
tuán tuán
  • Tuan Tuan;around;round;round and round of;round and round;all round;whole;everywhere;clustering;circular;ball;fat;round moon
团团 [tuán tuán]
  • (1) [round;circular;round and round of]∶圆圆的样子

  • 团团似明月

  • (2) [fat]∶引申为肥胖

  • 面团团

  • (3) [round moon]∶圆月

  • 长风送荡漾,浩露洗团团。--宋. 孔平仲《月夜》

  • (4) [clustering]∶簇聚的样子

  • 树碧团团

  • (5) [rounding;around]∶围绕、旋转的样子

  • 团团一遭土墙

  • (6) [whole;everywhere]∶全部;到处

  • 团团寻踪迹

  • (7) [ball]∶球状物

  • 捏成团团

团团[tuán tuán]
  1. 纠结于心,团团成疾。

    Entanglements in heart , round and round into a disease .

  2. 真的忙得团团转,一点私人空间都没有。

    Really busy round and round , a little private space at all .

  3. 那位女演员在机场被记者团团围住。

    The actress was besieged by reporters at the airport .

  4. 从化工厂熊熊烈火中泄漏出团团有毒气体。

    Clouds of toxic fumes escaped in a huge chemical factory blaze .

  5. 他被一群记者团团围住。

    He was engulfed by a crowd of reporters .

  6. 我们这个办公室里大家总是忙得团团转。

    We 're all in a state of perpetual motion in this office .

  7. 火山把团团热气和灰尘喷向高空。

    The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air .

  8. 上午十时左右,团团浓雾将散去。

    Patches of fog will clear by mid-morning .

  9. 他被暗中守候他的记者团团围住。

    He was surrounded by reporters who had been lying in wait for him .

  10. 她在厨房里忙得团团转。

    She bustled around in the kitchen .

  11. 她拖着脚走路,带起一团团灰。

    She shuffled along , kicking up clouds of dust .

  12. 我们被骗得团团转,我可不喜欢这样。

    We 're being jerked around , and I don 't like it .

  13. 一组服务生开始围着桌子团团转。

    A team of waiters began fussing around the table

  14. 蒸汽机车喷出一团团白烟。

    Steam locomotives pumped out clouds of white smoke .

  15. 他被人们团团围住,个个都要他把注意力放在自己身上。

    He was surrounded by people , all with claims on his attention .

  16. 在他凌乱的百老汇办公室里,他被堆成山的文件团团包围。

    He is walled in by a mountain of papers in his cluttered Broadway office .

  17. 她的车被媒体团团围住了。

    Her car was mobbed by the media

  18. 我母亲在厨房忙得团团转。

    My mother bustled around the kitchen

  19. 她总是在家里忙得团团转。

    She is always bustling round the house .

  20. 吉普车已被那些卡车团团围住了。

    The jeep has been blocked in by all those lorries .

  21. 早上她总是忙得团团转。

    She is as busy as a bee in the morning .

  22. 几个恶棍逐渐将他团团围住时,警察到了。

    The police arrived as the hoodlums closed in on him .

  23. 天上几乎已是一片乌黑,布满了一团团怕人的浓浓的积雨云。

    It was almost black , dotted with ugly leaden rain clouds .

  24. 这所小房子被高大的办公楼团团围住。

    The small house was fenced in by high hall .

  25. 学生们把老师团团围住提出问题和请求。

    The pupils besieged their teacher with questions and requests .

  26. 团团乌云渐近,天色随即转暗。

    The sky blackened as the rain clouds approached .

  27. 士兵们虽拼死而战,敌人还是从四面八方把他们团团围住。

    The soldiers fought desperately , but the enemy closed in from all sides .

  28. 人们团团簇簇地跑去看足球比赛。

    People flocked to the football match .

  29. 他毫无办法,只好像白痴似地呆在自己的座位上,眼看着可怕的团团黑烟直往上喷,要弄死他。

    There was nothing he could do but sit there like an idiot and watch the ugly black puffs smashing up to kill him .

  30. 史蒂夫到了,坐在前排,被家人团团围住。

    Steve arrived and sat in the front row , surrounded by his family .