
xié è
  • evil;wicked;darkness;vicious;vice;wrong;depraved;ill;iniquitous;cancer;turpitude
邪恶 [xié è]
  • [evil;wicked;vicious;depraved;iniquitous] 奸邪不正

  • 试图解释人间邪恶的根源

  • 邪恶政策

邪恶[xié è]
  1. 像这类电影的一贯结局一样,善良战胜了邪恶。

    As is usual in this kind of movie , good triumphs over evil in the end .

  2. 他说我们既邪恶又恶毒,还非常卑鄙。

    He said that we were evil , malignant and mean .

  3. 这个村子曾经被称为现代版的邪恶之城所多玛和蛾摩拉城。

    The village had a reputation as a latter-day Sodom and Gomorrah .

  4. 这部电影的结尾皆大欢喜:邪恶受到惩治,美德得到报偿。

    The film ended most satisfactorily : vice punished and virtue rewarded .

  5. “我是个邪恶的人,”他说。

    ' I am a sinful man , ' he said .

  6. 嗯,我当然承认邪恶的存在。

    Well , of course I recognize that evil exists .

  7. 她认为那是堕落邪恶的罪犯所为。

    She described it as the work of depraved and evil criminals .

  8. 我们仍在遭受邪恶力量的攻击。

    We are still being attacked by the forces of evil

  9. 他们能做出最邪恶的事情。

    They are capable of the most heinous acts .

  10. 他认为自己毕生的使命就是保护弱者不受邪恶势力的欺凌。

    He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak from the evil

  11. 她一边冲向我,一边还喊着我有多缺德多邪恶。

    She flew at me , shouting how wicked and evil I was .

  12. 清白做人和正派生活无法保护我们不受社会中邪恶力量的伤害。

    Innocence and decent living are no protection from the evil elements within our society

  13. 这样的观点暗示我们的身体和性本能天生就是邪恶的。

    Such a view implies that our bodies and sexual nature are inherently ungodly .

  14. 纳卡尼是邪恶的魔鬼,长得像人类但具有超能力。

    The Nakani were evil spirits who looked like humans and possessed supernatural powers .

  15. 全世界都把她视为正义战胜邪恶的象征。

    The whole world looked to her as a symbol of good triumphing over evil .

  16. 她是个邪恶的女人。

    She 's an evil woman .

  17. 他觉得自己的信仰并不让他比其他人更邪恶。

    He does not think that his beliefs make him any worse than any other man .

  18. 这个法官喜欢使用“邪恶”一词来形容被他判罪入狱的人。

    The judge liked using the word ' wicked ' of people he had sent to jail

  19. 真的是圣灵使我移动了,抑或是什么邪恶力量作祟?

    Is it really the Holy Spirit moving me , or is it some evil force ?

  20. 她是邪恶的化身。

    She is evil incarnate

  21. 邪恶具有吸引力。虽然人们憎恶它,但还是被它的力量所吸引。

    Evil has charisma . Though people are repulsed by it , they also are drawn to its power .

  22. “这一定会很有趣,”他对亚历克斯说,眼神里几乎透出一丝邪恶的光芒。

    ' This ought to be fun , ' he told Alex , eyes gleaming with an almost unholy relish

  23. 我固然是有偏见的,但那是我所见到的最残忍、最邪恶的人。

    No doubt I 'm biased , but it was the most cruel , evil human face I ever set eyes on

  24. 邪恶的皇后密谋毒死小公主。

    The evil queen schemed to kill the little princess with poison .

  25. 我们决不会向邪恶势力低头。

    We will never surrender to evil .

  26. 他是个邪恶的人。

    He is an evil man .

  27. 像克罗伊斯一样富有,可又像地狱里的撒旦一样邪恶。

    Rich as Croesus and wicked as the black man below .

  28. 在此之前,邪恶轴心继续地吓唬着我们。

    Until then , the axis of evil continues to terrorise us .

  29. 他善良的一面经常和邪恶的一面发生矛盾。

    The good in him was a constant variance with the bad .

  30. 爱钱是邪恶的根源。

    Love of money is the root of all evil .