
  • 网络mannerism;Mannerist
  1. 同时糅合意大利早期的集中性构图与手法主义自由运动的因素,最终发展出了一种既现实又庄重的绘画风格。

    At the same time the concentration of the early Italian blend composition and the way the free movement of factors of doctrine , and ultimately developed a realistic and serious style of painting .

  2. 意识流手法在现代主义小说中得以广泛运用,但在舞台上的运用却需要技巧和勇气。

    Stream-of-consciousness has been widely adopted in modernist fiction , but its application to the stage demands both courage and skills .

  3. 在现代戏剧基本观念的影响下,袁牧之戏剧体现出启蒙的性质,主要表现为创作手法的现实主义主流,内容平民化,主题反帝反封建,学术研究科学严谨等方面。

    Guided by modern drama theories , his plays are moralizing in nature , which is characteristic of realism , plebification in contents , and anti-feudalism in themes , and rigorousness in style .

  4. 昙花一现的新闻写作手法&新新闻主义

    On the Transitory News Writing Style & New Journalism

  5. 该章选取了叶芝最具代表性的诗歌作品进行分析,解读贯穿叶芝诗歌创作中,以象征主义为手法,以神秘主义为创作内容及贯穿始终的贵族主义。

    The most representative poetry of Yeats were selected in this chapter . In Yeats ' poetry , it contains symbolism , mysticism and aristocracy .

  6. 本文通过对《欲望号街车》中的创作风格、舞台艺术和语言艺术的探讨,充分地论述了本剧中剧作家所运用的独特艺术手法“诗化现实主义”。

    This paper analyses the writing style , stage techniques , and poetic language of the drama , which produces a heightening of reality : what Williams called " Poetic Realism " .

  7. 朦胧诗虽然在艺术表现手法上大量采用象征、变形、自由联想等手法,具有现代主义诗歌的特点,但理想与关怀依然是其主要的价值取向;

    The misty poetry can be called modernist poetry , which is characterized by numerous symbolization , deformation and free connection in the technique of expression , but ideal and concern are still their main value .