
  • 网络Land and Resources Management;management of land and resources;lzp
  1. 加强国土资源管理促进企业改革

    Improve Management of Land and Resources to Promote Reform of Enterprises

  2. 目前,标准化对国土资源管理的技术支撑作用未得到充分发挥,潜力巨大。

    But now standardization work don t play a full role to give a technical support for the management of land and resources .

  3. 基于组件GIS的国土资源管理信息系统的研究&以泉州市为例

    Research of Quanzhou Land Resources Management Information System Based on Components GIS

  4. 5万的土地利用现状图。在土地利用动态遥感监测中,可以作为另外一种数据源与单一的SPOT数据源进行互补,使之更快捷地服务于国土资源管理工作。

    In the landuse dynamic monitoring project , IRS-P6 image as another data source with SPOT image can help speed up land management .

  5. GPS相对定位技术已经在测绘、交通、城建、国土资源管理等各个领域得到了广泛的应用。

    The technique of the Global positioning system ( GPS ) has been widely applied in various fields such as survey , transportation , infrastructure construction and land resources management , etc.

  6. 但是,现有的GIS互操作技术与我国国土资源管理信息化的结合仍然存在一系列问题,限制了其在土地资源管理领域的应用。

    However , in the process of the combination between GIS interoperability and land resources management of our nation , some shortcomings and limitations emerge , which restrict the application of GIS interoperability in the field of land management .

  7. win操作系统,用以加载终端业务软系统;同时具有拍照、GPS主动位置服务、摄像等辅助功能进行了测试,达到国土资源管理现代化和国土资源信息服务社会化。

    Win the operating system to load the terminal services software systems ; both camera , GPS location services initiative , camera and other auxiliary functions were tested , to land and resources management modernization and socialization of Land and Resources Information Service .

  8. 关于实行最严格的国土资源管理制度的思考

    Thoughts about carrying out strict management regulations of land resources

  9. 插件平台在国土资源管理信息系统中的运用

    Application of Plug-Platform in Land and Resource Management Information System

  10. 对国土资源管理秩序的制度思考

    Thought on the System about Management Order of Land Resources

  11. 循环经济催生新的国土资源管理理念

    Recycling Economy Boost New Ideas of Land and Resources Management

  12. 地方国土资源管理体制改革的思考

    Thinking About Restructuring Local Administrative System of Land and Resource

  13. 国土资源管理要适应循环经济发展的需要

    Land and resources management for the development of circling economy

  14. 国土资源管理部门业务会议辅助系统的研制

    Research on the Meeting Aid System in the Field of Land Resource Management

  15. 加强国土资源管理服务于西部大开发

    Strengthen management of land resources to serve for the Great Development West China

  16. 完善国土资源管理体制刍议

    Discussion on Improving Management System of Land and Resources

  17. 动态遥感监测在国土资源管理中的应用研究

    Discussing Dynamic RS Monitoring Used in Soil Management

  18. 浅谈四川省国土资源管理与廉政建设

    Management of land resources and construction of honest and clean government in Sichuan Province

  19. 工业用地供给政策的改革是我国国土资源管理中的大事,它直接关系到我国工业化进程能否顺利完成。

    The supply policy reform of the industrial land directly affects the state industrialization .

  20. 强调了测绘为国土资源管理的服务功能;

    It stresses the serving function of surveying and mapping in territory resources administration .

  21. 新体制下我国国土资源管理存在的问题及对策研究

    Problems and Countermeasures of Land and Resources Management under the New System in China

  22. 美国国土资源管理局宣布对亚利桑那州附近的联邦土地实行娱乐限制。

    The Bureau of Land Management has announced recreational restriction on federal land near Arizona .

  23. 国土资源管理要为发展循环经济保驾护航

    Promoting Circulating Economy by Land Resource Management

  24. 我国国土资源管理体制的历史、现状及发展趋势

    History , current situation and trend of china 's administrative system of land and resources

  25. 浅谈当前国土资源管理中存在的体制和机制问题

    Talking about the Current Management of Land Resources that Exist in the System and Mechanism

  26. 学习欧洲国土资源管理先进经验的收获和体会

    The gains and realizations from learning advanced experience of land and resources management in Europe

  27. 有关矿山事故中玩忽职守罪的思考&从国土资源管理的视角出发

    Dereliction of duty in mine accidents & From the perspective of land and resources management

  28. 从结构角度看国土资源管理体制调整问题

    Analysing the adjustment of management system of land and resources from the angle of structure

  29. 关于加强国土资源管理的思考

    Thought on land and resources management

  30. 关于用科学发展观指导青海省国土资源管理工作的思考

    Thought on land and resources management in Qinghai Province with the concept of scientific development as guide