
  1. 于是,公诉制度应运而生,被害人自诉逐渐为国家公诉所取代。

    Consequently the Public Prosecution emerged and gradually substituted for the Private Prosecution .

  2. 法治推进中的希望与隐忧&周梅森《国家公诉》简论

    The Hope and Secret Worry About Developing Rule of Law & on " Public Prosecution " by Zhou Mei-sheng

  3. 提出上诉的国家公诉人说到,皮斯托瑞斯蓄意杀害了斯廷坎普,她在枪击期间逃到了厕所。

    State prosecutors who lodged the appeal say Pistorius intended to kill Steenkamp and that she fled to a toilet during a row .

  4. 它是由作为民意代表的大陪审团制约国家公诉权力的行使,具有独立性和制衡性等特点。

    It is , as a representative from the constraints of national grand jury indictment of the exercise of the powers , the independence of checks and balances and so on .

  5. 整个刑事司法制度以犯罪嫌疑人、被告人为中心,重在保障他们的权利,以达到与国家公诉平等武装的目的。

    Criminal suspects or defendants became the center of the criminal justice system , whose rights were protected to achieve the purpose of equipping them equally as with the National Public Prosecution .

  6. 目前刑事诉讼法的救济程序功能严重不足,使得国家公诉机关和被害人之间的矛盾显现出来,这时需要相应的救济程序加以协调。

    The function of the current relief procedure of criminal procedure law is so weak that the conflict between the state organ for legal supervision and the victim appears which need to be coordinated by relative relief procedure .

  7. 本文立足于国际通行做法和国内实践需要,倾向于赋予国家公诉机关检察机关以提起环境民事公益诉讼的权利(力),即建立环境民事公诉制度。

    Therefore , the system of environmental civil public prosecution should be established as soon as possible in our country , which endows the prosecutor with rights ( or powers ) of bringing civil actions in a certain scope .

  8. 在德国、法国为代表的大陆法国家公诉机关提起公诉后,若要变更起诉,须经过法官的批准,并且法官还享有强制变更控诉的权利。

    In Germany , France as a representative of the civil law countries after the prosecution prosecuting authority says , if want to change the prosecution shall be approved by the judge , and the judge also enjoy the compulsory change indictment power .

  9. 据此,可以从以下几个方面予以改进:增加单位犯罪;明确犯罪对象;增设资格刑;提升追诉主体地位,推行异地管辖;设置法院处罚前置才程序;国家公诉为主,当事人自诉为辅。

    Accordingly , several aspects can be improved from the following : increase in crimes committed by units ; clear target of a crime ; additional qualification penalty ; enhance the dominant position of prosecution , the jurisdiction of the implementation of remote .

  10. 从俄罗斯宪法规定和现实状况分析,俄罗斯检察机关已不再具有法律监督职能,其管辖范围较之苏联时期有所缩小,主要履行国家公诉机关的职能。

    From the analysis of Russian constitution stipulation and realistic situation , Russian procuratorial organ no longer has the function of legal supervision , its jurisdiction scope is reduced a little comparing with that in Soviet Union period , mainly carrying out the function of state public prosecution organ .

  11. 现代西方国家提起公诉证明标准之考察与比较&兼及我国提起公诉证明标准之现状与改革

    The Inspection and Comparison of Proof Standard of Prosecution in Western Countries

  12. 这一时期,北洋政府陆续出台了一系列关于纠弹官吏违法的法律法规,而肃政厅代表国家提起公诉的具体实践,开创了我国公诉制度的先河。

    During this period , the Northern Warlord government has promulgated a series of laws and regulations which about rectifying government officials ' illegal activities . And administrative supervisor institute a public prosecution instead of nation that created our public prosecution system .

  13. 两大法系国家检察官公诉权的比较及启示

    Comparison of National Public Procurator 's Prosecution Right between Two Major Legal Systems and Its Implications

  14. 它以国家名义提起公诉,并负责对特定主体犯罪的侦查,以维护国家利益为根本使命,与审判权相对应,实施监督法律的独立权种。

    Procuratorial organs take public prosecution in the state name and investigate the crime of a specific subject to maintain national interests and supervise the law enforcement .

  15. 行政公诉权是一种国家权力,行政公诉权也是一种国家诉权。

    Administrative public prosecution is a national authority . It is also a kind of right of action of state .

  16. 公诉的价值目标是国家与社会通过公诉活动所追求的结果。

    The value objectives of public prosecution are the results the state and the society seek to achieve through public prosecution .

  17. 当前世界各国在适用公诉裁量权上有较大不同,英美法系国家检察官的公诉裁量权没有案件范围限制具有较大自由。

    Now every country is different in application of public discretion , discretion power of public prosecution of procurators in countries of Anglo-American family .

  18. 大陆法系国家与英美法系国家的检察机关作为国家的公诉机关,均享有公诉职权,但二者拥有的职权范围和起诉裁量权不同。

    The procuratorial organs in both the continental legal system countries and British-and-American legal system countries share the prosecution rights as the national prosecution organs , but they differ in the duty range and prosecution discretion .