彩,但看起来也很烧脑。如果想看一些让人舒适的节目,那得是《灵书妙探》。

    Breaking Bad and Homeland are brilliant but heavy TV , so shows like Castle are just the thing when you need the visual equivalent2 of a hot water bottle .

  2. 其中一条规定要求说,定居于美国的印尼公民皆须向国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)登记。

    One of these provisions demanded that all Indonesian citizens living in America register with the Department of Homeland Security .

  3. 理论上负责应对安全威胁的应是美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)。

    The institution that is supposed to be in charge of security threats is the Department of Homeland Security .

  4. 正在夏威夷度假的奥巴马还要求国土安全部(departmentofhomelandsecurity)检查机场安检程序。

    Mr Obama , on holiday in Hawaii , also ordered the homeland security department to examine screening at airports .

  5. 美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)负责检测更复杂的攻击,并帮助私营部门抵御它们。

    The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for detecting more complex attacks and helping the private sector defend against them .

  6. 现在加入到我们的是国家安全分析人士,前乔治·W·布什的国土安全顾问弗兰·汤德森,他目前协助中情局及在国土安全部外事咨询委员会中任职。

    Join us now is national security analyst and former George W Bush homeland security advisor Fran Townsend ,

  7. 《国土安全》的主创之一亚历克斯·冈萨(AlexGansa)承认被捉弄了。

    Alex Gansa , co-creator of " Homeland , " acknowledged the ruse .

  8. 美国政府维护着NationalVulnerabilityDatabase,由国土安全部提供支持,用于存储已知的安全威胁与应对之策。

    The U.S.government maintains the National Vulnerability Database , under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security , as a repository of known security threats and countermeasures .

  9. •有报道称,美国政府有意考虑利用Twitter和Facebook,作为发布来自美国国土安全局(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)的恐怖袭击警报的新渠道。

    • the U.S. government is reportedly considering twitter and Facebook as new channels for disseminating terror-alert information from the Department of homeland security .

  10. 同时,包括美国国土安全部(usdepartmentofhomelandsecurity)在内的许多专家都建议,用户和企业在网络浏览器中禁用java。

    In the meantime , many experts , including at the US Department of homeland security , have recommended that users and companies disable Java in their web browsers .

  11. 美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)很快也学习了CDC的成功经验,在其规划和宣传举措中加入了僵尸内容。

    The Department of Homeland Security soon picked up on the CDC 's success and incorporated zombies into its own planning and publicity operations .

  12. 布什(Bush)政府还设立了国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)。该部门拥有20万雇员,目前是联邦政府中的第三大内阁部门。

    The Bush administration has also created the Department of Homeland Security , which with 200,000 employees is now the third-largest cabinet department in the federal government .

  13. ctu现在被国土安全部吸纳。

    CTU is being absorbed by the Department of homeland security .

  14. 他在ctu,听国土安全部的命令。

    He 's at ctu , taking orders from homeland security .

  15. 美国国土安全部(DHS)发表声明称,负责管理联邦土地的美国内政部(InteriorDepartment)的数据也被泄露了。

    The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that data from the Interior Department , which manages federal land , was also compromised .

  16. 国土安全部的BillWright说,截至到本周,这种类型签证的申请少于4.5万。

    Bill Wright at the Department of Homeland Security says fewer than forty-five thousand applications for these visas had been received this week .

  17. 除去国防部、国土安全部、和退伍军人事务部之外,这项预算法案囊括了所有其它内阁各部。deterioration[di.tiəriə'

    The 1100-page budget pays for the operations of every Cabinet department except Defense , Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs .

  18. 这远算不上什么高深的科学&在近日的安全漏洞指南中,美国国土安全部(USDepartmentofHomelandSecurity)对该漏洞的评级是:易于检测到和易于修复。

    This is so far from being rocket science that it was this week rated in guidance on security flaws from the US Department of Homeland Security as easily detected and cheap to fix .

  19. 国土安全部没有wheeler入境的纪录。

    Homend security has no record of Wheeler entering the country .

  20. 美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)的一份工作报告称,9/11事件后,到访美国的外国游客数量出现了“立即、急剧”下降。

    A working paper from the Department of Homeland Security says that , after 9 / 11 , the fall in international visitors to the US was " immediate and precipitous . "

  21. 美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)必须每隔三年向国会汇报:持有签证的人创办了何种经营业务,他们带来了多少就业,营业收入是多少。

    The Department of Homeland Security would have to report to Congress every three years on what kinds of businesses the recipients create , how many jobs they produce , and how much revenue .

  22. 国土安全部部长珍妮特·纳波利塔诺(JanetNapolitano)计划明天前往该州。

    Homeland Security secretary , Janet Napolitano , plans to travel to the state tomorrow .

  23. 在美国发布的简报中,国土安全部部长JanetNapolitano说,联邦政府正动员人民对抗这场卫生威胁,包括向各州提供数百万剂量的库存抗病毒药物。

    At a White House briefing , Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the federal government is

  24. 国土安全局部长M-C出现在几个电视访谈节目中。

    Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff made appearances on several television talk shows .

  25. 这是我事先准备的紧急疏散包,是国土安全部推荐过的,还有SarahConnor(终结者女主角)。

    Sheldon : It 's my prepacked disaster evacuation bag . It 's recommended by the Department of Homeland Security . And Sarah Connor .

  26. 事实上,Ridge刚刚担任,国土安全局的局长时,曾经让我,给他一些建议,我就是这么对他说的。

    And as a matter of fact one time Ridge became the head of new Department of Homeland Security and asked me for my advice , that 's what I gave him .

  27. 这项新规定将由美国国土安全部部长迈克尔切尔托夫(michaelchertoff)于今日宣布,明年1月起施行。

    The new rule is expected to be announced today by Michael Chertoff , the homeland security secretary , and take effect in January .

  28. 美国国土安全部部长迈克尔切尔托夫(michaelchertoff)已初步制定了it安全的“曼哈顿计划”(manhattanproject)方案,包括在政府和私营部门间实现信息共享。

    Michael Chertoff , US Homeland Security Secretary , has outlined plans for a " Manhattan Project " for it security involving the sharing of information between government and the private sector .

  29. 参议员乔·利伯曼(JoeLieberman)表示,陪审团的决定将导致今后不会有更多关塔纳摩囚犯在民事法庭接受审判。利伯曼是独立人士,他领导参议院国土安全和政府事务委员会。

    Senator Joe Lieberman says the jury 's decision makes it Senator Lieberman , an Independent , heads the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee .

  30. 例如,不久前在华盛顿,美国国土安全部(DHS)为公用事业企业启动了一项“信息自动分享”计划。

    This week in Washington , for example , the Department of Homeland Security is launching an " automated information-sharing " program for utility companies .